1~@1@~@@~@In the book of 1 Corinthians, Paul says that the@~@preaching of Christ crucified is a stumbling block@~@to the Jews. What is it to the Gentiles ?@~@a sweet aroma@~@foolishness@~@good news@~@righteousness@~@b@~@1 Corinthians 1:23@~@@
2~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse from the book of James :@~@Don't grumble against each other, brothers,@~@or you will be judged. The Judge is ...@~@coming some day !@~@not merciful !@~@standing right at the door !@~@listening !@~@c@~@James 5:9@~@@
3~@3@~@@~@When the apostle Paul was shipwrecked, he landed on@~@an island. What was the name of this island ?@~@@~@Cyprus@~@Malta@~@Crete@~@Clauda@~@b@~@Acts 28:1@~@@
4~@1@~@@~@When Jesus healed the two blind men, He@~@told them not to tell anyone. What did@~@they do ?@~@they told the whole region@~@they told no one@~@they told the Pharisees@~@they told the people living near their homes@~@a@~@Matt 9:31@~@@
5~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the flying scroll,@~@what did the scroll represent ?@~@@~@a blessing@~@a curse@~@a plague of locusts@~@a war@~@b@~@Zechariah 5:3@~@@
6~@2@~@@~@What attacked Samson as he walked along the road@~@to Timnah on his way to get a wife ?@~@@~@a young lion@~@a female bear@~@a wild ox@~@a fallen angel@~@a@~@Judges 14:5@~@@
7~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in 1 Timothy : The law is@~@good if one uses it properly. We also know that@~@law is made not for the righteous, but for the ...@~@Gentiles@~@lawless and rebellious@~@Jews@~@uncircumcised@~@b@~@1 Timothy 1:9@~@@
8~@2@~@@~@Saul was from the smallest tribe in Israel@~@when he became king. What was this tribe ?@~@@~@Dan@~@Judah@~@Benjamin@~@Asher@~@c@~@1 Samuel 9:21@~@@
9~@3@~@In the book of Joel,@~@What does the Lord say He will do to the moon before@~@the great and dreadful day of the Lord ?@~@@~@it will shine full@~@it will be removed@~@it will fall to the earth@~@it will be turned to blood@~@d@~@Joel 2:31@~@@
10~@1@~@@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Psalm 18 :@~@He makes my feet like _________,@~@and sets me upon my high places.@~@iron spikes@~@hind's feet@~@goat's feet@~@eagle claws@~@b@~@Psalm 18:33@~@@
11~@3@~@@~@When Satan began to afflict Job,@~@what happened to Job's camels ?@~@@~@a flood washed them all away@~@they were stolen@~@a plague killed them all@~@the earth opened and swallowed them@~@b@~@Job 1:17@~@@
12~@2@~@@~@When Jacob's son Joseph was ruling Egypt,@~@there were seven years of abundant grain@~@harvest. How many years of famine followed ?@~@10 years@~@7 years@~@3 years@~@1 year@~@b@~@Gen 41:54@~@@
13~@2@~@@~@In the last chapter of Daniel, what did the one who@~@was speaking to Daniel tell Daniel to do with the@~@book of the prophecies ?@~@read it to the Jews@~@eat it@~@seal it up until the end@~@read it to Darius@~@c@~@Daniel 12:4@~@@
14~@1@~@@~@What did David do to Goliath after he killed him ?@~@@~@@~@danced around him@~@cut off his head@~@buried him@~@took his armor@~@b@~@1 Samuel 17:51@~@@
15~@3@~@@~@Where is the Devil kept in the next age@~@to keep him from deceiving the nations ?@~@@~@outer darkness@~@bottom of ocean@~@the abyss@~@hell@~@c@~@Rev 20:3@~@@
16~@2@~@@~@What was Jonah doing when the Lord brought a@~@storm against the ship he was fleeing in ?@~@@~@praying@~@eating@~@hiding@~@sleeping@~@d@~@Jonah 1:5@~@@
17~@1@~@@~@Why did Herod want to find the@~@baby Jesus ?@~@@~@to offer Him gifts@~@to adopt Him as his son@~@to kill Him@~@to worship Him@~@c@~@Matt 2:13@~@@
18~@3@~@@~@God punished King David for his great sin with@~@Bathsheba by never letting the sword depart from@~@his family. How else did God punish David ?@~@David became weak in battle@~@Bathsheba became barren@~@Bathsheba became ill and died@~@Bathsheba's son died@~@d@~@2 Samuel 12:14@~@@
19~@3@~@@~@How many priests from Nob did Saul@~@have killed for helping David ?@~@@~@3@~@12@~@50@~@85@~@d@~@1 Samuel 22:18@~@@
20~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@what is the power of sin ?@~@@~@hell@~@the law@~@guilt@~@fear@~@b@~@1 Corinthians 15:56@~@@
20~@2@~@@~@In Ephesians, we are told to put on the whole armor@~@of God. What kind of sword do we take up ?@~@@~@sword of the Spirit@~@sword of righteousness@~@sword of salvation@~@sword of faith@~@a@~@Ephesians 6:17@~@@
21~@2@~@@~@What Jewish feast was occurring at the@~@time of the crucifixion ?@~@@~@Tabernacles@~@unleavened bread@~@trumpets@~@new year@~@b@~@Matt 26:17@~@@
22~@3@~@@~@Which of the seven churches of Revelation@~@were persecuted and most likely wiped out@~@as martyrs ?@~@Thyatira@~@Philadelphia@~@Sardis@~@Smyrna@~@d@~@Rev 2:10@~@@
23~@2@~@@~@What year did Israel become a@~@nation once again ?@~@@~@1948@~@1947@~@1951@~@1958@~@a@~@History@~@@
24~@3@~@@~@Who wanted to kill all of the@~@Jews in Babylon as described@~@in the book of Esther ?@~@Xerxes@~@Mordecai@~@Haman@~@Tobiah@~@c@~@Esther 3:6@~@@
25~@2@~@@~@What did all the people of Israel@~@carry about with them in early 1991 ?@~@@~@machine guns@~@hand grenades@~@gas masks@~@mine detectors@~@c@~@History@~@@
25~@1@~@@~@When men put new wine into old wineskins,@~@what happens ?@~@@~@the wine sours@~@the wine does not ferment@~@the wine is preserved@~@the old wineskin breaks@~@d@~@Matthew 9:17@~@@
25~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Esther ?@~@@~@@~@Psalms@~@Job@~@Nehemiah@~@Ezra@~@b@~@The Bible@~@@
25~@3@~@@~@In Daniel's vision of the four beasts coming up@~@out of the sea, what was the second beast like ?@~@@~@eagle@~@lion@~@bear@~@leopard@~@c@~@Daniel 7:5@~@@
25~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God create the sun ?@~@@~@@~@day one@~@day two@~@day three@~@day four@~@d@~@Genesis 1:16@~@@
25~@3@~@@~@In 1897, Theodor Herzl cried out, "There is a land@~@without a people! There is a people without a land!@~@What is Herzl the father of ?@~@Palestine Liberation Organization@~@Messianism@~@Judaism@~@Zionism@~@d@~@History@~@@
25~@3@~@@~@How old was Noah when the flood came upon the earth ?@~@@~@@~@100 years old@~@200 years old@~@400 years old@~@600 years old@~@d@~@Genesis 7:6@~@@
25~@1@~@Complete this verse in the first chapter of Isaiah :@~@Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord.@~@Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be ...@~@@~@cast into the pit@~@white as snow@~@removed in one day@~@white as ivory@~@b@~@Isaiah 1:18@~@@
26~@3@~@@~@In Joel chapter 2, what goes before the great army ?@~@@~@@~@chariots@~@horses@~@fire@~@locusts@~@c@~@Joel 2:3@~@@
27~@2@~@@~@According to Romans 12, verse 1,@~@what are we to do with our bodies ?@~@@~@cleanse them from all unrighteousness@~@beat them into submission@~@offer them as living sacrifices@~@overcome the sin in them@~@c@~@Romans 12:1@~@@
27~@3@~@@~@The Lord says in Joel that He will pour out His Spirit@~@on all mankind and your sons and daughters will ...@~@@~@prophesy@~@dream dreams@~@see visions@~@sing a new song@~@a@~@Joel 2:28@~@@
28~@2@~@@~@What town was King David from ?@~@@~@@~@Jerusalem@~@Nazareth@~@Bethlehem@~@Bethel@~@c@~@1 Samuel 16:1@~@@
29~@1@~@@~@What was the thorn in the flesh that was given to the@~@Apostle Paul to keep him from exalting himself ?@~@@~@a job making tents@~@a snake bite that wouldn't heal@~@a messenger of Satan@~@a wife@~@c@~@2 Corinthians 12:7@~@@
30~@3@~@@~@The church in Colossae that Paul wrote one@~@letter to was in what present day country ?@~@@~@Turkey@~@Syria@~@Italy@~@Greece@~@a@~@Geography@~@@
30~@1@~@@~@When Jesus was in the wilderness,@~@what was the first thing Satan@~@tempted Him to do ?@~@turn a stone into a loaf of bread@~@turn water into wine@~@fall from a high place@~@worship him@~@a@~@Luke 4:4@~@@
31~@1@~@@~@How many times did the sons of Israel march@~@around the city of Jericho on the seventh day ?@~@@~@three@~@five@~@seven@~@twelve@~@c@~@Joshua 6:4@~@@
32~@2@~@@~@Why did Potiphar have Joseph put@~@in prison ?@~@@~@he was jealous@~@Joseph stole his wife@~@Potiphar's wife lied about Joseph@~@he found out Joseph was a Hebrew@~@c@~@Gen 39:12-20@~@@
33~@2@~@@~@What bowed down to Joseph in his@~@second dream ?@~@@~@the cattle@~@his brothers' sheaves@~@sun, moon, and stars@~@the king of Israel@~@c@~@Gen 37:9@~@@
34~@3@~@In the book of Judges, the Lord raised up Jephthah,@~@the Gileadite, to deliver Israel. Why did the@~@brothers of Jephthah drive him away from home when@~@Jephthah was young ?@~@he was the son of a harlot@~@he was a different color than his brothers@~@he was favored more by his father@~@he was a stronger warrior than his brothers@~@a@~@Judges 11:1@~@@
35~@3@~@When Elisha and the other prophets were down at the@~@Jordan cutting trees, an iron axe head fell into the@~@water. What did Elisha throw into the water to make@~@the iron axe head float ?@~@a small rock@~@a piece of bread@~@a piece of his garment@~@a stick@~@d@~@2 Kings 6:6@~@@
36~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John, if we say that we have@~@fellowship with Him and yet walk in the@~@darkness, we ...@~@lie@~@are not saved@~@are lukewarm@~@are lost forever@~@a@~@1 John 1:6@~@@
37~@2@~@When Jacob had his dream of the stairway@~@with angels ascending and descending,@~@what was he using as a pillow ?@~@@~@his robe@~@a stone@~@a log@~@his scroll@~@b@~@Gen 28:11@~@@
38~@2@~@@~@How many elders surround the@~@throne in John's revelation ?@~@@~@1000@~@24@~@7@~@144,000@~@b@~@Rev 4:4@~@@
39~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the golden lampstand, what@~@did the mountain that stood before Zerubbabel become ?@~@@~@a higher mountain@~@level ground@~@a valley@~@a sea@~@b@~@Zech 4:7@~@@
40~@3@~@@~@When the Jews returned from Babylon to rebuild the@~@temple, what was the first thing they did as one man ?@~@@~@laid the temple foundation@~@killed all the aliens@~@built an altar@~@fasted seven days@~@c@~@Ezra 3:2@~@@
41~@3@~@According to the book of Titus,@~@we are to have nothing to do with a man who@~@continues to cause divisions after he has@~@been warned. How many warnings does he get ?@~@one@~@two@~@three@~@four@~@b@~@Titus 3:10@~@@
42~@2@~@The book of Jude was written to defend the faith@~@against certain men who had crept in unnoticed.@~@These men denied the Lord Jesus Christ. How does Jude@~@describe these men with regard to the love feasts ?@~@they are blemishes@~@they are stubble@~@they are flowers@~@they are rocks@~@a@~@Jude 1:12@~@@
43~@1@~@@~@In Philippians, Paul asks the saints to work out@~@their salvation with ...@~@@~@honesty and compassion@~@good and faithful works@~@fear and trembling@~@much endurance@~@c@~@Philippians 2:12@~@@
44~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel's vision of the new temple, who were to@~@minister to the Lord in the sanctuary ?@~@@~@sons of Levi@~@sons of Judah@~@sons of David@~@sons of Zadok@~@d@~@Ezekiel 44:15@~@@
45~@2@~@@~@In Daniel's vision of the four beasts that came up out@~@of the sea, what came up from among the ten horns on@~@the fourth beast ?@~@another mouth@~@another horn@~@another head@~@another beast@~@b@~@Daniel 7:8@~@@
46~@2@~@@~@According to James chapter 2,@~@what triumphs over judgment ?@~@@~@good works@~@mercy@~@sinlessness@~@the law@~@b@~@James 2:13@~@@
47~@1@~@@~@Who was the son of Sarah and@~@Abraham conceived by faith ?@~@@~@Jacob@~@John the Baptist@~@Isaac@~@Joseph@~@c@~@Genesis 21:3@~@@
48~@3@~@@~@After the sons of Israel took Jericho, they went up@~@to the city of Ai. The sons of Israel were defeated@~@at Ai. Why ?@~@Joshua sinned@~@Moses sinned@~@Aaron sinned@~@Achan sinned@~@d@~@Joshua 7:1@~@@
49~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@The last enemy to be destroyed is ...@~@@~@the devil@~@unbelief@~@sin@~@death@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 15:26@~@@
50~@1@~@@~@Just before God removed Adam and Eve from@~@the garden, what did He make for them ?@~@@~@weapons to defend themselves@~@a basket of fruit for the journey@~@animal skins for clothing@~@sandals for their feet@~@c@~@Genesis 3:21@~@@
50~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in Proverbs :@~@Pride goes before destruction,@~@and a haughty spirit before ...@~@deception@~@treachery@~@death@~@a fall@~@d@~@Proverbs 16:18@~@@
50~@2@~@@~@Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for@~@the first heaven and the first earth had passed@~@away, and there was no longer any ...@~@mountains@~@rivers@~@sea@~@desert@~@c@~@Rev 21:1@~@@
50~@3@~@@~@What is the ninth of the ten commandments ?@~@@~@@~@Thou shalt not covet@~@Thou shalt not steal@~@Thou shalt not bear false witness@~@Thou shalt not kill@~@c@~@Exodus 20:16@~@@
50~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Jude ?@~@@~@@~@First John@~@Revelation@~@First Peter@~@James@~@b@~@The Bible@~@@
51~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the talents,@~@what did the man who had received one talent do ?@~@@~@traded his talent for food@~@traded his talent and gained two more@~@hid his talent in the ground@~@traded his talent and lost it@~@c@~@Matthew 25:18@~@@
51~@2@~@In the book of Galatians, Paul tells the Galatians@~@that he opposed someone to his face because he quit@~@eating with the Gentiles when the Jews came around.@~@Who did Paul oppose to his face ?@~@Barnabas@~@John@~@Luke@~@Peter@~@d@~@Galatians 2:12@~@@
52~@3@~@@~@During the time of Elisha the prophet, Ben-hadad,@~@king of Aram, besieged Samaria. The famine in Samaria@~@was so great that a woman boiled what to eat ?@~@her son@~@a donkey's head@~@scorpions@~@locusts@~@a@~@2 Kings 6:28@~@@
53~@2@~@@~@Jude, the bondservant of Jesus Christ,@~@is the brother of whom ?@~@@~@James@~@John@~@Peter@~@Paul@~@a@~@Jude 1:1@~@@
53~@3@~@@~@In the last verse of the book of Haggai, the Lord@~@tells Zerubbabel that He has chosen him and that@~@the Lord will make Zerubbabel like a ...@~@pillar in the temple@~@king of the earth@~@rock which cannot be moved@~@signet ring@~@d@~@Haggai 2:23@~@@
54~@3@~@@~@After Joshua and all Israel took the cities of Jericho@~@and Ai, the men of Gibeon knew they were next.@~@What did they do ?@~@fortified their city for battle@~@retreated to the hill country@~@made a covenant with Israel@~@went out to meet Israel for battle@~@c@~@Joshua 9:15@~@@
55~@3@~@@~@According to Second Thessalonians, how does the@~@Lord slay the antichrist ?@~@@~@with His sword@~@with His army@~@with the fire in His eyes@~@with the breath of His mouth@~@d@~@2 Thessalonians 2:8@~@@
56~@3@~@@~@How many lamps were made on the@~@lampstand that went into the Holy@~@Place of the tabernacle ?@~@three@~@seven@~@twelve@~@twenty four@~@b@~@Exodus 25:37@~@@
57~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in Romans chapter 8 :@~@The Spirit Himself bears witness with@~@our spirit that we are ...@~@servants of God@~@children of God@~@slaves of God@~@chosen of God@~@b@~@Romans 8:16@~@@
57~@2@~@@~@According to Leviticus, when one reaps the harvest of@~@his land, he is not to reap to the very edges of the@~@field. Why ?@~@save some for the poor@~@save some for seed@~@save some for an offering@~@save some for the beasts of the field@~@a@~@Leviticus 19:9@~@@
58~@2@~@@~@Where did Jesus send the demons that were@~@in the two men who were on the other side of@~@the lake in the region of the Gadarenes ?@~@into the mountains@~@into hell@~@into a herd of pigs@~@into the graveyard@~@c@~@Matt 8:32@~@@
59~@1@~@@~@What description did Jesus use to@~@describe those He said were "His@~@brother, and sister and mother" ?@~@those who were His disciples@~@whoever does the will of God@~@whoever preaches the gospel@~@everyone who is a Jew@~@b@~@Mark 3:35@~@@
60~@3@~@In the book of Daniel,@~@when king Nebuchadnezzar questioned his magicians and@~@the four Hebrew boys, how many more times intelligent@~@were the Hebrews over the others ?@~@two times@~@three times@~@five times@~@ten times@~@d@~@Daniel 1:20@~@@
61~@2@~@@~@When Elijah was taken up into heaven,@~@what did Elisha pick up that had fallen@~@from Elijah ?@~@his sandals@~@his turban@~@his belt@~@his cloak@~@d@~@2 Kings 2:13@~@@
62~@3@~@@~@According to Daniel chapter 11, a king will come@~@who will magnify himself above all other gods and@~@honor a god of ...@~@his fathers@~@fortresses@~@riches@~@women@~@b@~@Daniel 11:38@~@@
63~@2@~@@~@What color is the first of the@~@four horses shown in Revelation 6 ?@~@@~@red@~@pale@~@black@~@white@~@d@~@Rev 6:2@~@@
64~@1@~@@~@What does 1 Peter chapter 1 say@~@is more precious than gold ?@~@@~@our faith@~@our work@~@our life@~@our body@~@a@~@1 Peter 1:7@~@@
65~@3@~@@~@After the five kings of the Amorites were defeated@~@by Joshua and Israel at Gibeon, what did Joshua@~@do to these five kings ?@~@hung them on five trees@~@stoned them with stones from Gibeon@~@made them slaves of Israel@~@commanded fire to fall and consume them@~@a@~@Joshua 10:26@~@@
66~@2@~@@~@According to 2 Peter, in the last days@~@mockers will come. What will the mockers say ?@~@@~@why does God not stop the wars ?@~@if there is a God, let him show himself !@~@why does God not stop the famine ?@~@where is the promise of His coming ?@~@d@~@2 Peter 3:4@~@@
67~@2@~@@~@In the tabernacle, what was placed on the@~@golden table which was in the Holy Place ?@~@@~@incense@~@anointing oil@~@the sin offering@~@the bread of the Presence@~@d@~@Exodus 25:30@~@@
68~@2@~@@~@In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the@~@month, at twilight, is a holy day to the Lord.@~@What is it ?@~@Passover@~@Pentecost@~@Trumpets@~@Tabernacles@~@a@~@Leviticus 23:5@~@@
69~@1@~@@~@What city did the Lord ask Jonah to go speak to ?@~@@~@@~@Jerusalem@~@Babylon@~@Nineveh@~@Damascus@~@c@~@Jonah 1:2@~@@
70~@2@~@@~@Moses' parents both came from what tribe ?@~@@~@@~@Levi@~@Judah@~@Dan@~@Asher@~@a@~@Exodus 2:1@~@@
71~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in the book of Romans :@~@Now if I do what I do not want to do,@~@it is no longer I who do it, but ...@~@I still cannot stop doing it@~@it is my heart that does it@~@it is sin living in me that does it@~@I still must suffer for it@~@c@~@Romans 7:20@~@@
71~@1@~@@~@When John the Baptist was in prison, what@~@question did he send Jesus ?@~@@~@why am I in prison ?@~@when will I get out ?@~@are you the One ?@~@why don't your disciples fast ?@~@c@~@Matt 11:3@~@@
72~@2@~@@~@During the tribulation, when locusts@~@are released on the earth, what do@~@men seek, but is denied them ?@~@caves@~@God@~@death@~@magic@~@c@~@Rev 9:6@~@@
73~@3@~@@~@What is the third of the ten commandments ?@~@@~@@~@Thou shalt have no other gods before me@~@Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain@~@Honor thy father and thy mother@~@Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy@~@b@~@Exodus 20:7@~@@
73~@2@~@According to Leviticus, at certain times, two male@~@goats were brought before Aaron and he cast lots for@~@them. One was sacrificed to the Lord as a sin offering.@~@What was done to the other goat, called the scapegoat ?@~@it was killed outside the city@~@it was led out into the wilderness@~@it was returned to its owner@~@it was given to the poor@~@b@~@Leviticus 16:10@~@@
74~@1@~@@~@Who wrote the book of Second Timothy ?@~@@~@@~@Timothy@~@Peter@~@John@~@Paul@~@d@~@2 Timothy 1:1@~@@
75~@1@~@@~@In the Sermon on the Mount,@~@what is promised to the merciful ?@~@@~@they will see God@~@they will be called the sons of God@~@they will obtain mercy@~@they will be filled@~@c@~@Matthew 5:7@~@@
75~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Philippians ?@~@@~@@~@Romans@~@Ephesians@~@Colossians@~@Galatians@~@c@~@The Bible@~@@
75~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, who became the first sinner ?@~@@~@@~@Adam@~@Eve@~@Cain@~@Abel@~@b@~@1 Timothy 2:14@~@@
75~@1@~@@~@When man said, "This is now bone of my bones@~@and flesh of my flesh", who was he speaking of ?@~@@~@the Lord@~@the soul of man@~@the one new man@~@the woman@~@d@~@Genesis 2:23@~@@
75~@3@~@@~@In the book of Haggai, who is Haggai's@~@word from the Lord addressed to ?@~@@~@Darius@~@Daniel@~@Nebuchadnezzar@~@Zerubbabel@~@d@~@Haggai 1:1@~@@
76~@2@~@@~@What did the Lord appoint Ezekiel to be with respect@~@to the house of Israel ?@~@@~@judge@~@prophet@~@warrior@~@watchman@~@d@~@Ezekiel 3:17@~@@
77~@2@~@According to 1 Corinthians, God has appointed in the@~@church first apostles, second prophets, third@~@teachers, then ________, then gifts of healing,@~@helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.@~@evangelists@~@pastors@~@elders@~@miracles@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 12:28@~@@
77~@2@~@@~@When David was bringing the ark back to Jerusalem on@~@a cart, the oxen stumbled and Uzzah grabbed the ark@~@to keep it from falling. What happened to Uzzah ?@~@God killed him@~@the ark crushed him@~@David made him a priest@~@God blessed him@~@a@~@2 Samuel 6:7@~@@
78~@2@~@@~@How did Jacob's sons get rid of@~@their brother Joseph ?@~@@~@they killed him@~@they sold him@~@they left him in the cistern@~@they got him lost@~@b@~@Gen 37:28@~@@
79~@2@~@@~@What did Jacob name the place where@~@he had his famous dream about the ladder ?@~@@~@Bethel@~@Paddan Aram@~@Hebron@~@Shechem@~@a@~@Gen 28:19@~@@
80~@3@~@@~@According to Psalm 90,@~@a thousand years in Thy sight is like ...@~@@~@the blink of an eye@~@a watch in the night@~@a mist in the night@~@the dawn of day@~@b@~@Psalm 90:4@~@@
81~@3@~@In the book of Job, when the angels came to present@~@themselves before the Lord, Satan came also among@~@them. The Lord asked Satan where he had just come@~@from. What did Satan answer ?@~@from the abyss@~@from flying above the earth@~@from roaming about on the earth@~@from the clouds of heaven@~@c@~@Job 1:7@~@@
82~@1@~@@~@According to the book of Romans,@~@when you judge another, you ...@~@@~@expose the truth@~@rightly do so@~@stir them to repentance@~@condemn yourself@~@d@~@Romans 2:1@~@@
83~@2@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from 1 Timothy :@~@He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit,@~@was seen by ______, was preached among the nations,@~@was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.@~@everyone@~@man@~@angels@~@Paul@~@c@~@1 Timothy 3:16@~@@
84~@3@~@@~@When Paul went to Cyprus to preach the word of God,@~@a magician named Elymas opposed him. What did the@~@Lord do to this magician ?@~@blinded him@~@killed him@~@made him lame@~@made him insane@~@a@~@Acts 13:11@~@@
85~@3@~@@~@What was engraved on the ephod the@~@priests wore in the tabernacle ?@~@@~@the ten commandments@~@the name of God@~@the names of the 12 sons of Israel@~@the priestly blessings@~@c@~@Exodus 28:9@~@@
86~@2@~@@~@After the Lord Jesus ascended into heaven,@~@the apostles went to a meeting place.@~@What was this meeting place ?@~@the sea of Galilee@~@the upper room@~@Peter's house@~@the temple@~@b@~@Acts 1:13@~@@
87~@2@~@@~@After Paul had been stoned and dragged out of@~@the city of Lycaonia for preaching the word of God,@~@what happened to him ?@~@he was buried in Rome@~@he was buried in Lystra@~@he slowly recovered in Lystra@~@he stood up and entered Lystra@~@d@~@Acts 14:20@~@@
88~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel's prophecy against Gog, several nations@~@are allies of Gog including Persia, Ethiopia,@~@and ...@~@Libya (Put)@~@Babylon@~@Rome@~@Egypt@~@a@~@Ezekiel 38:5@~@@
89~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John,@~@anyone who hates his brother is ...@~@@~@a liar@~@an antichrist@~@a murderer@~@in idolatry@~@c@~@1 John 3:15@~@@
90~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John, we know that when He@~@appears, we shall be like Him, because ...@~@@~@we have turned from our idols@~@we have perfected ourselves@~@we will have been raptured@~@we shall see Him just as He is@~@d@~@1 John 3:2@~@@
91~@3@~@@~@According to Leviticus, a beast of the field must@~@meet two requirements to be clean to eat. It must@~@have divided hooves and it must ...@~@not be blemished@~@not have any young@~@chew the cud@~@be a male@~@c@~@Leviticus 11:3@~@@
92~@2@~@@~@After King David got Bathsheba, Uriah's wife,@~@pregnant, David murdered Uriah.@~@How did David kill Uriah ?@~@he slew Uriah with his sword@~@he had Uriah abandoned in battle@~@he shot Uriah with an arrow@~@he had Joab kill Uriah@~@b@~@2 Samuel 11:15@~@@
94~@1@~@@~@What mountain was the ten@~@commandments given on ?@~@@~@Mt. Tabor@~@Mt. of Olives@~@Mt. Hermon@~@Mt. Sinai@~@d@~@Exodus 19:20@~@@
95~@2@~@@~@Where did Joseph and Mary take Jesus@~@to escape from Herod after Jesus was@~@born ?@~@Jerusalem@~@Egypt@~@Nazareth@~@Greece@~@b@~@Matt 2:13@~@@
96~@1@~@@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Romans :@~@How beautiful are the _______ of@~@those who bring good news.@~@lips@~@faces@~@feet@~@spirits@~@c@~@Romans 10:15@~@@
97~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Peter, what are we supposed to@~@be like as we long for the pure milk of the word ?@~@@~@newborn babies@~@little children@~@carnal men@~@spiritual men@~@a@~@1 Peter 2:2@~@@
98~@2@~@@~@What did Moses throw into the bitter@~@water to make it sweet ?@~@@~@a piece of wood@~@blood from a lamb@~@an ax head@~@an Egyptian idol@~@a@~@Exodus 15:25@~@@
99~@3@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what was promised@~@to the overcomers in the church of Thyatira ?@~@@~@they would be given authority over the nations@~@they would eat some of the hidden manna@~@they would be made pillars in the temple@~@they would sit with Jesus on the throne@~@a@~@Revelation 2:26@~@@
100~@3@~@@~@In the book of Amos, the Lord shows Amos@~@a basket of ripe fruit. What does the Lord@~@say the basket of ripe fruit means ?@~@the time is ripe for Israel's judgment@~@the time for plentiful harvest is here@~@the time for celebration has come@~@the time is ripe to destroy the enemy@~@a@~@Amos 8:2@~@@
100~@3@~@@~@What does Bethel mean ?@~@@~@@~@Savior@~@Blessed of God@~@House of God@~@God with us@~@c@~@Hebrew dictionary@~@@
100~@3@~@@~@According to Proverbs chapter 20,@~@The splendor of young men is their strength.@~@What is the honor of old men ?@~@slowness of walk@~@gray hair@~@baldness@~@social security@~@b@~@Proverbs 20:29@~@@
100~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse in 1 Corinthians :@~@The Jews ask for signs and the Greeks search@~@for wisdom, but we preach ...@~@with signs and wisdom@~@first to the Jew and then to the Greek@~@against signs and wisdom@~@Christ crucified@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 1:23@~@@
100~@3@~@@~@What does the book of Genesis say the man Enoch did ?@~@@~@@~@he lived the longest of any man@~@he talked to angels@~@he killed his father@~@he walked with God@~@d@~@Genesis 5:24@~@@
100~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible means@~@"second law giving" ?@~@@~@Leviticus@~@Deuteronomy@~@Numbers@~@Habakkuk@~@b@~@Deuteronomy@~@@
101~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse in 1 John chapter 2 :@~@My dear children, I write this@~@to you so that you will ...@~@not grumble against each other@~@be happy@~@not sin@~@be sorrowful@~@c@~@1 John 2:1@~@@
102~@2@~@In Romans, Paul says that Israel pursued a law@~@of righteousness but did not arrive at that law@~@because they did not pursue it by faith but by@~@works. What does Paul say they stumbled over ?@~@the rock of calvary@~@the brazen altar@~@the Gentiles@~@the stumbling stone@~@d@~@Romans 9:32@~@@
102~@2@~@@~@When Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, why were his magicians@~@so upset with him when they were asked for the@~@interpretation ?@~@they were jealous of Daniel@~@they were not given enough time@~@he didn't tell them the dream itself@~@he lied to them about the dream@~@c@~@Daniel 2:5@~@@
103~@2@~@@~@Which plague resulted when Moses@~@tossed soot into the air ?@~@@~@flies or insects@~@boils@~@hail@~@locusts@~@b@~@Exodus 9:10@~@@
104~@2@~@@~@When David was fleeing from Saul, he went to@~@Ahimelech, the priest, and asked for some bread.@~@Where did the bread David was given come from ?@~@the priest baked five fresh loaves@~@the priest gave him the holy bread of the Presence@~@the priest stole bread from Saul's kitchen@~@a girl came by with a basket of bread@~@b@~@1 Samuel 21:6@~@@
105~@2@~@@~@After David killed Goliath and the men were@~@returning home, what did the women do ?@~@@~@they brought out gifts@~@they made a feast@~@they sang and danced@~@they hid themselves@~@c@~@1 Samuel 18:6@~@@
106~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the talents,@~@what did the Lord do with the one talent@~@that the servant had hid in the ground ?@~@he gave it back to the servant who had hid it@~@he gave it to the servant who had ten talents@~@he gave it to the servant who had five talents@~@he put it in the bank to receive interest@~@b@~@Matthew 25:28@~@@
106~@2@~@@~@How many cherubim were on top of the@~@ark that Moses made for the tabernacle ?@~@@~@one@~@two@~@seven@~@twelve@~@b@~@Exodus 25:18@~@@
107~@2@~@@~@What tribe supervised the rebuilding@~@of Zerubbabel's temple ?@~@@~@Dan@~@Levi@~@Issachar@~@Judah@~@b@~@Ezra 3:8@~@@
108~@2@~@@~@How many days did it rain during Noah's flood ?@~@@~@@~@20@~@30@~@40@~@70@~@c@~@Genesis 7:17@~@@
108~@2@~@@~@Fill in the blank from this verse in 1 John :@~@I write to you, __________, because you have@~@overcome the evil one.@~@dear children@~@young men@~@fathers@~@mothers@~@b@~@1 John 2:13@~@@
109~@3@~@@~@Who was King Saul's son ?@~@@~@@~@Eli@~@Solomon@~@David@~@Jonathan@~@d@~@1 Samuel 14:1@~@@
110~@3@~@@~@After the Babylonians captured Jerusalem,@~@what did they do to some of the poorest@~@people in Jerusalem ?@~@sent them to Egypt@~@made them slaves@~@gave them vineyards@~@killed them@~@c@~@Jeremiah 39:10@~@@
110~@2@~@@~@What was the first plague done in Egypt@~@by Moses and Aaron that Pharaoh's@~@magicians were unable to duplicate ?@~@frogs@~@snakes@~@gnats@~@rivers to blood@~@c@~@Exodus 8:18@~@@
112~@1@~@@~@How many times did Peter deny@~@Jesus before He was crucified ?@~@@~@twice@~@three times@~@seven times@~@once@~@b@~@Matt 26:34@~@@
113~@1@~@@~@In Revelation, what name was given to@~@the rider of the fourth horse whose@~@color was pale ?@~@war@~@famine@~@death@~@pestilence@~@c@~@Rev 6:8@~@@
114~@1@~@@~@What did Nebuchadnezzar change Daniel's name to ?@~@@~@@~@Shadrach@~@Azariah@~@Meshach@~@Belteshazzar@~@d@~@Daniel 1:7@~@@
115~@3@~@@~@What Jewish festival originated as a@~@result of the deliverance from Haman's@~@death wish, in the book of Esther ?@~@weeks@~@new moon@~@purim@~@trumpets@~@c@~@Esther 9:28@~@@
116~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the sower, what@~@did the seed represent that the@~@sower had gone out to sow ?@~@the word@~@a revelation@~@the law@~@dreams@~@a@~@Mark 4:14@~@@
117~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@the tongue is full of ...@~@@~@deadly poison@~@scorpions@~@serpents@~@the devil@~@a@~@James 3:8@~@@
118~@1@~@@~@In Revelation, what is the Holy City,@~@the New Jerusalem, prepared as ?@~@@~@a bride@~@a nation@~@a temple@~@a witness@~@a@~@Rev 21:2@~@@
119~@3@~@On Paul's third missionary journey, on his way@~@to Jerusalem, he stayed in Caesarea with Philip.@~@Now Philip had four virgin daughters who were...@~@@~@teachers@~@evangelists@~@shepherds@~@prophetesses@~@d@~@Acts 21:9@~@@
120~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of Joshua the high priest, two@~@people were standing before the angel of the Lord.@~@Joshua was one, who was the other ?@~@Satan@~@Zechariah@~@Moses@~@Gabriel@~@a@~@Zech 3:1@~@@
121~@3@~@@~@Jesus was asked, "What shall we do,@~@that we may work the works of God ?"@~@What was His reply ?@~@believe in Him whom He has sent@~@repent and be baptized@~@worship in Jerusalem@~@go and sin no more@~@a@~@John 6:29@~@@
122~@1@~@@~@How old was Jesus when He@~@began His ministry ?@~@@~@19 years old@~@23 years old@~@30 years old@~@12 years old@~@c@~@Luke 3:23@~@@
123~@2@~@The book of Jude was written to defend the faith@~@against certain men who had crept in unnoticed.@~@These men denied the Lord Jesus Christ. What way@~@does Jude say these men had gone ?@~@the way of Jezebel@~@the way of Cain@~@the way of Asherah@~@the way of Adam@~@b@~@Jude 1:11@~@@
124~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@The first man Adam became a living being.@~@Who became a life giving spirit ?@~@the last Adam@~@all of mankind@~@the third Adam@~@the second Adam@~@a@~@1 Corinthians 15:45@~@@
125~@2@~@@~@Which son did Jacob love the most ?@~@@~@@~@Reuben, the first born@~@Joseph@~@Levi@~@Judah@~@b@~@Gen 37:3@~@@
126~@3@~@@~@What unusual thing did Stephen see when he@~@was being martyred ?@~@@~@the heavens opened up@~@angels of the Lord@~@the sins of the people@~@the death of his accusers@~@a@~@Acts 7:56@~@@
127~@3@~@@~@In the book of Numbers, the Lord ordered that a census@~@be taken. The count consisted of every male who was@~@old enough to go to war. What was the age for war ?@~@18@~@19@~@20@~@21@~@c@~@Numbers 1:3@~@@
128~@2@~@@~@What region was Ruth from ?@~@@~@@~@Moab@~@Ammon@~@Gilead@~@Edom@~@a@~@Ruth 1:4@~@@
129~@3@~@@~@In whose house did Peter first preach the@~@gospel to the Gentiles ?@~@@~@John's@~@Cornelius'@~@Phillip's@~@Saul's@~@b@~@Acts 10:23@~@@
130~@3@~@@~@What great sin did Ezra have to deal with when@~@the remnant returned to rebuild the temple ?@~@@~@they had married foreign wives@~@some had stolen the temple offerings@~@they had not kept the Sabbath@~@idolatry@~@a@~@Ezra 9:1@~@@
131~@3@~@@~@In Revelation, at the seventh trumpet@~@blast, God's temple is opened.@~@What is seen inside ?@~@Jesus@~@Ark of the Convenant@~@Angels@~@tree of life@~@b@~@Rev 11:19@~@@
132~@2@~@Complete this last verse in the book of Judges:@~@In those days there was no king in Israel;@~@everyone did ...@~@@~@according to the law of Moses@~@what was right in the eyes of the Lord@~@according to the word of the prophets@~@what was right in his own eyes@~@d@~@Judges 21:25@~@@
133~@1@~@@~@When Solomon first became king of Israel, the Lord@~@visited him in a dream and asked Solomon what he@~@desired. What did Solomon ask for ?@~@long life for him and his family@~@the life of his enemies@~@wisdom and discernment@~@power to rule@~@c@~@1 Kings 3:9@~@@
134~@1@~@Complete this verse in 1 John : If we walk in the@~@light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship@~@with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His son,@~@purifies us ...@~@from ever sinning again@~@from most sin@~@for a time@~@from all sin@~@d@~@1 John 1:7@~@@
135~@3@~@@~@David's wife, Michal, despised David for dancing@~@when the ark was returned to Jerusalem.@~@How did God punish her ?@~@she became ill and died@~@she became a leper@~@she became blind@~@she had no children@~@d@~@2 Samuel 6:23@~@@
136~@3@~@@~@According to Leviticus, all winged insects that@~@walk on all fours are considered unclean to eat@~@except for those that ...@~@eat the fields@~@cannot fly@~@jump on the earth@~@have six legs@~@c@~@Leviticus 11:21@~@@
137~@1@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the Lord's return to Jerusalem,@~@what happens to the Mount of Olives ?@~@@~@it splits in two@~@it is cast into the sea@~@it becomes a plain@~@it is swallowed by the earth@~@a@~@Zech 14:4@~@@
138~@1@~@@~@While Mary, sister of Martha, sat at@~@Jesus' feet and worshipped Him, what@~@was Martha doing ?@~@feeding His apostles@~@taking care of the poor@~@complaining because Mary wouldn't help@~@washing clothes@~@c@~@Luke 10:39@~@@
139~@3@~@In Revelation,@~@after the seventh seal was opened,@~@to whom were given the seven trumpets ?@~@@~@seven witnesses@~@seven elders@~@seven angels@~@seven living creatures@~@c@~@Revelation 8:2@~@@
140~@1@~@When the king of Aram was warring against Israel, he@~@sent an army of chariots to capture Elisha. When@~@Elisha's servant saw the army he was afraid so Elisha@~@prayed that he might see. What did the servant see ?@~@a multitude of soldiers around Elisha@~@a deep ravine all around Elisha@~@chariots of fire around Elisha@~@a wall of fire around Elisha@~@c@~@1 Kings 6:17@~@@
141~@2@~@@~@How many of the disciples deserted@~@Jesus when he was arrested at Gethsemane ?@~@@~@just Peter@~@none of them@~@Peter and the two sons of Zebedee@~@all of them@~@d@~@Matt 26:56@~@@
142~@2@~@@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from 1 Timothy :@~@Now to the King eternal, immortal, _________,@~@the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever.@~@invincible@~@indestructible@~@unmovable@~@invisible@~@d@~@1 Timothy 1:17@~@@
143~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the ten virgins, when@~@did the bridegroom come ?@~@@~@sunrise@~@sunset@~@noon@~@midnight@~@d@~@Matt 25:6@~@@
144~@1@~@@~@When Elijah challenged the priests of Baal, both@~@Elijah and the priests of Baal put an ox on an altar.@~@What happened to Elijah's sacrifice ?@~@fire came down and consumed it@~@the earth opened up and swallowed it@~@a storm came and rained on it@~@nothing@~@a@~@1 Kings 18:38@~@@
145~@1@~@@~@How many sons did Jacob have ?@~@@~@@~@10@~@7@~@12@~@3@~@c@~@Gen 35:22@~@@
146~@2@~@@~@What Old Testament book contains this passage ?@~@He was pierced through for our transgressions.@~@He was crushed for our iniquities.@~@Jeremiah@~@Isaiah@~@Ezekiel@~@Lamentations@~@b@~@Isaiah 53:5@~@@
146~@3@~@@~@In the book of 2 Timothy, two men, Phygelus and@~@Hermogenes, are mentioned. What is said about them ?@~@@~@they deserted Paul@~@they were of great service to Paul@~@they abandoned the faith@~@they were imprisoned for the faith@~@a@~@2 Timothy 1:15@~@@
147~@3@~@@~@King Ahab did more evil in the sight of the Lord than@~@all the kings of Israel who were before him.@~@Who was King Ahab's wife ?@~@Ashtoreth@~@Rahab@~@Ester@~@Jezebel@~@d@~@1 Kings 16:31@~@@
148~@3@~@@~@The second time David spared Saul's life was in a camp@~@as Saul slept surrounded by his men. What did David@~@take to prove to Saul that he could have killed him ?@~@his sword and shield@~@his robe and belt@~@his spear and water jug@~@his helmet and shield@~@c@~@1 Samuel 26:12@~@@
149~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the woman in the basket,@~@what did the woman represent ?@~@@~@wickedness@~@justice@~@blessing@~@judgment@~@a@~@Zech 5:8@~@@
150~@2@~@@~@When Noah sent the dove out of the ark the@~@second time, what did she return with ?@~@@~@a fig@~@some wild berries@~@an olive leaf@~@a locust@~@c@~@Genesis 8:11@~@@
150~@2@~@@~@When Elisha and the other prophets were down at the@~@Jordan cutting trees, an iron axe head fell into the@~@water. What was special about the axe ?@~@it was the only one they had@~@it was used to build Solomon's temple@~@it was borrowed@~@it was very old@~@c@~@2 Kings 6:5@~@@
150~@3@~@@~@What Old Testament book did Jesus quote from during@~@the second and third temptations in the wilderness ?@~@@~@Genesis@~@Ezekiel@~@Deuteronomy@~@Isaiah@~@c@~@Deuteronomy 6:13, 16@~@@
150~@1@~@@~@On what day of creation did God rest ?@~@@~@@~@day five@~@day six@~@day seven@~@day eight@~@c@~@Genesis 2:2@~@@
150~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Obadiah ?@~@@~@@~@Nahum@~@Joel@~@Jonah@~@Daniel@~@c@~@The Bible@~@@
150~@3@~@@~@On June 5, 1967, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria@~@attacked Israel. The Arab countries were@~@quickly defeated. What was this war called ?@~@Israel's War of Independence@~@The Yom Kippur War@~@The Six Day War@~@The Sinai War@~@c@~@History@~@@
151~@3@~@@~@When the Lord gave Ezekiel a scroll written full of@~@lamentations, what did He tell Ezekiel to do with it ?@~@@~@seal it up@~@burn it@~@eat it@~@read it@~@c@~@Ezekiel 3:1@~@@
152~@1@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Galatians :@~@The fruit of the Spirit is love, ________, peace,@~@patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,@~@gentleness, and self-control.@~@timidity@~@joy@~@perfection@~@pride@~@b@~@Galatians 5:22@~@@
152~@2@~@@~@By faith, _____________ was taken up so that he@~@should not see death; and he was not found be-@~@cause God took him up.@~@Jacob@~@Enoch@~@John the Apostle@~@Jesus@~@b@~@Hebrews 11:5@~@@
153~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@what is lawful for me ?@~@@~@all things, but not all are profitable@~@only what is acceptable to man@~@that which is written in the Law@~@whatever seems good to me@~@a@~@1 Corinthians 6:12@~@@
154~@3@~@@~@Who is the book of Third John addressed to ?@~@@~@@~@Diotrephes@~@Demetrius@~@Philemon@~@Gaius@~@d@~@3 John 1:1@~@@
155~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the virgins waiting@~@for the bridegroom, what did the@~@foolish virgins run out of ?@~@money@~@oil@~@wedding clothes@~@sleep@~@b@~@Matt 25:8@~@@
156~@2@~@@~@After Jesus was Baptized, what descended@~@upon him when the heavens were opened ?@~@@~@fire@~@thunder@~@a dove@~@an eagle@~@c@~@Matt 3:16@~@@
157~@1@~@@~@After Jezebel, the evil wife of Ahab, died,@~@what happened to her body ?@~@@~@it was eaten by dogs@~@it was eaten by worms@~@it was burned with fire@~@it decayed in the street@~@a@~@2 Kings 9:36@~@@
158~@3@~@When Joshua sent the two spies to Jericho, a woman@~@hid them so they would not be captured. What did the@~@woman place in her window so the Israelites would not@~@harm her when they came back to destroy the city ?@~@a flag@~@a cord@~@a lantern@~@a scroll@~@b@~@Joshua 2:18@~@@
159~@2@~@@~@What replaced the Spirit of God in King Saul@~@when the Lord was displeased with him ?@~@@~@blindness@~@leprosy@~@an evil spirit@~@death@~@c@~@1 Samuel 16:23@~@@
160~@3@~@@~@When was Jerusalem and the last@~@temple destroyed ?@~@@~@35 A.D.@~@50 A.D.@~@70 A.D.@~@95 A.D.@~@c@~@History@~@@
161~@2@~@@~@What city did Jonah flee to when the Lord asked@~@him to go to Nineveh ?@~@@~@Tarshish@~@Babylon@~@Damascus@~@Tyre@~@a@~@Jonah 1:3@~@@
162~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@when do the rich store gold and@~@silver up for themselves ?@~@during their foolish youth@~@in the last days@~@when all is well@~@in their old age@~@b@~@James 5:3@~@@
163~@2@~@The book of Jude was written to defend the faith@~@against certain men who had crept in unnoticed.@~@These men denied the Lord Jesus Christ. How does Jude@~@describe these men with regard to clouds ?@~@they are black clouds of the night@~@they are clouds of darkness@~@they are clouds without rain@~@they are clouds that bring forth floods@~@c@~@Jude 1:12@~@@
164~@3@~@@~@Who did queen Esther replace as@~@queen of Babylon ?@~@@~@Vashti@~@Abagtha@~@Harbona@~@Ruth@~@a@~@Esther 2:17@~@@
165~@1@~@@~@According to the book of Romans,@~@what must we do to fulfill the law ?@~@@~@do not murder our neighbor@~@help our neighbor@~@do not steal from our neighbor@~@love our neighbor@~@d@~@Romans 13:8@~@@
166~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, why were young widows@~@not allowed to be placed on the list of widows@~@that receive support from the church ?@~@they always want to remarry@~@they can work for a living@~@they can have their children support them@~@there is not enough money for all the widows@~@a@~@1 Timothy 5:11@~@@
167~@3@~@@~@When Satan began to afflict Job,@~@what happened to Job's sons and daughters ?@~@@~@a flood washed them all away@~@the house collapsed on them@~@a plague killed them all@~@the earth opened and swallowed them@~@b@~@Job 1:19@~@@
168~@2@~@@~@When Jesus asked the Pharisees " Whose son@~@is the Christ ? " , what was their answer ?@~@@~@the son of David@~@the son of God@~@the messiah@~@we don't know@~@a@~@Matt 22:41@~@@
169~@3@~@@~@According to Proverbs, a wife of noble character@~@is clothed with ...@~@@~@linen and silk@~@pearls and rubies@~@robes of queens@~@strength and dignity@~@d@~@Proverbs 31:25@~@@
170~@1@~@@~@Who wrote the book of Revelation ?@~@@~@@~@Paul@~@John@~@Mathew@~@Luke@~@b@~@Rev 1:1@~@@
171~@2@~@In the book of Numbers, the Lord ordered that a@~@census be taken of all the sons of Israel who were@~@old enough to go to war.@~@Which tribe was not included in this census ?@~@Judah@~@Levi@~@Benjamin@~@Manasseh@~@b@~@Numbers 1:49@~@@
172~@2@~@@~@The wall of the New Jerusalem has how@~@many foundations ?@~@@~@7@~@12@~@2@~@countless@~@b@~@Rev 21:14@~@@
173~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in the book of James :@~@You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence.@~@You have fattened yourselves in a day of ...@~@laughter@~@feasting@~@slaughter@~@pleasure@~@c@~@James 5:5@~@@
174~@1@~@@~@Why did Moses flee Egypt after@~@he had grown up ?@~@@~@he killed a fellow Hebrew@~@Pharaoh found out that he was a Hebrew@~@he killed a Egyptian@~@he stole Pharaoh's wife@~@c@~@Exodus 2:12@~@@
175~@1@~@@~@In Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the great statue,@~@what was the belly made of ?@~@@~@gold@~@silver@~@bronze@~@iron@~@c@~@Daniel 2:32@~@@
176~@2@~@@~@On what side of Israel is the@~@Sea of Galilee located ?@~@@~@South@~@East@~@West@~@North@~@d@~@Maps@~@@
177~@2@~@@~@In Ephesians, it is written that Christ has destroyed@~@the barrier between the Gentiles and Israel. What has@~@He formed from the two groups ?@~@one new man@~@a new world order@~@two new nations@~@two new men@~@a@~@Ephesians 2:15@~@@
178~@3@~@@~@When Stephen was martyred in the early@~@church days, who was watching and in@~@hearty agreement with his death ?@~@Herod@~@Saul@~@Philip@~@Ananias@~@b@~@Acts 8:1@~@@
179~@2@~@@~@After the Holy Spirit was poured out on the@~@apostles at Pentecost, what did the apostles do ?@~@@~@they cried@~@they spoke in tongues@~@they fought among themselves@~@they fought with the people@~@b@~@Acts 2:4@~@@
180~@3@~@@~@During the Feast of Tabernacles, the Lord instructed@~@the people of Israel to live in something for seven@~@days. What were the people to live in ?@~@tents@~@caves@~@booths@~@holes@~@c@~@Leviticus 23:42@~@@
181~@3@~@@~@In Daniel's vision of the ram and the goat, what@~@did the goat represent ?@~@@~@Babylonians@~@Greeks@~@Medes and Persians@~@Romans@~@b@~@Daniel 8:21@~@@
182~@3@~@Complete this verse in 1 Timothy :@~@If anyone does not provide for his relatives,@~@and especially for his immediate family,@~@he has denied the faith and ...@~@is worse than an unbeliever@~@is in danger of judgment@~@should be ashamed@~@is like a rusty hinge@~@a@~@1 Timothy 5:8@~@@
183~@1@~@@~@According to Leviticus, the grain offering made to@~@the Lord was NOT allowed to be made with ...@~@@~@olive oil@~@meal@~@incense@~@yeast@~@d@~@Leviticus 2:11@~@@
184~@3@~@@~@How did Jonathan signal David, who was hiding in@~@a field, that Saul was trying to kill him ?@~@@~@he made the sun reflect off his sword@~@he held up both hands@~@he shot arrows@~@he bowed down toward David@~@c@~@1 Samuel 20:37@~@@
185~@2@~@@~@According to 2 John, what are we not to give to@~@those who do not abide in the teaching of Christ ?@~@@~@money@~@something to eat@~@fellowship@~@a greeting@~@d@~@2 John 1:10@~@@
186~@3@~@@~@In Daniel's vision of the ram and the goat,@~@what did the ram represent ?@~@@~@Babylonians@~@Greeks@~@Medes and Persians@~@Romans@~@c@~@Daniel 8:20@~@@
187~@2@~@@~@What was the last thing that Jesus and the@~@disciples did after the last supper was over,@~@and before they left the upper room ?@~@prayed@~@sang a hymn@~@worshipped God@~@Jesus washed their feet@~@b@~@Matt 26:30@~@@
188~@2@~@@~@Where was King David walking when he saw@~@Bathsheba bathing and sent for her ?@~@@~@on his roof@~@with his soldiers@~@in the royal garden@~@in the streets@~@a@~@2 Samuel 11:2@~@@
189~@1@~@@~@When Daniel was given time to interpret Nebuchadnezzar's@~@dream, what did he ask his Hebrew friends to do ?@~@@~@ask God for compassion@~@look for an escape from Babylon@~@try to understand the dream@~@help him conjure up an interpretation@~@a@~@Daniel 2:18@~@@
190~@3@~@@~@What were the saints who had been victorious@~@over the beast standing beside as they sang@~@the song of Moses, in Revealation 5 ?@~@Mt. Zion@~@sea of glass@~@the Lamb@~@the temple@~@b@~@Rev 15:2@~@@
191~@3@~@@~@When Paul was teaching at Troas one night,@~@what happened to a boy named Eutychus ?@~@@~@he fell off the roof@~@he fell out of a window@~@he fell down the stairs@~@he fell out of his chair@~@b@~@Acts 20:9@~@@
192~@2@~@@~@What is written on the gates of the New@~@Jerusalem, as described in Revelation ?@~@@~@King of Kings@~@City of David@~@12 tribes of Israel@~@the names of saints@~@c@~@Rev 21:12@~@@
193~@2@~@@~@According to the book of 1 Timothy, those who@~@have rejected faith and a good conscience are@~@said to have done what to their faith ?@~@traded their faith@~@shipwrecked their faith@~@abandoned their faith@~@cast off their faith@~@b@~@1 Timothy 1:19@~@@
194~@3@~@@~@Joseph had two sons while he ruled in@~@Egypt. The first born was Manasseh.@~@Who was the younger son ?@~@Naphtali@~@Ephraim@~@Gad@~@Moses@~@b@~@Gen 48:14@~@@
195~@1@~@@~@In the book of James, what is the author speaking of@~@when he asks us to consider what a great forest is set@~@on fire by such a small flame ?@~@the demons@~@the soul@~@the tongue@~@the spirit@~@c@~@James 3:5@~@@
196~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@before taking the bread and cup in honor@~@of the Lord, each man needs to do what ?@~@fast@~@examine himself@~@wash his hands@~@ask for the Lord's blessing@~@b@~@1 Corinthians 11:28@~@@
197~@3@~@@~@How did Eli die ?@~@@~@@~@the Philistines hung him@~@he fell off his chair@~@of old age in his sleep@~@by a sword of the Philistines@~@b@~@1 Samuel 4:18@~@@
198~@3@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what was promised@~@to the overcomers in the church of Philadelphia ?@~@@~@they would be clothed in white garments@~@they would eat some of the hidden manna@~@they would be made pillars in the temple@~@they would sit with Jesus on the throne@~@c@~@Revelation 3:12@~@@
199~@1@~@@~@When Jesus and the disciples were in@~@the garden of Gethsemane, what gesture@~@did Judas use towards Jesus to betray Him ?@~@a hand shake@~@he bowed to Him@~@he touched his shoulder@~@a kiss@~@d@~@Luke 22:47@~@@
200~@2@~@@~@According to Proverbs, there is a way@~@which seems right to a man, but ...@~@@~@only the righteous know it@~@the fool will never find it@~@many never follow it@~@its end is the way of death@~@d@~@Proverbs 14:12@~@@
200~@2@~@In Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia, Paul says,@~@"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the@~@one who called you by the grace of Christ and are@~@turning to ..." What were the Galatians turning to ?@~@self inflicted bondage@~@their own methods@~@a different Gospel@~@idols@~@c@~@Galatians 1:6@~@@
201~@2@~@@~@In Mark, the scribes who came from@~@Jerusalem accused Jesus of casting@~@out demons by what authority ?@~@by the pharisees'@~@by the gentiles'@~@by the ruler of demons, Beelzebul@~@by Herod the Great@~@c@~@Mark 3:22@~@@
202~@1@~@@~@In Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the great statue,@~@what was the head made of ?@~@@~@silver@~@bronze@~@gold@~@iron@~@c@~@Daniel 2:32@~@@
203~@2@~@@~@The woman called the Mother of Prostitutes in@~@Revelation chapter 17 is drunk on ...@~@@~@abominable things@~@wine of fornication@~@blood of Jews@~@blood of saints@~@d@~@Rev 17:6@~@@
204~@2@~@@~@According to Galatians, those who@~@believe are children of ...@~@@~@Moses@~@Abraham@~@Jacob@~@Adam@~@b@~@Galatians 3:7@~@@
205~@2@~@@~@Another disciple said to Jesus, "Lord, first@~@let me go and bury my father." Jesus answered :@~@@~@your father will not die@~@go and come back quickly@~@go and don't return@~@follow me and let the dead bury their own dead@~@d@~@Matt 8:22@~@@
206~@3@~@@~@What pleased Herod so much that he made an oath@~@that resulted in John the Baptist being beheaded ?@~@@~@a well prepared meal@~@good news from the army@~@a kiss from several young maidens@~@a dancing girl@~@d@~@Matt 14:6@~@@
207~@2@~@@~@How long was there silence in@~@heaven at the opening of the@~@7th seal ?@~@1 hour@~@1 day@~@1/2 hour@~@7 hours@~@c@~@Rev 8:1@~@@
208~@3@~@@~@What was engraved on the plate that was@~@worn on the forehead of the high priest ?@~@@~@Holy to the Lord@~@Jehovah@~@10 commandments@~@the twelve tribes of Israel@~@a@~@Exodus 28:36@~@@
209~@2@~@@~@In Joseph's first dream, what did@~@his brothers' sheaves do ?@~@@~@attack Joseph's sheaf@~@catch on fire@~@get eaten by weevils@~@bow down to Joseph's sheaf@~@d@~@Gen 37:7@~@@
210~@1@~@@~@According to Hebrews, what does God do for those@~@who believe that He exists and who eagerly seek Him ?@~@@~@rewards them@~@saves them@~@helps them@~@heals them@~@a@~@Hebrews 11:6@~@@
211~@3@~@@~@When Joshua and the Israelites began to cross the@~@Jordan and march on Jericho, what went first to@~@guide them ?@~@the pillar of cloud@~@the pillar of fire@~@the priests carrying the ark@~@the angel of the Lord@~@c@~@Joshua 3:3@~@@
212~@3@~@@~@According to Proverbs, the leech has two daughters.@~@What do they cry out ?@~@@~@Enough! Enough!@~@Give! Give!@~@Stop! Stop!@~@Never! Never!@~@b@~@Proverbs 30:15@~@@
213~@2@~@@~@Every fiftieth year in the land of Israel,@~@everyone was to return to his own property.@~@What was this year called ?@~@Year of Celebration@~@Year of Jubilee@~@Year of Rejoicing@~@Year of Atonement@~@b@~@Leviticus 25:10@~@@
214~@3@~@@~@What did Nebuchadnezzar do after his right mind@~@and his kingdom were returned to him following the@~@period of time that he had been punished by God ?@~@he removed Daniel from Babylon@~@he killed all the Jews in Babylon@~@he blessed the Most High God@~@he cursed the Most High God@~@c@~@Daniel 4:34@~@@
215~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel 14, the Lord is angry with the elders of@~@Israel because they have set up idols. Where did@~@they set up the idols ?@~@on the mountains@~@in the temple@~@in their hearts@~@in their homes@~@c@~@Ezekiel 14:3@~@@
216~@2@~@@~@When Joseph's brothers plotted to kill him,@~@which brother tried to rescue him ?@~@@~@Judah@~@Reuben@~@Levi@~@None of them@~@b@~@Gen 37:22@~@@
216~@2@~@In the book of Malachi, when the Lord says,@~@"Test Me now in this, if I will not open for you@~@the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing until@~@it overflows", what is He speaking of ?@~@keeping free of idols@~@keeping the Sabbath@~@keeping the year of Jubilee@~@keeping the tithe@~@d@~@Malachi 3:10@~@@
217~@3@~@@~@What did the Lord do to Nadab and Abihu, the sons of@~@Aaron, after they offered strange fire to the Lord ?@~@@~@removed them from Israel forever@~@commanded that they be stoned@~@consumed them with fire@~@removed them from the priesthood@~@c@~@Leviticus 10:2@~@@
218~@1@~@@~@Who wrote the book of Romans ?@~@@~@@~@Luke@~@Peter@~@Paul@~@Timothy@~@c@~@Romans 1:1@~@@
219~@2@~@@~@In the short book of Philemon, who was Onesimus ?@~@@~@@~@a Roman soldier@~@a prisoner with Paul@~@a slave owner@~@a runaway slave@~@d@~@Philemon 1:16@~@@
220~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel's prophesy against Gog, when Gog comes@~@against Israel, what is the situation in Israel ?@~@@~@they are living in safety@~@they are at war@~@they are preparing for war@~@they are running from Gog@~@a@~@Ezekiel 38:14@~@@
221~@1@~@@~@In Psalm 1, a man that delights in@~@the law of the Lord is like ...@~@@~@the dew of Mount Hermon@~@a land abounding in milk and honey@~@new wine in the evening@~@a tree planted by streams of water@~@d@~@Psalm 1:3@~@@
222~@1@~@@~@When men put new wine into new wineskins,@~@what happens ?@~@@~@the wine sours@~@the wine does not ferment@~@the wine is preserved@~@the wineskin breaks@~@c@~@Matthew 9:17@~@@
222~@2@~@Why did the crowd laugh at Jesus when he@~@came to heal the ruler's daughter ?@~@@~@@~@He said He was the Son of God@~@He said He was going to raise her from the dead@~@He said she was not dead but just sleeping@~@He told them that they were not wise@~@c@~@Matt 9:24@~@@
223~@3@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@Paul baptized two people.@~@Who were they ?@~@Erastus and Sosthenes@~@Prisca and Aquila@~@Titus and Timothy@~@Crispus and Gaius@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 1:14@~@@
224~@1@~@@~@Why did Lot's wife become a pillar of salt ?@~@@~@@~@She stole golden idols@~@She was unfaithful in her marriage@~@She lied to God's angels@~@She looked back at Sodom@~@d@~@Gen 19:26@~@@
225~@3@~@@~@Israel airlifted several thousand Jews from@~@what country in the spring of 1991 ?@~@@~@Iraq@~@Egypt@~@Yemen@~@Ethiopia@~@d@~@History@~@@
225~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God@~@create the moon and stars ?@~@@~@day one@~@day two@~@day three@~@day four@~@d@~@Genesis 1:16@~@@
225~@3@~@@~@What month was it when Noah's ark@~@came to rest after the great flood ?@~@@~@the first month@~@the third month@~@the fifth month@~@the seventh month@~@d@~@Genesis 8:4@~@@
225~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Ecclesiastes ?@~@@~@@~@Psalms@~@Proverbs@~@Nehemiah@~@Song of Solomon@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
225~@3@~@@~@Who was the president of the United States who@~@recognized Israel as a sovereign state in 1948 ?@~@@~@Franklin Roosevelt@~@Woodrow Wilson@~@Harry Truman@~@Teddy Roosevelt@~@c@~@History@~@@
225~@3@~@@~@In Daniel's vision of the four beasts coming up out@~@of the sea, the fourth beast had iron teeth and ....@~@@~@ten horns@~@wings of an eagle@~@four wings of a bird@~@three ribs in its mouth@~@a@~@Daniel 7:7@~@@
226~@2@~@@~@Where did Jesus say that a prophet@~@is without honor ?@~@@~@Jerusalem@~@Israel@~@among the rich@~@his hometown@~@d@~@Matt 13:57@~@@
227~@2@~@@~@What was the disciples' reaction when@~@they saw Jesus walking on the water@~@to their boat ?@~@they were overjoyed@~@they rowed toward him@~@they rowed the other way@~@they were terrified@~@d@~@Matt 14:26@~@@
228~@2@~@@~@According to Romans, do not be conformed to this@~@world, but be transformed by the renewing of your ...@~@@~@will@~@soul@~@heart@~@mind@~@d@~@Romans 12:2@~@@
228~@2@~@@~@What did the Pharisees say about Jesus@~@doing miracles ?@~@@~@Truly he is the Messiah@~@This is the devil@~@He does this by the prince of the demons@~@this man is a prophet@~@c@~@Matt 9:34@~@@
229~@2@~@@~@How old was John the Baptist@~@when Jesus was born ?@~@@~@4 weeks@~@1 year@~@24 years old@~@6 months@~@d@~@Luke 1:36@~@@
230~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@who believes that there is one God, and shudders ?@~@@~@the heathen@~@the sinners@~@the angels@~@the demons@~@d@~@James 2:19@~@@
231~@1@~@@~@What was the occupation of the disciple,@~@Matthew ?@~@@~@shepherd@~@tax collector@~@farmer@~@Roman officer@~@b@~@Matt 9:9@~@@
232~@2@~@@~@After God delivered the Israelites out of@~@Egypt, who led a dance and song with@~@tambourines ?@~@Aaron@~@Miriam@~@Moses@~@Deborah@~@b@~@Exodus 15:20@~@@
233~@3@~@@~@Ahimelech, the priest, helped David when@~@David fled from Saul. What eventually happened@~@to Ahimelech for all the help he gave David ?@~@Saul had him killed@~@David made him High Priest@~@David blessed him@~@David betrayed him@~@a@~@1 Samuel 22:17@~@@
234~@2@~@@~@The ancient kingdom of Babylon@~@has become what modern day country ?@~@@~@Iran@~@Turkey@~@Iraq@~@Jordan@~@c@~@Globe@~@@
235~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Peter,@~@how are the elders supposed to shepherd@~@the flock that is entrusted to them ?@~@by example@~@by an iron hand@~@by teaching the law@~@by lording over them@~@a@~@1 Peter 5:3@~@@
236~@2@~@@~@According to the book of Titus,@~@why did the apostle Paul leave Titus in Crete ?@~@@~@because he was not circumcised@~@because he turned from the faith@~@to raise money for the poor in Jerusalem@~@to appoint elders in every city@~@d@~@Titus 1:5@~@@
237~@1@~@@~@What year was the Six-day war@~@fought by Israel ?@~@@~@1948@~@1967@~@1957@~@1977@~@b@~@History@~@@
238~@2@~@@~@Why did John write the book we call First John ?@~@@~@@~@to rebuke the evil doers@~@to finish his other writings@~@to make his joy complete@~@to clarify the end times@~@c@~@1 John 1:4@~@@
239~@1@~@@~@What was the apostle Luke's profession ?@~@@~@@~@tax man@~@lawyer@~@farmer@~@physician@~@d@~@Luke 4:23@~@@
240~@2@~@@~@What was King David doing as the@~@ark was brought into Jerusalem ?@~@@~@weeping@~@dancing@~@fasting@~@praying@~@b@~@2 Samuel 6:14@~@@
241~@2@~@@~@In the first month, on the fifteenth day of the@~@month, there is the Feast of ...@~@@~@Pentecost@~@Unleavened Bread@~@Trumpets@~@Tabernacles@~@b@~@Leviticus 23:6@~@@
242~@2@~@After Naaman the leper received his healing from God,@~@he departed from Elisha. Now Elisha's servant followed@~@Naaman and lied to him and asked him for money. What@~@happened to Elisha's servant for this sin ?@~@Elisha slew him@~@Naaman's servant slew him@~@he and his household became blind@~@Naaman's leprosy was placed on him@~@d@~@2 Kings 5:27@~@@
243~@1@~@@~@What did Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar,@~@see on the wall of his palace during a great@~@party he was having ?@~@a hand writing on the wall@~@an angel of death@~@a vision of his father@~@a vision of the Medes and Persians@~@a@~@Daniel 5:5@~@@
244~@2@~@@~@Finish this verse from the book of Psalms :@~@I would rather be a doorkeeper@~@in the house of my God than ...@~@spend a thousand days elsewhere@~@dwell in the tents of the wicked@~@dwell in the valley of the unrighteous@~@live in the cities of the sinful@~@b@~@Psalm 84:10@~@@
245~@3@~@@~@How did Joseph, son of Jacob, get@~@out of prison in Egypt ?@~@@~@interpreted dreams@~@served complete sentence@~@appealed his case@~@escaped with an angel@~@a@~@Gen 41@~@@
246~@3@~@@~@In the book of Numbers, when all the sons of Israel@~@who could go to war were counted, how many were there ?@~@@~@about 300,000@~@about 400,000@~@about 500,000@~@about 600,000@~@d@~@Numbers 1:46@~@@
247~@2@~@@~@What happens at the opening of@~@the 6th seal in Revelation ?@~@@~@return of Christ@~@earthquake@~@hailstorm@~@locusts released@~@b@~@Rev 6:12@~@@
248~@3@~@@~@What are the leaves of the tree of@~@life in the New Jerusalem for ?@~@@~@food for the saints@~@food for the angels@~@food for the animals@~@the healing of the nations@~@d@~@Rev 21:2@~@@
249~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@anyone who chooses to be a friend@~@of the world becomes ...@~@a wise and wealthy man@~@an enemy of God@~@a pillar in the church@~@a friend of God@~@b@~@James 4:4@~@@
250~@3@~@@~@The churches of Galatia that Paul wrote one@~@letter to were in what present day country ?@~@@~@Syria@~@Turkey@~@Italy@~@Greece@~@b@~@Geography@~@@
250~@3@~@@~@The short book of Nahum is a@~@prophecy against what city ?@~@@~@Jerusalem@~@Jericho@~@Babylon@~@Nineveh@~@d@~@Nahum 1:1@~@@
250~@3@~@@~@Which tribe of Israel camped on the east side of@~@the tabernacle, toward the rising sun ?@~@@~@Judah@~@Benjamin@~@Asher@~@Reuben@~@a@~@Numbers 2:3@~@@
250~@3@~@@~@Complete this verse in Proverbs :@~@A cheerful heart is good medicine,@~@but a broken spirit ...@~@wearies the soul@~@breaks the heart@~@dries up the bones@~@causes much suffering@~@c@~@Proverbs 17:22@~@@
250~@2@~@@~@After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit,@~@what did God say would grow in the fields ?@~@@~@wheat and tares@~@devouring insects@~@30, 60, or 100 fold@~@thorns and thistles@~@d@~@Genesis 3:18@~@@
250~@3@~@@~@What does Hosanna mean ?@~@@~@@~@God with us !@~@Bless the Lord who saves us !@~@Peace be with you !@~@Bless the King !@~@b@~@Hebrew dictionary@~@@
250~@1@~@@~@What empire defeated Jerusalem in@~@the days of Jeremiah the prophet ?@~@@~@Egypt@~@Babylon@~@Moab@~@Rome@~@b@~@Jeremiah 39:1@~@@
251~@1@~@@~@Abraham was how old when Sarah bore him a son ?@~@@~@@~@35 years@~@55 years@~@100 years@~@120 years@~@c@~@Gen 17:17@~@@
252~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the talents,@~@what did the man who had received two talents do ?@~@@~@traded his talents and gained three more@~@traded his talents and gained two more@~@hid his talents in the ground@~@traded his talents unwisely and lost them@~@b@~@Matthew 25:17@~@@
252~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@there are a variety of gifts, but the same ...@~@@~@Reward@~@Ministry@~@Spirit@~@Effects@~@c@~@1 Corinthians 12:4@~@@
253~@3@~@After Samson killed the young lion on the way to Timnah,@~@he continued on to Timnah to seek his wife. Later,@~@when Samson was returning, he looked and saw the body@~@of the lion. What was in the body of the lion ?@~@a poisonous serpent@~@30 shekels of gold@~@bees and honey@~@worms and flies@~@c@~@Judges 14:8@~@@
254~@3@~@@~@What does Maranatha mean ?@~@@~@@~@Praise God !@~@God have mercy on us !@~@Lord, fight for us !@~@Lord, come quickly !@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 16:22@~@@
254~@1@~@Fill in the blank words from this verse in 1 John :@~@This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God:@~@Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus@~@Christ ________________ is from God.@~@has come in the flesh@~@was a prophet@~@was born of Mary@~@was crucified@~@a@~@1 John 4:2@~@@
255~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of Joshua the high priest,@~@what was Joshua wearing at the first of the vision ?@~@@~@he was naked@~@clean linen@~@filthy garments@~@majestic robes@~@c@~@Zech 3:3@~@@
256~@1@~@@~@In Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the great statue,@~@what were the legs made of ?@~@@~@gold@~@silver@~@bronze@~@iron@~@d@~@Daniel 2:33@~@@
257~@1@~@@~@Who did some people think@~@John the Baptist was ?@~@@~@Christ@~@Elijah@~@David@~@Daniel@~@a@~@Luke 3:15@~@@
258~@2@~@@~@According to Romans 8,@~@what is not worth comparing to the@~@glory that is to be revealed in us ?@~@our own righteousness@~@our own glory@~@our present sufferings@~@our own efforts@~@c@~@Romans 8:18@~@@
258~@1@~@@~@What is the name of the present day@~@country from which King Nebuchadnezzar@~@once ruled ?@~@Iraq@~@Turkey@~@Egypt@~@Iran@~@a@~@history@~@@
259~@3@~@@~@What was heard from far away when the@~@foundation of Zerubbabel's temple was laid ?@~@@~@fighting@~@loud praises@~@thunder@~@marching@~@b@~@Ezra 3:13@~@@
260~@3@~@@~@Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a great tree that@~@reached to the sky and was visible to the end of the@~@whole earth. What did the tree represent ?@~@Daniel@~@King Darius@~@Medes and Persians@~@Nebuchadnezzar himself@~@d@~@Daniel 4:22@~@@
261~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the golden lampstand,@~@who are the two olive trees ?@~@@~@Gabriel and Michael@~@Zechariah and Haggai@~@Darius and Cyrus@~@the two anointed ones@~@d@~@Zech 4:14@~@@
262~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse from 2 Corinthians :@~@Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the@~@Spirit of the Lord is, there is ...@~@bondage@~@freedom or liberty@~@transformation@~@suffering@~@b@~@2 Corinthians 3:17@~@@
263~@1@~@@~@In Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the great statue,@~@what were the feet made of ?@~@@~@iron and bronze@~@iron and clay@~@clay and bronze@~@silver and bronze@~@b@~@Daniel 2:33@~@@
264~@1@~@@~@In Second Thessalonians chapter two, the antichrist@~@is referred to as the ...@~@@~@son of sorrows@~@evil one@~@the man of lawlessness@~@the deceiver@~@c@~@2 Thessalonians 2:3@~@@
265~@3@~@@~@When the apostle Paul was being taken from Jerusalem@~@to Rome, how many people perished in the shipwreck ?@~@@~@only the Roman guards@~@all but Paul and the prisoners@~@no one perished@~@only the captain@~@c@~@Acts 27:44@~@@
266~@3@~@In the book of Judges, the angel of the Lord visited@~@the wife of Manoah and told her that she would have a@~@son. Then Manoah and his wife offered a sacrifice to@~@God. What wonder did the angel perform ?@~@the angel called fire down from heaven@~@the angel departed in a flaming chariot@~@the angel departed in a whirlwind@~@the angel ascended in the flame of the altar@~@d@~@Judges 13:20@~@@
267~@2@~@Complete this verse in 2 Timothy :@~@If anyone competes as an athlete, he does not@~@win the prize unless he competes ...@~@@~@through much hardship@~@with strict training@~@according to the rules@~@without steroids@~@c@~@2 Timothy 2:5@~@@
268~@1@~@@~@Who tricked Samson into revealing the secret@~@of his great strength ?@~@@~@Jezebel@~@Bathsheba@~@Delilah@~@Asherah@~@c@~@Judges 16:18@~@@
269~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John,@~@whoever claims to live in Him must ...@~@@~@not sin anymore@~@hate himself@~@be martyred@~@walk as Jesus did@~@d@~@1 John 2:6@~@@
270~@2@~@@~@Who accused Peter of having been with@~@Jesus when Jesus was being sentenced@~@to death ?@~@the Sanhedrin@~@the temple guards@~@the Roman soldiers@~@a servant girl@~@d@~@Matt 26:69@~@@
271~@2@~@@~@In Zechariah, after the Lord returns to Jerusalem,@~@what feast do the nations go to celebrate in Jerusalem@~@every year.@~@Feast of Passover@~@Feast of Pentecost@~@Feast of Unleavened Bread@~@Feast of Tabernacles@~@d@~@Zech 14:16@~@@
272~@2@~@@~@In Romans chapter 7, when Paul is describing his@~@problem with the flesh, what does he call himself ?@~@@~@hopeless man that I am !@~@wretched man that I am !@~@abominable man that I am !@~@helpless man that I am !@~@b@~@Romans 7:24@~@@
272~@3@~@According to 1 Timothy, there are three requirements@~@that a widow must meet in order to receive support from@~@the church. She must be 60 years old, a wife of only@~@one man, and what else ?@~@she must not own her own house@~@she must be unable to work@~@she must be well known for her good deeds@~@she must not be eligible for social security@~@c@~@1 Timothy 5:10@~@@
273~@2@~@@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Psalm 20 :@~@Some boast in chariots, and some in _____________;@~@but we will boast in the name of the Lord, our God.@~@swords@~@numbers@~@spears@~@horses@~@d@~@Psalm 20:7@~@@
274~@1@~@In the book of 1 John, there are three things listed@~@that are from the world. Two of the worldly things@~@are as follows: The lust of the flesh. The lust of@~@the eyes. What is the other worldly thing ?@~@wealth@~@strong wine@~@the boastful pride of life@~@television@~@c@~@1 John 2:16@~@@
275~@2@~@@~@In the Sermon on the Mount,@~@what is promised to the peacemakers ?@~@@~@they will see God@~@they will be called the sons of God@~@theirs is the kingdom of heaven@~@they will be filled@~@b@~@Matthew 5:9@~@@
275~@2@~@@~@When the serpent spoke to Eve in the garden,@~@what did he say would be opened if she ate@~@of the forbidden tree ?@~@her spirit@~@her eyes@~@her heart@~@her soul@~@b@~@Genesis 3:5@~@@
275~@3@~@@~@In the book of Haggai, who was the high priest@~@during the rebuilding of the house of the Lord ?@~@@~@Hosea, son of Beeri@~@Joshua, son of Jehozadak@~@Joel, son of Pethuel@~@Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel@~@b@~@Haggai 1:1@~@@
275~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Second Thessalonians ?@~@@~@@~@Philippians@~@First Timothy@~@Third Thessalonians@~@Titus@~@b@~@The Bible@~@@
275~@3@~@@~@What is the fourth of the ten commandments ?@~@@~@@~@Thou shalt have no other gods before me@~@Thou shalt not take the name of Lord thy God in vain@~@Honor thy father and thy mother@~@Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy@~@d@~@Exodus 20:8@~@@
275~@2@~@@~@What is the short, 17th book of the@~@Bible that describes the deliverance@~@of the Jews from Haman ?@~@Ezra@~@Esther@~@Ruth@~@Nehemiah@~@b@~@Esther@~@@
276~@3@~@@~@In the book of Daniel, the two angels Michael and@~@Gabriel are fighting against what evil angel ?@~@@~@prince of Persia@~@prince of Babylon@~@prince of Greece@~@prince of Rome@~@a@~@Daniel 10:13@~@@
277~@3@~@@~@Elkanah's wife was barren but the Lord healed her@~@and she had a son and named him Samuel.@~@Who was the wife of Elkanah ?@~@Peninnah@~@Ruth@~@Hannah@~@Mary@~@c@~@1 Samuel 1:20@~@@
278~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians, who does@~@the one who speaks in a tongue speak to ?@~@@~@himself@~@God@~@the church@~@the unbelievers@~@b@~@1 Corinthians 14:2@~@@
278~@3@~@@~@What did the natives of the island where the apostle@~@Paul was shipwrecked do with Paul ?@~@@~@forced him to leave@~@beat him@~@brought their sick to him@~@imprisoned him@~@c@~@Acts 28:9@~@@
279~@3@~@In the book of Numbers, when the sons of Israel were@~@counted, which tribe was the smallest ?@~@@~@Note: Ephraim and Manasseh are counted as one tribe.@~@Asher@~@Dan@~@Naphtali@~@Benjamin@~@d@~@Numbers 1:37@~@@
280~@1@~@@~@Pilot asked the Jews, according to their@~@custom at Passover, which prisoner would@~@be released. Whom did they choose ?@~@Judas@~@Barabbas@~@Herod@~@Barnabas@~@b@~@Luke 23:18@~@@
281~@2@~@@~@Jesus taught that what goes into a man's@~@mouth does not make him unclean. What did He@~@say would make a man unclean ?@~@what goes into the heart@~@what goes into the mind@~@what comes out of the mind@~@what comes out of the mouth@~@d@~@Matt 15:11@~@@
282~@1@~@@~@After Joshua and the sons of Israel crossed the@~@Jordan River and entered the Promised Land,@~@what came to an end ?@~@the ten commandments@~@the manna from heaven@~@the tabernacle@~@the sacrifices@~@b@~@Joshua 5:12@~@@
283~@2@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from 1 Timothy :@~@He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit,@~@was seen by angels, was preached among the nations,@~@was believed on in the world, was taken up in _____.@~@despair@~@glory@~@sorrow@~@loneliness@~@b@~@1 Timothy 3:16@~@@
284~@3@~@@~@How many chapters are in@~@the book of Revelation ?@~@@~@22@~@21@~@20@~@23@~@a@~@Rev 22@~@@
285~@2@~@@~@In the book of Acts, what strange thing happened@~@to Philip after he baptized the Ethiopian eunuch@~@on the Gaza road ?@~@he was caught up to heaven@~@he was snatched away@~@he saw angels@~@his face glowed@~@b@~@Acts 8:39@~@@
286~@3@~@@~@Why did Samuel tell Eli what God was@~@going to do to Eli and his family ?@~@@~@God told Samuel to tell Eli@~@Eli told Samuel to tell everything@~@Samuel wanted to tel Eli@~@Samuel was young and foolish@~@b@~@1 Samuel 3:17@~@@
287~@3@~@@~@What did King David do when he heard of@~@Absalom's conspiracy to take his throne ?@~@@~@he fled@~@he killed Absalom@~@he went to the temple to pray@~@he prayed in the throne room@~@a@~@2 Samuel 15:14@~@@
288~@1@~@@~@How many people did Nebuchadnezzar see in the blazing@~@furnace ?@~@@~@2 people@~@3 people@~@4 people@~@7 people@~@c@~@Daniel 3:25@~@@
289~@2@~@The book of Jude was written to defend the faith@~@against certain men who had crept in unnoticed.@~@These men denied the Lord Jesus Christ. What error@~@did these men rush into for money ?@~@the error of Balaam@~@the error of Judas@~@the error of Asherah@~@the error of Jezebel@~@a@~@Jude 1:11@~@@
290~@1@~@@~@When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego would not@~@worship the image which Nebuchadnezzar had set up,@~@the furnace was heated to how many times normal ?@~@3 times@~@7 times@~@10 times@~@12 times@~@b@~@Daniel 3:19@~@@
291~@1@~@@~@What happened to the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's@~@vision after its feet were struck ?@~@@~@the earth swallowed it@~@it was crushed@~@it fell over@~@its head broke off@~@b@~@Daniel 2:35@~@@
292~@2@~@@~@According to 2 Timothy, in the last days men will be@~@lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. These@~@men hold to a form of godliness, but ...@~@are lukewarm in their walk@~@have not committed themselves@~@have denied its power@~@are passive in their walk@~@c@~@2 Timothy 3:5@~@@
293~@1@~@@~@In what month does the Feast of Unleavened@~@Bread (Passover) start ?@~@@~@December@~@October@~@March@~@May@~@c@~@Matt 26:17@~@@
294~@3@~@@~@Whom did David go to when Saul tried to kill him ?@~@@~@@~@Jonathan@~@Jesse@~@Michal@~@Samuel@~@d@~@1 Samuel 19:18@~@@
295~@2@~@@~@What is the last of the@~@ten commandments ?@~@@~@do not covet@~@do not lie@~@do not steal@~@do not murder@~@a@~@Exodus 20:17@~@@
296~@2@~@@~@Who appeared to the apostles just after@~@the Lord Jesus had ascended into heaven ?@~@@~@two men@~@the devil@~@the Romans@~@Mary@~@a@~@Acts 1:10@~@@
297~@1@~@@~@How many days did the sons of Israel march around@~@the city of Jericho ?@~@@~@three@~@five@~@seven@~@twelve@~@c@~@Joshua 6:4@~@@
298~@3@~@@~@James, the brother of John, was the first of the@~@12 disciples to be put to death.@~@How was he killed ?@~@with a sword@~@he was stoned@~@he was drowned@~@with a spear@~@a@~@Acts 12:2@~@@
299~@3@~@When Elisha was at Gilgal with the other prophets,@~@they made some stew to eat. One of the prophets, by@~@mistake, picked something which is poison to put into@~@the stew. What was it that the prophet picked ?@~@wild gourds@~@wild berries@~@wild olives@~@wild figs@~@a@~@2 Kings 4:39@~@@
300~@2@~@@~@What symbol does the flag of Israel have on it ?@~@@~@@~@a fig tree@~@a lion@~@an olive branch@~@the star of David@~@d@~@History@~@@
300~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Judges ?@~@@~@@~@1 Samuel@~@Ezra@~@Ruth@~@Joshua@~@c@~@The Bible@~@@
300~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God say,@~@"Let there be light" ?@~@@~@day one@~@day two@~@day three@~@day four@~@a@~@Genesis 1:3@~@@
300~@3@~@@~@According to the book of Genesis,@~@how did Enoch die ?@~@@~@a wild beast ate him@~@his brother slew him@~@he didn't@~@he died of old age at 978 years@~@c@~@Genesis 5:24@~@@
300~@1@~@@~@What is the reference for this scripture ?@~@I have been crucified with Christ and I@~@no longer live, but Christ lives in me.@~@Galatians 2:20@~@Philippians 2:20@~@Ephesians 2:20@~@Colossians 2:20@~@a@~@Galatians 2:20@~@@
300~@3@~@@~@What does Shalom mean ?@~@@~@@~@Savior@~@God with us@~@Mighty@~@Peace@~@d@~@Hebrew dictionary@~@@
301~@3@~@@~@What did Joseph take after he had all the@~@money in the land from selling grain during@~@the famine ?@~@he made slaves out of them@~@he took their livestock@~@he took their wives@~@he gave it away@~@b@~@Gen 47:17@~@@
303~@2@~@@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Romans :@~@The word is near you, in your _______ and in your@~@heart; that is, the word of faith we are preaching.@~@mind@~@soul@~@spirit@~@mouth@~@d@~@Romans 10:8@~@@
303~@3@~@@~@According to the book of 2 Timothy,@~@who was Timothy's grandmother ?@~@@~@Lois@~@Esther@~@Mary@~@Eunice@~@a@~@2 Timothy 1:5@~@@
304~@3@~@@~@In Joel chapter 2, what follows behind the great army ?@~@@~@@~@chariots@~@horses@~@locusts@~@flames of fire@~@d@~@Joel 2:3@~@@
305~@2@~@@~@In the book of Jude, we are told to have mercy@~@on some who are doubting and save others,@~@snatching them ...@~@out of their religion@~@out of the fire@~@out of their blindness@~@away from the devil@~@b@~@Jude 1:23@~@@
306~@2@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from 1 Timothy :@~@The scripture says, "You shall not ______ the@~@ox while he is threshing," and "The laborer@~@is worthy of his wages".@~@withhold water from@~@tie down@~@muzzle@~@beat@~@c@~@1 Timothy 5:18@~@@
307~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the talents,@~@what did the master do with the servant@~@who hid his talent in the ground ?@~@He removed the servant from the banquet@~@He killed the servant@~@He threw the servant into a dark prison@~@He threw the servant into outer darkness@~@d@~@Matthew 25:28@~@@
307~@3@~@@~@How long did King David reign over Israel ?@~@@~@@~@20 years@~@30 years@~@40 years@~@70 years@~@c@~@2 Samuel 5:5@~@@
308~@3@~@@~@The many foreign wives of King Solomon eventually@~@led his heart away from the true God.@~@How many wives did he have ?@~@10@~@30@~@120@~@700@~@d@~@1 Kings 11:3@~@@
309~@2@~@@~@How many people were in Noah's ark ?@~@@~@@~@6@~@7@~@8@~@9@~@c@~@1 Peter 3:20@~@@
309~@2@~@@~@Who was Israel's first king ?@~@@~@@~@Samuel@~@Saul@~@David@~@Joshua@~@b@~@1 Samuel 10:1@~@@
310~@1@~@@~@Complete this phrase from 2 Timothy :@~@Preach the Word; be prepared in season ...@~@@~@when it is convenient@~@and when you have the spirit@~@and when it feels good to do so@~@and out of season@~@d@~@2 Timothy 4:2@~@@
311~@3@~@@~@After Babylon captured Jerusalem,@~@what happened to Jeremiah ?@~@@~@he was taken to Babylon@~@he fled to Moab@~@he was set free@~@he was killed@~@c@~@Jeremiah 40:4@~@@
311~@1@~@@~@The Promised Land which the Lord promised to the@~@sons of Israel when He led them out of Egypt was@~@said to be a land flowing with ...@~@springs and rivers@~@oil and wine@~@milk and honey@~@the fruit of the vine@~@c@~@Joshua 5:6@~@@
312~@3@~@@~@Why are all the birds gathered together@~@when the Lord kills the armies gathered@~@against him in the last days ?@~@to witness the victory@~@to gorge themselves on men's flesh@~@to blind God's enemy@~@to help the Antichrist fight God@~@b@~@Rev 19:21@~@@
313~@1@~@@~@To whom was Jesus speaking when@~@He said, "Satan has demanded@~@to sift you like wheat" ?@~@Paul@~@Timothy@~@Simon@~@John the Baptist@~@c@~@Luke 22:31@~@@
314~@1@~@@~@When King Solomon began to build the house of the@~@Lord, what kind of timber did he have imported@~@from Lebanon ?@~@oak@~@cedar@~@maple@~@fir@~@b@~@1 Kings 5:6@~@@
315~@1@~@@~@What did Judas, the traitor, do@~@after he betrayed the Lord ?@~@@~@hung himself@~@jumped off a cliff@~@got drunk@~@ran away from Jerusalem@~@a@~@Matt 27:5@~@@
316~@1@~@@~@Who wrote the book of Titus ?@~@@~@@~@Paul@~@Peter@~@James@~@Titus@~@a@~@Titus 1:1@~@@
317~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, what are men to lift up@~@in prayer, without anger or disputing ?@~@@~@holy hands@~@each other@~@their wives@~@the church@~@a@~@1 Timothy 2:8@~@@
318~@2@~@@~@When King Solomon was building the house of the Lord,@~@the sound of what tool was heard in the house during@~@the construction ?@~@hammer@~@ax@~@chisel@~@no tool@~@d@~@1 Kings 6:7@~@@
319~@1@~@@~@How many times did the devil tempt@~@Jesus in the wilderness ?@~@@~@3 times@~@7 times@~@12 times@~@144 times@~@a@~@Matt 4:1-11@~@@
320~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in 1 Corinthians :@~@Follow the way of love and eagerly desire@~@spiritual gifts, especially the gift of ...@~@miracles@~@healing@~@prophecy@~@teaching@~@c@~@1 Corinthians 14:1@~@@
320~@2@~@@~@What made Esau's hands readily identifiable@~@to the blind Isaac ?@~@@~@they smelled like wild game@~@they were hairy@~@they were large@~@they had rough skin@~@b@~@Gen 27:23@~@@
321~@2@~@@~@After Jesus was betrayed and arrested, He was@~@taken before the high priest. What did the high@~@priest do when Jesus said He was the Christ ?@~@spit on Him@~@hit Him@~@swore in great rage@~@tore his clothes@~@d@~@Matt 26:65@~@@
322~@1@~@@~@According to 2 Corinthians,@~@The time of salvation is ...@~@@~@when you have repented@~@now@~@at your appointed time@~@at the rapture of the church@~@b@~@2 Corinthians 6:2@~@@
323~@3@~@@~@What is the elevation of the Dead Sea ?@~@@~@@~@sea level@~@971 ft. below sea level@~@1306 ft. below sea level@~@110 above sea level@~@c@~@Maps@~@@
324~@2@~@@~@In the tabernacle, what was the@~@altar of burnt offering made of ?@~@@~@gold@~@silver@~@bronze@~@iron@~@c@~@Exodus 27:2@~@@
325~@1@~@@~@According to 2 Timothy chapter 3,@~@in the last days there will be ...@~@@~@joyful times@~@difficult times@~@prosperous times@~@undisturbed times@~@b@~@2 Timothy 3:1@~@@
326~@2@~@@~@Who did John the Baptist call a@~@brood of vipers ?@~@@~@tax collectors@~@Romans@~@Gentiles@~@Pharisees@~@d@~@Matt 3:7@~@@
327~@3@~@@~@What great thing did Esau sell to Jacob ?@~@@~@@~@his birthright@~@his wife@~@his gold@~@his life@~@a@~@Gen 25:33@~@@
328~@3@~@@~@Complete this verse from the book of Ecclesiastes :@~@Cast your bread on the surface of the water ....@~@@~@for you will find it after many days@~@for you will never see it again@~@for you may yet see it again@~@for it is of no use to you@~@a@~@Ecclesiastes 11:1@~@@
329~@1@~@@~@Finish this saying from the book of 2 Peter :@~@A sow, after washing, ...@~@@~@is content indeed@~@is ready for the slaughter@~@returns to wallow in the mud@~@returns to rest in the shade@~@c@~@2 Peter 2:22@~@@
330~@3@~@@~@In the opening chapter of Ezekiel,@~@what river was Ezekiel by when he saw@~@the visions of God ?@~@Tigris@~@Euphrates@~@Jordan@~@Chebar@~@d@~@Ezekiel 1:1@~@@
331~@1@~@@~@How was the money spent that had been@~@paid to Judas to betray Jesus ?@~@@~@a graveyard@~@food for the poor@~@it was wasted on a drunken party@~@it went into the temple treasury@~@a@~@Matt 27:7@~@@
332~@2@~@@~@Fill in the blank from this verse in 1 John :@~@I write to you, __________, because you have@~@known the Father.@~@dear children@~@young men@~@fathers@~@mothers@~@a@~@1 John 2:13@~@@
333~@1@~@@~@How many plagues were poured out@~@on Egypt through Moses and Aaron ?@~@@~@7@~@12@~@10@~@3@~@c@~@Exodus 7:11@~@@
334~@2@~@@~@Who did Jesus say would be speaking through@~@the disciples when they were arrested and@~@brought before kings and governors ?@~@my spirit@~@the Holy Spirit@~@the Spirit of your Father@~@spirit of the angels@~@c@~@Matt 10:20@~@@
335~@2@~@When Gideon was going to battle with the Midianites,@~@the Lord told Gideon to send some of the men home.@~@Gideon sent over 9000 men home and only 300 remained.@~@How did Gideon determine who to send home ?@~@they were afraid@~@they had children@~@they lapped water like a dog@~@they were college students@~@c@~@Judges 7:6@~@@
336~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the sower and the seed,@~@what does the hardened soil upon which@~@the seed fell represent ?@~@a good heart@~@the unbeliever@~@an evil heart@~@the Jews@~@b@~@Luke 8:12@~@@
337~@3@~@@~@What did Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron,@~@offer to the Lord that made the Lord so angry ?@~@@~@a meal offering with yeast@~@unauthorized fire@~@a blemished goat@~@an unclean animal@~@b@~@Leviticus 10:1@~@@
338~@3@~@@~@The names below are four kings of Judah who followed@~@after Solomon. Of the four, which one did what was@~@right in the eyes of the Lord ?@~@Rehoboam@~@Abijam@~@Asa@~@Jehoram@~@c@~@1 Kings 15:11@~@@
339~@2@~@@~@In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul says that he was once@~@a blasphemer and a persecutor of the church, but he@~@was shown mercy because he acted out of ...@~@jealousy@~@hate@~@ignorance@~@greed@~@c@~@1 Timothy 1:13@~@@
340~@3@~@@~@In the book of Judges, Jabin, king of Canaan,@~@began to fight against Israel. What did Jabin@~@have 900 of that made his army so strong ?@~@he had 900 elephants in his army@~@he had 900 giants in his army@~@he had 900 iron chariots in his army@~@he had 900 catapults in his army@~@c@~@Judges 4:3@~@@
341~@3@~@@~@What did the Philistines do with the body of Saul ?@~@@~@@~@they burned it@~@they hung it on a wall@~@they buried it with honor@~@they gave it to David@~@b@~@1 Samuel 31:10@~@@
342~@2@~@@~@Lot's daughters became pregnant by their@~@father while they lived in ...@~@@~@a cave@~@a tent@~@a palace@~@a ship@~@a@~@Gen 19:30@~@@
343~@1@~@Complete this verse in 2 Corinthians :@~@That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in@~@weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in@~@persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak ...@~@then I am strong@~@then I fail and fail again@~@then I pray for help@~@then I am humble@~@a@~@2 Corinthians 12:10@~@@
344~@3@~@@~@On the fifteenth day of the seventh month@~@is the Feast of ...@~@@~@Passover@~@Pentecost@~@Trumpets@~@Tabernacles@~@d@~@Leviticus 23:34@~@@
345~@3@~@@~@In the book of Joel, how is the day of the Lord@~@described ?@~@@~@rejoicing@~@happiness@~@refreshment@~@darkness and gloom@~@d@~@Joel 2:2@~@@
346~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the four horses, what kind@~@of trees are the horses standing among ?@~@@~@olive trees@~@cedar trees@~@oak trees@~@myrtle trees@~@d@~@Zech 1:8@~@@
347~@2@~@@~@In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught:@~@Blessed are the pure in heart ...@~@@~@for they will be comforted@~@for theirs is the kingdom of heaven@~@for they will see God@~@for they will be called Sons of God@~@c@~@Matt 5:8@~@@
348~@2@~@@~@In Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the statue, what@~@are the legs generally believed to represent ?@~@@~@Babylonian Empire@~@Medes and Persians@~@Alexander the Great@~@Roman Empire@~@d@~@Daniel 2:40@~@@
349~@2@~@@~@When the Egyptians pursued the Israelites@~@through the Red Sea, God made the parted waters@~@close over them. How many Egyptians survived ?@~@one@~@three@~@none@~@just Pharaoh and his servant@~@c@~@Exodus 14:28@~@@
350~@1@~@@~@Just after creation, in Genesis chapter 2,@~@how was the surface of the ground watered ?@~@@~@daily rain@~@a rising mist@~@the ground required no watering@~@by springs of water@~@b@~@Genesis 2:6@~@@
350~@1@~@@~@What did God make as the sign of His covenant@~@to never flood the earth again ?@~@@~@an altar@~@a feast@~@a rainbow@~@a sacrifice@~@c@~@Genesis 9:13@~@@
350~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@if you resist the devil he will ...@~@@~@flee from you@~@resist you@~@tempt you@~@afflict you@~@a@~@James 4:7@~@@
350~@3@~@@~@On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked@~@Israel. The enemies of Israel were again defeated.@~@What was this war called ?@~@The Sinai War@~@The Six Day War@~@The War of Independence@~@The Yom Kippur War@~@d@~@History@~@@
350~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Micah ?@~@@~@@~@Amos@~@Joel@~@Jonah@~@Nahum@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
350~@2@~@@~@In the Sermon on the Mount,@~@what is promised to the poor in spirit ?@~@@~@theirs is the kingdom of heaven@~@they will be comforted@~@they will inherit the earth@~@they will obtain mercy@~@a@~@Matthew 5:3@~@@
351~@3@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what was given to the@~@star from heaven which had fallen to the earth ?@~@@~@a golden censer@~@a trumpet@~@a scroll@~@a key to the bottomless pit@~@d@~@Revelation 9:1@~@@
352~@3@~@@~@Just before Joshua and all of Israel went to battle@~@against Jericho, Joshua met a man with a sword in@~@his hand. Who was this man ?@~@commander of the Jericho army@~@commander of the Amorite army@~@commander of the Lord's army@~@commander of Satan's army@~@c@~@Joshua 5:14@~@@
353~@1@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Galatians :@~@The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,@~@patience, ________, goodness, faithfulness,@~@gentleness, and self-control.@~@timidity@~@kindness@~@perfection@~@pride@~@b@~@Galatians 5:22@~@@
353~@3@~@@~@In the book of Ezra, what did the Lord move@~@the heart of Cyrus, king of Persia, to do ?@~@@~@rebuild the temple@~@kill the Philistines@~@move his throne to Jerusalem@~@give his kingdom to David@~@a@~@Ezra 1:2@~@@
354~@2@~@@~@Jesus called James and John as they worked with@~@their father, Zebedee, in a boat. When did@~@these disciples decide to follow Jesus ?@~@that night@~@the next morning@~@about a week later@~@immediately@~@d@~@Matt 4:22@~@@
355~@2@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@the garments of the rich people have become ...@~@@~@covered with mildew@~@eaten by moths@~@covered with flies@~@torn and tattered@~@b@~@James 5:2@~@@
356~@1@~@@~@Who is the author and perfecter@~@of our faith ?@~@@~@Peter@~@Luke@~@Adam@~@Jesus@~@d@~@Hebrews 12:2@~@@
357~@2@~@Complete this verse from Isaiah :@~@All of us like sheep have gone astray,@~@each of us has turned to his own way,@~@But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all ...@~@to fall upon our land@~@to fall upon our families@~@to fall upon Him@~@to be held against us@~@c@~@Isaiah 53:6@~@@
357~@2@~@@~@Jacob fell in love and worked@~@14 years so he could marry who ?@~@@~@Mary@~@Elizabeth@~@Sarah@~@Rachel@~@d@~@Gen 29:18@~@@
358~@2@~@@~@In the book of Jude, who was arguing with@~@the devil about the body of Moses ?@~@@~@Michael the archangel@~@Joshua@~@Aaron@~@the Angel of the Lord@~@a@~@Jude 1:9@~@@
359~@1@~@@~@In the tabernacle, where was the Ark of the@~@Covenant located ?@~@@~@Holy of Holies@~@Holy Place@~@in the courtyard@~@outside the front gate@~@a@~@Exodus 40:3@~@@
360~@2@~@@~@Who was the father of the@~@Moabites and Ammonites ?@~@@~@Ishmail@~@Lot@~@Laban@~@Rueben@~@b@~@Gen 19:38@~@@
361~@1@~@Complete this verse in Romans :@~@And we know that in all things God works@~@for the good of those who love Him,@~@who have been called ...@~@according to His purpose@~@and chosen from the beginning@~@holy and righteous@~@according to their desire@~@a@~@Romans 8:28@~@@
362~@2@~@@~@What country did Joseph end up in@~@as a slave ?@~@@~@Canaan@~@Israel@~@Egypt@~@Babylon@~@c@~@Gen 37:36@~@@
363~@2@~@@~@In Ephesians, we are told to put on the whole armor@~@of God. What do we put on our feet ?@~@@~@gospel of truth@~@gospel of righteousness@~@gospel of peace@~@gospel of faith@~@c@~@Ephesians 6:15@~@@
364~@3@~@@~@How did good King Hezekiah save Jerusalem from the@~@army of Sennacherib, king of Assyria ?@~@@~@he attacked them at night@~@he prayed to the Lord@~@he made a treaty with Sennacherib@~@he poisoned the Assyrian's water@~@b@~@2 Kings 19:20@~@@
365~@1@~@@~@When Aaron's staff became a snake,@~@what did it do to the Egyptians'@~@snakes ?@~@bit them and they died@~@swallowed them up@~@chased them away@~@fire came out of its mouth and burned them up@~@b@~@Exodus 7:12@~@@
366~@2@~@@~@After His resurrection, who went into@~@the holy city and appeared to many ?@~@@~@the disciples@~@no one, because they were afraid@~@the risen bodies of many holy people@~@the angels of God@~@c@~@Matt 27:52,53@~@@
367~@2@~@@~@How many seals are on the scroll@~@held by the One on the throne in@~@Revelation ?@~@7@~@3@~@12@~@1@~@a@~@Rev 5:1@~@@
368~@2@~@@~@Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah the Hittite.@~@What was Uriah's occupation ?@~@@~@he was in David's army@~@he was a priest in the temple@~@he was a prophet@~@he was David's cook@~@a@~@2 Samuel 11:15@~@@
369~@2@~@@~@Of the ten leprous men whom Jesus healed,@~@one fell on his face at Jesus' feet and@~@gave thanks. What was he ?@~@a Jew@~@a Greek@~@a Roman@~@a Samaritan@~@d@~@Luke 17:16@~@@
370~@2@~@@~@According to Psalm 84,@~@a day in Thy courts is better than what ?@~@@~@the sweetest wine@~@the dew on Mount Hermon@~@many still waters@~@a thousand days elsewhere@~@d@~@Psalm 84:10@~@@
371~@2@~@@~@In Ephesians, we are told to put on the whole armor@~@of God. What kind of shield do we take up ?@~@@~@shield of truth@~@shield of righteousness@~@shield of peace@~@shield of faith@~@d@~@Ephesians 6:16@~@@
372~@1@~@@~@In Joel, the Lord tells the nations to beat their@~@pruning hooks into ...@~@@~@clubs@~@spears@~@swords@~@chariots@~@b@~@Joel 3:10@~@@
373~@2@~@After Joshua and all Israel had crossed the Jordan@~@River on their way to Jericho, they brought twelve@~@things from the Jordan to the other side as a sign@~@to their children. What were the twelve things ?@~@twelve stones@~@twelve fishes@~@twelve containers of water@~@twelve containers of dry ground@~@a@~@Joshua 4:5@~@@
374~@3@~@@~@Why did David's son, Absalom,@~@kill his brother Ammon ?@~@@~@to get his property and wives@~@because Ammon raped Tamar, their sister@~@because Ammon raped Absalom's wife@~@to get David's throne@~@b@~@2 Samuel 13:32@~@@
375~@2@~@@~@When David was old, who anointed his son, Solomon,@~@with the horn of oil ?@~@@~@Zadok@~@Nathan@~@David@~@Benaiah@~@a@~@1 Kings 1:39@~@@
376~@1@~@@~@Who was the Pharisee who went@~@to Jesus in the night ?@~@@~@Nicodemus@~@Pilate@~@Joseph of Arimathea@~@Caiaphas@~@a@~@John 3:1@~@@
377~@1@~@@~@Who was the leader who ordered every@~@male child slain in Bethlehem ?@~@@~@Herod the Great@~@Caiaphas@~@Pilate@~@Tertullus@~@a@~@Matt 2:16@~@@
378~@1@~@@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Psalm 14 :@~@The _____ has said in his heart, "There is no God."@~@@~@hypocrite@~@unbeliever@~@devil@~@fool@~@d@~@Psalm 14:1@~@@
379~@2@~@@~@In the introduction of the book of Second John,@~@how does the author refer to himself ?@~@@~@the shepherd@~@the chosen one@~@the elder@~@the teacher@~@c@~@2 John 1:1@~@@
380~@2@~@@~@When Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan River,@~@who stood in the water to cause it to be dried up so all@~@Israel could cross on dry ground ?@~@Joshua@~@Moses@~@the tribe of Judah@~@the priests@~@d@~@Joshua 3:15@~@@
381~@2@~@After Peter preached his sermon at@~@Pentecost, a number of souls were@~@added to the church. How many souls@~@were added that day ?@~@3000@~@7000@~@1000@~@2000@~@a@~@Acts 2:41@~@@
382~@2@~@@~@According to history, where was Paul martyred ?@~@@~@@~@Corinth@~@Rome@~@Island of Patmos@~@Ephesus@~@b@~@2 Timothy 4:6@~@@
383~@3@~@@~@When Paul was preaching at Lycaonia, the multitudes@~@were stirred up against him. What did they do to@~@Paul ?@~@ordered him to leave@~@flogged him@~@stoned him@~@threw him in prison@~@c@~@Acts 14:19@~@@
384~@3@~@@~@At the conclusion of the book of 2 John,@~@who sends a greeting to the chosen lady ?@~@@~@the children of the chosen lady@~@the friends of the chosen lady@~@the children of your chosen sister@~@the mother of your chosen husband@~@c@~@2 John 1:13@~@@
385~@2@~@@~@How long was Moses on Mt. Sinai before@~@the Lord told him to go back because@~@of the golden calf ?@~@7 days@~@1 month@~@40 days@~@24 days@~@c@~@Exodus 24:18@~@@
386~@3@~@In Zechariah's vision of the four horses,@~@when the angel asked the Lord how long He@~@would have no compassion for Jerusalem,@~@what did the Lord answer ?@~@I have no compassion for Jerusalem@~@I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem@~@I am still angry with Jerusalem@~@I have cast off Jerusalem@~@b@~@Zech 1:14@~@@
387~@2@~@@~@In the short book of Philemon, who was Philemon ?@~@@~@@~@a Roman soldier@~@a prisoner with Paul@~@a slave owner@~@a runaway slave@~@c@~@Philemon 1:10@~@@
388~@2@~@@~@Who captured the ark of the covenant@~@during the reign of Eli ?@~@@~@the Ammorites@~@the Amalekites@~@the Moabites@~@the Philistines@~@d@~@1 Samuel 4:10@~@@
389~@2@~@In the book of Judges, when Deborah and Barak defeated@~@the Canaanite army commanded by Sisera, Sisera fled to@~@the tent of Jael to hide. Jael later killed Sisera@~@while he was asleep. How did she kill him ?@~@she set her tent on fire and burned him@~@she pounded a tent peg through his temple@~@she wrapped a scarlet cord around his neck@~@she collapsed the tent and smothered him@~@b@~@Judges 4:21@~@@
390~@1@~@@~@Complete this statement by Paul in 1 Timothy :@~@Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,@~@among whom I am ...@~@one of the worst@~@one of many@~@not to be found@~@the worst@~@d@~@1 Timothy 1:15@~@@
391~@2@~@@~@Why did Jacob love Joseph so much ?@~@@~@@~@he was born to him in his old age@~@he was handsome@~@he was stronger than any of the other sons@~@he had dreams from God@~@a@~@Gen 37:3@~@@
392~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel's vision of the new temple, what ministry@~@was given to the Levites ?@~@@~@they minister to the Lord@~@they have charge over the temple@~@they have no ministry@~@they minister to the foreigners@~@b@~@Ezekiel 44:14@~@@
393~@2@~@The book of Jude was written to defend the faith@~@against certain men who had crept in unnoticed.@~@These men denied the Lord Jesus Christ. How does Jude@~@describe these men with regard to autumn trees ?@~@they are full of evil birds@~@they are full of poisoned fruit@~@they are uprooted and burned@~@they are without fruit and uprooted@~@d@~@Jude 1:12@~@@
394~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James, when we face trials@~@of all kinds, what are we to consider it as ?@~@@~@joy@~@sorrowful@~@frustrating@~@painful@~@a@~@James 1:2@~@@
395~@2@~@When Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi,@~@an earthquake shook the jail and the doors were@~@opened and everyone's chains fell off. What@~@happened to the jailer ?@~@he was killed by the Romans@~@he was killed by an angel@~@he killed himself@~@he was saved by the Lord@~@d@~@Acts 16:30@~@@
396~@1@~@@~@What was healed in the woman that touched@~@Jesus' cloak ?@~@@~@seizures@~@leprosy@~@blindness@~@bleeding@~@d@~@Matt 9:20@~@@
397~@2@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, how many@~@from each tribe of Israel are sealed ?@~@@~@144,000@~@7,000@~@1,000@~@12,000@~@d@~@Rev 7:5-8@~@@
398~@1@~@@~@How long did the Israelites eat manna ?@~@@~@@~@1 year@~@1 month@~@25 years@~@40 years@~@d@~@Exodus 16:35@~@@
399~@3@~@@~@At the conclusion of the book of 2 Timothy,@~@Paul says only one person remains with him.@~@Who was he ?@~@Hermogenes@~@Demas@~@Alexander@~@Luke@~@d@~@2 Timothy 4:11@~@@
400~@3@~@@~@When the Lord asked Ezekiel if the bones in the valley@~@could live, what did Ezekiel answer Him ?@~@@~@O Lord, You know !@~@O Lord, they cannot !@~@O Lord, they can !@~@O Lord, I don't know !@~@a@~@Ezekiel 37:3@~@@
401~@1@~@@~@According to Ephesians chapter 4, there are@~@how many of each of the following ?@~@body, faith, baptism, hope@~@one@~@two@~@three@~@seven@~@a@~@Ephesians 4:4@~@@
402~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel chapter 13, the Lord is angry with@~@the false prophets because they have misled the@~@people by saying ...@~@judgment is coming@~@peace when there is no peace@~@all is well@~@we will live long on the earth@~@b@~@Ezekiel 13:10@~@@
403~@3@~@@~@Abraham was originally from what@~@present day country ?@~@@~@Egypt@~@Iran@~@Iraq@~@Israel@~@c@~@Gen 15:7@~@@
404~@1@~@@~@How were the Israelites guided by day@~@as they left Egypt and traveled in the@~@wilderness ?@~@a pillar of fire@~@a pillar of smoke@~@a pillar of cloud@~@a pillar of light@~@c@~@Exodus 13:21@~@@
405~@3@~@@~@For how long was Nebuchadnezzar removed from@~@his kingdom and driven away from mankind ?@~@@~@seven periods of time@~@twelve periods of time@~@forty periods of time@~@ten periods of time@~@a@~@Daniel 4:16@~@@
406~@2@~@@~@After Cain slew Abel, what cried out to@~@God from the ground ?@~@@~@Abel's body@~@Abel's bones@~@Abel's blood@~@Abel's life@~@c@~@Gen 4:10@~@@
407~@3@~@@~@How high was Nebuchadnezzar's image which he set up@~@in the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon ?@~@@~@30 cubits@~@40 cubits@~@60 cubits@~@100 cubits@~@c@~@Daniel 3:1@~@@
408~@2@~@@~@In First Thessalonians, the day of the Lord coming@~@suddenly upon the people who are in darkness is@~@described as being like ...@~@a hail storm@~@birth pangs@~@an earthquake@~@lightning@~@b@~@1 Thessalonians 5:3@~@@
409~@3@~@@~@Don't do that! said the angel to the@~@author of Revelation. Why ?@~@@~@he doubted God@~@he bowed down to the angel@~@he fell asleep@~@he feared death@~@b@~@Rev 22:9@~@@
410~@2@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@if anyone among you is sick, let him ...@~@@~@call for the elders of the church@~@suffer the consequences@~@consider their sinful ways@~@sing songs of praise@~@a@~@James 5:13@~@@
411~@3@~@@~@What were the people of Israel NOT allowed to do@~@every seventh year, for the whole year ? This@~@is called the Sabbatical Year.@~@travel outside their city@~@work of any kind@~@get married@~@sow the field@~@d@~@Leviticus 25:3@~@@
412~@2@~@@~@Jesus told the disciples at the last supper@~@that after He had risen, He would go ahead@~@of them into ...@~@Heaven@~@Jerusalem@~@Galilee@~@the temple@~@c@~@Matt 26:32@~@@
413~@3@~@@~@How tall was Goliath ?@~@@~@@~@over 7 feet@~@over 8 feet@~@over 9 feet@~@over 10 feet@~@c@~@1 Samuel 17:4@~@@
414~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@if you come near to God, God will ...@~@@~@send you where you don't want to go@~@come near to you@~@send the devil to tempt you@~@put you through many trials@~@b@~@James 4:8@~@@
415~@1@~@@~@With it we praise our Lord and Father, and with it@~@we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.@~@What is this verse in James speaking of ?@~@the spirit@~@the soul@~@the mind@~@the tongue@~@d@~@James 3:9@~@@
416~@1@~@@~@Where was the secret of Samson's great strength hidden ?@~@@~@@~@in his hair@~@in his sword@~@in his hands@~@in his leather belt@~@a@~@Judges 16:19@~@@
417~@2@~@According to the book of Matthew,@~@when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the@~@wilderness, what was the second temptation ?@~@@~@turn stones into bread@~@jump off the pinnacle of the temple@~@worship the devil@~@worship an idol@~@b@~@Matthew 4:5@~@@
417~@2@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, a letter@~@is sent to the church in Philadelphia.@~@What did the Lord place before the church ?@~@the ark of the covenant@~@a temple@~@hidden manna@~@an open door@~@d@~@Revelation 3:8@~@@
418~@1@~@@~@Who did Jesus cast out of the@~@Temple after overturning their@~@tables ?@~@Pharisees@~@Gentiles@~@Jews@~@moneychangers@~@d@~@Matt 21:12@~@@
419~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John, there are three that bear@~@witness. The Spirit bears witness. The water@~@bears witness. What is the third one ?@~@the blood@~@the miracles@~@the soul@~@the body@~@a@~@1 John 5:8@~@@
420~@1@~@After the Lord ascended into heaven, the@~@apostles went to a meeting place to wait@~@for something to come. What were they@~@waiting for ?@~@the end of the age@~@the Roman guards@~@the baptism of the Holy Spirit@~@the conversion of Saul@~@c@~@Acts 1:5@~@@
421~@2@~@@~@What color was the robe that was put@~@on Jesus to mock Him, just before His@~@crucifixion ?@~@white@~@scarlet@~@black@~@blue@~@b@~@Matt 27:28@~@@
422~@2@~@@~@Shechem defiled Dinah, Jacob's daughter.@~@What did Jacob's sons make as a condition@~@in order for him to marry her ?@~@70 head of cattle@~@100 pieces of gold@~@circumcise all their males@~@trade their women@~@c@~@Gen 34:15@~@@
423~@1@~@@~@If someone puts a patch of unshrunk cloth on an@~@old garment, what happens ?@~@@~@the garment looks foolish@~@the patch pulls away@~@the patch doesn't match the color of the garment@~@the garment is restored@~@b@~@Matthew 9:16@~@@
423~@2@~@@~@Where was the man from who@~@carried the cross for Jesus ?@~@@~@Jerusalem@~@Samaria@~@Cyrene@~@Arimathaea@~@c@~@Matt 27:32@~@@
424~@3@~@@~@What was the first complaint the Israelites@~@had against Moses after God delivered them@~@from the Egyptians ?@~@their clothes and sandals wore out from walking@~@they were tired of manna@~@they had no fresh water to drink@~@they wanted an idol to worship@~@c@~@Exodus 15:23@~@@
425~@1@~@@~@In 1948, Israel was invaded by Egypt, Jordan,@~@Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. The Arab soldiers@~@outnumbered the Jews 40 to 1. Who won this war ?@~@Egypt and Iraq@~@Jordan and Syria@~@All the Arab countries@~@Israel@~@d@~@History@~@@
425~@1@~@@~@On what mountain did Noah's ark come to rest ?@~@@~@@~@Tabor@~@Carmel@~@Ararat@~@Horeb@~@c@~@Genesis 8:4@~@@
425~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Jeremiah ?@~@@~@@~@Isaiah@~@Proverbs@~@Lamentations@~@Ezekiel@~@c@~@The Bible@~@@
425~@2@~@@~@What fraction of the earth did the@~@first four trumpets of Revelation@~@destroy ?@~@one third@~@one half@~@one fourth@~@one seventh@~@a@~@Rev 8:6-12@~@@
425~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God@~@create the fish and the birds ?@~@@~@day three@~@day four@~@day five@~@day six@~@c@~@Genesis 1:21@~@@
426~@2@~@@~@In Revelation 22, when does Jesus@~@say he is coming back ?@~@@~@1000 years@~@when everyone is saved@~@when the temple is rebuilt@~@soon@~@d@~@Rev 22:7,20@~@@
427~@3@~@@~@Naboth the Jezreelite lived next to King Ahab's palace.@~@What did Naboth have that King Ahab wanted ?@~@@~@a beautiful wife@~@a beautiful maid@~@a golden idol@~@a vineyard@~@d@~@1 Kings 21:2@~@@
428~@2@~@@~@In the tabernacle, where was the@~@golden lampstand located ?@~@@~@Holy of Holies@~@Holy Place@~@the courtyard@~@outside the front gate@~@b@~@Exodus 40:4@~@@
429~@3@~@@~@What is the first of seven gifts@~@mentioned in Romans chapter 12 ?@~@@~@mercy@~@teaching@~@exhortation@~@prophecy@~@d@~@Romans 12:6@~@@
429~@2@~@@~@Jesus said that everyone who has@~@left houses or family or fields for@~@my sake will receive what ?@~@7 times as much@~@100 times as much@~@12 times as much@~@1000 times as much@~@b@~@Matt 19:29@~@@
430~@3@~@@~@According to Proverbs, what happens to the eye that@~@mocks a father and scorns a mother ?@~@@~@it will be pecked out by ravens@~@it will be burned out by fire@~@it will be blinded by the sun@~@it will be covered by a patch@~@a@~@Proverbs 30:17@~@@
431~@3@~@@~@How long did it take King Solomon to build the@~@house of the Lord ?@~@@~@3 years@~@7 years@~@10 years@~@12 years@~@b@~@1 Kings 6:38@~@@
432~@1@~@@~@Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be ...@~@@~@@~@delivered@~@silenced@~@sanctified@~@saved@~@d@~@Romans 10:13@~@@
433~@3@~@@~@In the book of Acts, what city was the temple@~@of Artemis located in ?@~@@~@Rome@~@Philippi@~@Corinth@~@Ephesus@~@d@~@Acts 19:35@~@@
434~@3@~@@~@Complete this verse from Psalm 18 :@~@He trains my hands for battle,@~@So that my arms can ...@~@launch an iron spear@~@smite a hundred men@~@bend a bow of bronze@~@swing a weighty sword@~@c@~@Psalm 18:34@~@@
435~@2@~@@~@Jesus said the Kingdom of God could@~@be compared to the smallest of seeds.@~@What type of seed did He compare it to ?@~@grass seed@~@mustard seed@~@grain of wheat@~@a poppy seed@~@b@~@Mark 4:30@~@@
436~@2@~@@~@According to Leviticus, the animals found in the water@~@had to meet two requirements before they could be@~@considered clean to eat. They must have fins and ...@~@they must have scales@~@they must have bones@~@they must be salty@~@they must not be salty@~@a@~@Leviticus 11:10@~@@
437~@2@~@@~@In Ephesians, we are told to put on the whole armor@~@of God. What do we put on our breast ?@~@@~@breastplate of truth@~@breastplate of righteousness@~@breastplate of salvation@~@breastplate of faith@~@b@~@Ephesians 6:14@~@@
438~@2@~@@~@How was Haman, the man who plotted to kill all the@~@Jews in Babylon during Queen Esther's time, executed ?@~@@~@beheaded@~@cast into the fiery furnace@~@boiled in oil@~@hung on a gallows@~@d@~@Esther 7:10@~@@
439~@3@~@@~@Artaxerxes, king of Babylon, sent Nehemiah@~@on a mission to Jerusalem to do what ?@~@@~@kill the Jews@~@rebuild the army of Jerusalem@~@rebuild the walls of Jerusalem@~@spy out the strength of the Jews@~@c@~@Nehemiah 2:6@~@@
440~@3@~@@~@How did Jezebel, the evil wife of Ahab, die ?@~@@~@@~@she was trampled by horses@~@she was stoned by the people@~@she was cut in two with a sword@~@she was bit by a scorpion@~@a@~@2 Kings 9:33@~@@
441~@2@~@@~@What does the book of Romans tell us about the@~@distinction between the Jew and the Greek ?@~@@~@there is none, He is Lord of all@~@the Jews have priority over the Greeks@~@God has rejected the Jews altogether@~@only the Greek can be saved by grace@~@a@~@Romans 10:12@~@@
442~@3@~@@~@How many years passed from the time the sons@~@of Israel had come out of Egypt until the time@~@of the building of Solomon's temple ?@~@40@~@120@~@480@~@700@~@c@~@1 Kings 6:1@~@@
443~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the virgins waiting for@~@the bridegroom, how many of the virgins@~@were wise ?@~@nine@~@none@~@one@~@five@~@d@~@Matt 25:2@~@@
444~@2@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from 2 Timothy :@~@For God has not given us a spirit of fear;@~@but of _______ and love and a sound mind.@~@@~@timidity@~@humility@~@meekness@~@power@~@d@~@2 Timothy 1:7@~@@
445~@3@~@When Joshua and the Israelites crossed the@~@Jordan and began their march on Jericho, how much@~@distance were they to keep between themselves and@~@the ark of the covenant ?@~@about 100 cubits@~@about 1000 cubits@~@about 2000 cubits@~@about 3000 cubits@~@c@~@Joshua 3:4@~@@
446~@2@~@@~@Finish this phrase in the book of James :@~@But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt,@~@because he who doubts is like ...@~@a poisoned well@~@a wave of the sea@~@a cloud without rain@~@a rusty door@~@b@~@James 1:6@~@@
447~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John, the Lord is faithful and just@~@to forgive us our sins and purify us from all@~@unrighteousness. What must we do for this to happen ?@~@strive to keep the law@~@confess our sins@~@quit sinning@~@pay the priest@~@b@~@1 John 1:9@~@@
448~@3@~@@~@In the tabernacle, where did God say He would@~@meet with Moses ?@~@@~@above the brazen altar@~@above the bread of the Presence@~@above the mercy seat@~@above the altar of incense@~@c@~@Exodus 25:22@~@@
449~@2@~@@~@After Samson had lost his great strength,@~@what did the Philistines do to him ?@~@@~@cut off his ears@~@gouged out his eyes@~@cut off his thumbs@~@cut off his head@~@b@~@Judges 16:21@~@@
450~@1@~@@~@In the book of James, the author describes something@~@as being like a mist that appears for a little while@~@and then vanishes. What is he speaking of ?@~@our labor@~@our money@~@our spirit@~@our life@~@d@~@James 4:14@~@@
450~@3@~@@~@Who was king of Judah when the@~@Babylonians defeated Jerusalem ?@~@@~@Jeremiah@~@Hezekiah@~@Josiah@~@Zedekiah@~@d@~@Jeremiah 39:1@~@@
450~@3@~@@~@In the short book of Nahum, what does the@~@prophet say is the dust beneath the Lord's feet ?@~@@~@the armies of the earth@~@the clouds@~@the mist on the mountains@~@the wicked@~@b@~@Nahum 1:3@~@@
450~@2@~@@~@According to Proverbs chapter 18,@~@death and life are in the power of ...@~@@~@the wicked@~@the tongue@~@the righteous@~@a man's heart@~@b@~@Proverbs 18:21@~@@
450~@2@~@@~@After Adam and Eve were removed from the garden,@~@what did God place at the east of the garden ?@~@@~@the serpent@~@the cherubim@~@a pillar of fire@~@an altar@~@b@~@Genesis 3:24@~@@
450~@3@~@@~@What does Hallelujah mean ?@~@( or Alleluia )@~@@~@Peace be with you !@~@Bless the Lord who saves us !@~@Praise the Lord !@~@Prince of Peace !@~@c@~@Hebrew dictionary@~@@
451~@1@~@@~@Jesus said, "I am sending you out like sheep@~@among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as@~@snakes and innocent as . . ."@~@lambs@~@doves@~@children@~@day old calves@~@b@~@Matt 10:16@~@@
452~@1@~@@~@In First Thessalonians, Paul says the day of the Lord@~@will come as a ...@~@@~@day of gloom and darkness@~@sudden earthquake@~@thief in the night@~@night of terror@~@c@~@1 Thessalonians 5:2@~@@
453~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the talents,@~@what did the man who had received five talents do ?@~@@~@traded his talents and gained ten more@~@traded his talents and gained five more@~@hid his talents in the ground@~@traded his talents unwisely and lost them@~@b@~@Matthew 25:16@~@@
453~@2@~@@~@What did Samuel do with the Amalakite king@~@that Saul brought back to Israel ?@~@@~@let him return as a warning@~@made him a slave in Israel@~@cut off his thumbs@~@killed him@~@d@~@1 Samuel 15:33@~@@
454~@2@~@During the first days of the church, the apostles@~@were thrown in jail for preaching Jesus and healing@~@people. Who let the apostles out of jail ?@~@@~@the jailer@~@an angel of the Lord@~@the chief priest@~@the Sadducees@~@b@~@Acts 5:19@~@@
455~@3@~@@~@What was the length of the wilderness tabernacle ?@~@@~@@~@50 cubits@~@70 cubits@~@100 cubits@~@120 cubits@~@c@~@Exodus 27:18@~@@
455~@2@~@@~@In Mark, when Jesus appointed the twelve@~@disciples, which two did he name@~@Boanerges, "Sons of Thunder" ?@~@Thomas & James@~@James & John@~@Andrew & Phillip@~@Simon & James@~@b@~@Mark 3:17@~@@
456~@2@~@@~@What was the name of the man from Cyrene@~@who carried the cross for Jesus ?@~@@~@Simon@~@Abel@~@Ananias@~@John@~@a@~@Luke 23:26@~@@
457~@3@~@@~@How did God curse the Philistines@~@after they stole the ark from Israel ?@~@@~@tumors covered their body@~@earthquakes shook their land@~@locusts covered their land@~@their firstborn died@~@a@~@1 Samuel 5:9@~@@
458~@2@~@@~@Who alone was allowed to accompany Moses up the Holy@~@Mountain where the tablets of the law were given ?@~@@~@Aaron@~@Joshua@~@Hur@~@Levi@~@b@~@Exodus 24:13@~@@
459~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in Romans : And those He@~@predestined, He also called; those He called,@~@He also justified; those He justified, He also ...@~@purified@~@glorified@~@set apart@~@made them to be heirs@~@b@~@Romans 8:30@~@@
459~@2@~@@~@As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.@~@Who said this ?@~@@~@Moses@~@Aaron@~@Joshua@~@Eleazar@~@c@~@Joshua 24:15@~@@
460~@1@~@@~@How did Samson die ?@~@@~@@~@he was crushed by a giant millstone@~@he was crushed by a falling statue@~@he was crushed by a collapsing building@~@he was crushed by an iron chariot@~@c@~@Judges 16:30@~@@
461~@3@~@When 3000 men of Judah delivered Samson into the hands@~@of the Philistines, the Spirit of the Lord came on@~@Samson and he killed 1000 Philistines at Lehi. What@~@did Samson use for a weapon against the Philistines ?@~@an oxgoad@~@the jawbone of a donkey@~@his bare hands@~@the leg of an ox@~@b@~@Judges 15:15@~@@
462~@1@~@@~@Why was Jesus amazed at the centurion@~@soldier who had the paralyzed servant ?@~@@~@he was a Roman@~@he came to Jesus in front of people@~@he had strong faith@~@he didn't believe@~@c@~@Matt 8:10@~@@
463~@2@~@@~@Who was the high priest when Jesus@~@was crucified ?@~@@~@Levi@~@Ananias@~@Festus@~@Caiaphas@~@d@~@Matt 26:3@~@@
464~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse :@~@I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand.@~@Remember ...@~@the saints in Colossae@~@our struggle@~@my imprisonment@~@to pray always@~@c@~@Colossians 4:18@~@@
465~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel's vision of the new temple, what type of@~@clothing were the priests who enter the inner court@~@instructed to wear ?@~@linen@~@wool@~@silk@~@furs@~@a@~@Ezekiel 44:17@~@@
466~@3@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what was promised@~@to the overcomers in the church of Sardis ?@~@@~@they would be clothed in white garments@~@they would eat some of the hidden manna@~@they would be made pillars in the temple@~@they would sit with Jesus on the throne@~@a@~@Revelation 3:5@~@@
467~@3@~@@~@After Jericho was taken, Joshua and all the men of@~@war went up against the city of Ai. How did Israel@~@take this city ?@~@they broke down the front gate@~@by an ambush from the rear@~@they lay siege to Ai for 40 days@~@they scaled the wall with ropes@~@b@~@Joshua 8:4@~@@
468~@3@~@@~@When Paul was preaching at Philippi, a merchant woman@~@named Lydia opened her heart and became saved. What@~@was Lydia a seller of ?@~@seller of fabric@~@seller of tents@~@seller of idols@~@seller of wine@~@a@~@Acts 16:14@~@@
469~@2@~@Who is this verse referring to ?@~@Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was@~@stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent@~@a night and a day in the open sea ...@~@Jesus@~@Peter@~@John@~@Paul@~@d@~@2 Corinthians 11:25@~@@
470~@3@~@@~@Sarah died at the age of ...@~@@~@@~@127 years@~@99 years@~@107 years@~@433 years@~@a@~@Gen 23:1@~@@
471~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John,@~@if we say we have no sin, we ...@~@@~@do well@~@are righteous@~@are deceiving ourselves@~@speak the truth@~@c@~@1 John 1:8@~@@
472~@3@~@@~@What did God send to eat the plant that comforted Jonah ?@~@@~@@~@a bird@~@a beast@~@a horse@~@a worm@~@d@~@Jonah 4:7@~@@
473~@1@~@@~@According to Romans, how much condemnation@~@is there for those who are in Christ Jesus ?@~@@~@it depends on their sin@~@same as the unbeliever@~@none@~@very little@~@c@~@Romans 8:1@~@@
473~@2@~@@~@What kind of wood was the ark@~@of the covenant made with ?@~@@~@cedar@~@pine@~@shittum@~@acacia@~@d@~@Exodus 25:10@~@@
474~@1@~@@~@Who wrote the book of First Peter ?@~@@~@@~@Paul@~@Titus@~@Peter@~@Timothy@~@c@~@1 Peter 1:1@~@@
475~@2@~@@~@In the Sermon on the Mount,@~@what is promised to those who are@~@persecuted for righteousness' sake ?@~@they will see God@~@they will be called the sons of God@~@theirs is the kingdom of heaven@~@they will be filled@~@c@~@Matthew 5:10@~@@
475~@3@~@@~@The church in Thessalonica that Paul wrote two@~@letters to was in what present day country ?@~@@~@Turkey@~@Syria@~@Italy@~@Greece@~@d@~@Geography@~@@
475~@1@~@@~@When the Lord Jesus ascended, what received@~@Him out of the sight of the apostles ?@~@@~@chariot@~@whirlwind@~@angel@~@cloud@~@d@~@Acts 1:9@~@@
475~@3@~@In the book of Haggai,@~@in the opening word from the Lord, what were@~@the remnant who had returned to Jerusalem saying@~@concerning the rebuilding of the house of the Lord ?@~@we don't want to rebuild the house@~@let's begin to rebuild the house@~@it is not time to rebuild the house@~@let's return to Babylon@~@c@~@Haggai 1:2@~@@
475~@3@~@@~@What is the fifth of the ten commandments ?@~@@~@@~@Thou shalt not covet@~@Thou shalt not steal@~@Honor thy father and thy mother@~@Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy@~@c@~@Exodus 20:12@~@@
475~@2@~@@~@After Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit,@~@God asked them if they had eaten it. Who did@~@Adam blame the mistake on ?@~@the serpent@~@the Lord@~@the woman@~@himself@~@c@~@Genesis 3:12@~@@
475~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Titus ?@~@@~@@~@Hebrews@~@First Timothy@~@James@~@Philemon@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
476~@3@~@@~@How long was Zacharias, father of John@~@the Baptist, unable to speak ?@~@@~@until he died@~@for 6 months@~@until John was circumcised@~@until John was born@~@c@~@Luke 1:64@~@@
477~@3@~@@~@How was the martyr Stephen, in the@~@early church days, put to death ?@~@@~@stoned@~@sawn in two@~@beheaded@~@thrown in a well@~@a@~@Acts 7:59@~@@
478~@3@~@@~@When the apostle Paul spoke a parting word to the Jews@~@in Rome who would not listen to him, he quoted from@~@what prophet ?@~@Isaiah@~@Jeremiah@~@Ezekiel@~@Hosea@~@a@~@Acts 28:26@~@@
479~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians, who does@~@the one who speaks in a tongue edify ?@~@@~@God@~@himself@~@the church@~@the unbelievers@~@b@~@1 Corinthians 14:4@~@@
479~@2@~@@~@When Paul was preaching in Asia, what was carried@~@from him to the sick so that they would be healed ?@~@@~@anointed oil@~@some of his hair@~@handkerchiefs@~@necklaces@~@c@~@Acts 19:12@~@@
480~@2@~@@~@Who is revealed by the opening of@~@the 5th seal in Revelation 6 ?@~@@~@martyrs@~@unbelievers@~@fallen angels@~@demons@~@a@~@Rev 6:9@~@@
481~@3@~@@~@According to Proverbs, an adulterous woman eats and@~@wipes her mouth and says ...@~@@~@I am beautiful@~@I am as a queen@~@I have done nothing wrong@~@I am not satisfied@~@c@~@Proverbs 30:20@~@@
482~@1@~@@~@When Elijah challenged the priests of Baal, both@~@Elijah and the priests of Baal put an ox on an altar.@~@What happened to the priests of Baal's sacrifice ?@~@fire came down and consumed it@~@the earth opened up and swallowed it@~@a storm came and rained on it@~@nothing@~@d@~@1 Kings 18:29@~@@
483~@2@~@According to 1 Timothy, in later times some will@~@abandon the faith and follow things taught by demons.@~@Such teachings come through hypocritical liars.@~@What has happened to the conscience of these liars ?@~@it is seared@~@it is cast off@~@it is drowned@~@it is sold@~@a@~@1 Timothy 4:2@~@@
484~@3@~@@~@In the fifth year of King Rehoboam, Shishak, the@~@king of Egypt, came up against Jerusalem. What@~@did he take back to Egypt with him ?@~@the chariots of Solomon@~@the wife of Rehoboam@~@the temple treasures@~@the son of Rehoboam@~@c@~@1 Kings 14:26@~@@
485~@2@~@In 2 Timothy, Paul says that there is a crown of@~@righteousness in store for him, which the Lord, the@~@righteous judge, will award to him on that day; and@~@not only to him, but also to all those who ...@~@abstain from sin@~@keep the law@~@love his appearing@~@attend church regularly@~@c@~@2 Timothy 4:8@~@@
486~@2@~@@~@How many did Jesus feed with@~@the five loaves and two fish ?@~@@~@5000@~@1000@~@500@~@3000@~@a@~@John 6:10@~@@
487~@1@~@@~@After Elijah challenged the priests of Baal and the@~@priests of Baal failed the challenge, what did Elijah@~@do to the priests of Baal ?@~@killed them@~@made them eat their idols@~@removed them from Israel@~@nothing@~@a@~@1 Kings 18:40@~@@
488~@2@~@@~@In the last chapter of Daniel, what did the one@~@who was speaking to Daniel say about knowledge in@~@the last days ?@~@it would become scarce@~@it would not be sought after@~@it would be hard to find@~@it would increase@~@d@~@Daniel 12:4@~@@
489~@1@~@In the book of Acts, Ananias and his wife sold a@~@piece of property and presented only a portion of@~@the sale to the apostles. What was the result of@~@their lying to the Holy Spirit ?@~@they were removed from the church@~@they were scolded by the apostles@~@they ran away from the church@~@they died@~@d@~@Acts 5:5@~@@
490~@1@~@@~@David was the son of ...@~@@~@@~@Samuel@~@Saul@~@Eli@~@Jesse@~@d@~@1 Sam 16:11@~@@
491~@3@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, at what age could a widow@~@be put on the list of widows that the church supports ?@~@@~@55@~@60@~@65@~@70@~@b@~@1 Timothy 5:9@~@@
492~@2@~@@~@In Philippians chapter 3, Paul warns against the@~@legalists. What does he call the legalists ?@~@@~@judaizers@~@foxes@~@wolves@~@dogs@~@d@~@Philippians 3:2@~@@
493~@3@~@@~@Where was the golden altar of incense@~@placed in the tabernacle ?@~@@~@Holy of Holies@~@Holy Place@~@in the courtyard@~@outside the front gate@~@b@~@Exodus 40:5@~@@
494~@1@~@@~@What was David doing when Samuel@~@came to anoint him king ?@~@@~@working in the field@~@killing a bear@~@shepherding@~@playing the harp@~@c@~@1 Samuel 16:11@~@@
495~@3@~@When King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat joined forces to@~@fight against the Arameans, they asked the prophets@~@of God for advice. What did the true prophet,@~@Micaiah, say ?@~@Israel will prevail mightily@~@Judah will prevail mightily@~@Judah will be scattered@~@Israel will be scattered@~@d@~@1 Kings 22:17@~@@
496~@1@~@@~@It is easier for a camel to go through the@~@eye of a needle than for who to enter the@~@kingdom of heaven ?@~@rich men@~@Pharisee@~@drunkards@~@prostitutes@~@a@~@Matt 19:24@~@@
497~@3@~@@~@When Joshua and all Israel fought against the city@~@of Ai, what did Joshua have in his hand that he@~@raised as a sign for his army to attack ?@~@a sword@~@the 10 commandments@~@a javelin or spear@~@the staff of Moses@~@c@~@Joshua 8:18@~@@
498~@2@~@@~@What are each of the gates of the@~@New Jerusalem made of ?@~@@~@a single pearl@~@a wedge of pure gold@~@an arc of silver@~@a rainbow@~@a@~@Rev 21:21@~@@
499~@1@~@In the book of 1 John, there are three things listed@~@that are from the world. Two of the worldly things@~@are as follows: The lust of the flesh. The boastful@~@pride of life. What is the other worldly thing ?@~@wealth@~@strong wine@~@the lust of the eyes@~@rock and roll@~@c@~@1 John 2:16@~@@
500~@2@~@@~@In what direction does the Jordan river flow ?@~@@~@@~@north@~@south@~@east@~@west@~@b@~@Geography@~@@
500~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Deuteronomy ?@~@@~@@~@1 Samuel@~@Joshua@~@Ruth@~@Judges@~@b@~@The Bible@~@@
500~@2@~@According to the book of Genesis,@~@who lived the longest of any man on the earth ?@~@( Nine hundred and sixty-nine years )@~@@~@Adam@~@Enosh@~@Noah@~@Methuselah@~@d@~@Genesis 5:27@~@@
500~@2@~@@~@In the beginning of Elijah's ministry during the@~@reign of King Ahab, what did Elijah say there would@~@be none of except by his word ?@~@rain@~@moonlight@~@babies born@~@sunshine@~@a@~@1 Kings 17:1@~@@
500~@2@~@In A.D. 65, several hundred families escaped the@~@destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans and fled to@~@a highly fortified 1400 foot plateau.@~@What was the name of this plateau ?@~@Nebo's hill@~@Masada@~@Devil's mountain@~@plateau of Tabor@~@b@~@History@~@@
500~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God say,@~@"Let there be an expanse between the@~@waters to separate water from water" ?@~@day one@~@day two@~@day three@~@day four@~@b@~@Genesis 1:6@~@@
501~@1@~@@~@According to the book of 2 Peter,@~@with the Lord, one day is as ...@~@@~@a year@~@a decade@~@a hundred years@~@a thousand years@~@d@~@2 Peter 3:8@~@@
502~@1@~@@~@What happened to the people who tricked king Darius@~@into forcing Daniel to be thrown into the lions' den ?@~@@~@they were slain with the sword@~@they were removed from Babylon@~@they were thrown into the lions' den@~@they were imprisoned@~@c@~@Daniel 6:24@~@@
503~@3@~@When Joshua sent the two spies to Jericho, a woman@~@helped them. What color was the cord that the woman@~@placed in her window as a sign to the Israelites so@~@they would not harm her when they destroyed the city ?@~@scarlet@~@blue@~@red@~@white@~@a@~@Joshua 2:18@~@@
504~@3@~@@~@What tribe of Israel did the Apostle Paul belong to ?@~@@~@@~@Levi@~@Judah@~@Benjamin@~@Reuben@~@c@~@Romans 11:1@~@@
504~@2@~@@~@What relation was Ruth to Naomi ?@~@@~@@~@mother-in-law@~@sister@~@daughter-in-law@~@grandmother@~@c@~@Ruth 1:14@~@@
505~@3@~@@~@In the book of Judges, when Abimelech attacked@~@the tower of Thebez, a woman in the tower fatally@~@injured him. How did the woman injure Abimelech ?@~@she threw a rock and hit him in the head@~@she dumped boiling oil on him@~@she threw a millstone and hit him in the head@~@she threw a pitcher of water and broke his neck@~@c@~@Judges 9:53@~@@
506~@3@~@When Gideon was going to battle with the Midianites,@~@he divided his 300 men into three companies. What@~@did the 300 men have in their right hand when they@~@went to battle ?@~@oxgoads@~@javelins@~@swords@~@trumpets@~@d@~@Judges 7:20@~@@
507~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John, what is the@~@message that we have heard from the beginning ?@~@@~@love yourself@~@repent and be baptized@~@love one another@~@keep the law of Moses@~@c@~@1 John 3:11@~@@
508~@2@~@@~@In Matthew 24, the Lord says the coming of the@~@Son of Man will be just like the days of ...@~@@~@Babel@~@Sodom and Gomorrah@~@Noah@~@Nineveh@~@c@~@Matthew 24:37@~@@
508~@2@~@@~@During the transfiguration, what did@~@the voice from heaven command Peter@~@to do ?@~@listen to Jesus@~@worship Jesus@~@build altars@~@take off your shoes@~@a@~@Matt 17:5@~@@
509~@1@~@@~@At the dedication of King Solomon's temple, the@~@glory of the Lord filled the temple. What happened@~@to the priests ?@~@they were caught up to heaven@~@they were thrown from the Holy Place@~@they could not perform their duties@~@they ran from the glory of the Lord@~@c@~@1 Kings 8:11@~@@
510~@3@~@@~@From what family line did John the Baptist's@~@mother, Elizabeth, come ?@~@@~@Zacharias@~@Aaron@~@Theophilus@~@David@~@b@~@Luke 1:5@~@@
511~@2@~@When Gideon was going to battle with the Midianites,@~@the Lord told Gideon to send some of the men home.@~@Gideon sent 22,000 men home and 10,000 remained.@~@How did Gideon determine who to send home ?@~@they were afraid@~@they had children@~@they lapped water like a dog@~@they were college students@~@a@~@Judges 7:3@~@@
512~@1@~@@~@What city is the book of Lamentations@~@mourning over ?@~@@~@Nineveh@~@Babylon@~@Jerusalem@~@Jericho@~@c@~@Lamentations 2:13@~@@
512~@3@~@In the book of Galatians, Paul is describing the@~@respect that the Galatians had for him on his first@~@visit to Galatia. What did Paul say the Galatians@~@would have given him if they could have ?@~@their homes@~@their eyes@~@their gold and silver@~@the shirt of their backs@~@b@~@Galatians 4:15@~@@
513~@3@~@@~@King Saul had the witch of Endor@~@call up someone from the dead.@~@Whom did she call up ?@~@Elijah@~@Samuel@~@Moses@~@Abraham@~@b@~@1 Samuel 28:11@~@@
514~@2@~@@~@In Revelation, what will men do when@~@the two witnesses are killed during@~@the tribulation ?@~@worship God@~@repent@~@exchange gifts@~@commit suicide@~@c@~@Rev 11:10@~@@
515~@1@~@@~@Who led the sons of Israel after the death of Moses ?@~@@~@@~@Caleb@~@Joshua@~@Jacob@~@David@~@b@~@Joshua 1:1@~@@
516~@3@~@@~@In the book of Judges, when Jabin, king of Canaan,@~@began to fight against Israel, whom did the Lord raise@~@up to judge Israel ?@~@Deborah@~@Ezra@~@Job@~@Esther@~@a@~@Judges 4:4@~@@
517~@2@~@@~@According to 2 Corinthians,@~@The things which are seen are temporary,@~@but the things which are not seen are ...@~@worthy@~@darkness@~@spiritual@~@eternal@~@d@~@2 Corinthians 4:18@~@@
518~@2@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from 1 Timothy :@~@Have nothing to do with godless myths@~@and ______________________; rather,@~@train yourself to be godly.@~@speculations@~@superstitions@~@legends@~@old wives' tales@~@d@~@1 Timothy 4:7@~@@
519~@3@~@@~@What kind of affliction did Satan put on Job's body ?@~@@~@@~@painful sores from head to foot@~@leprosy from head to foot@~@he became blind@~@his arms and legs became lame@~@a@~@Job 2:7@~@@
520~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, an accusation against an@~@elder cannot be received except by the testimony@~@of how many witnesses ?@~@one or two@~@two or three@~@three or four@~@four or five@~@b@~@1 Timothy 5:19@~@@
521~@3@~@@~@What was Moses doing that determined@~@who was winning the war against the@~@Amalekites ?@~@praying@~@dancing@~@lifting his hands@~@bowing to God@~@c@~@Exodus 17:11@~@@
522~@2@~@According to Matthew chapter eight,@~@what Old Testament prophet prophesied that@~@Jesus would heal the sick ?@~@@~@Jeremiah@~@Isaiah@~@Joel@~@Micah@~@b@~@Matt 8:17@~@@
523~@2@~@@~@Who wrote the short book of Philemon ?@~@@~@@~@Peter@~@Paul@~@James@~@Unknown@~@b@~@Philemon 1:1@~@@
524~@2@~@@~@Why did John weep during his vision@~@at the throne in Revelation 5 ?@~@@~@no one was worthy to open the scrolls@~@he saw the martyred saints@~@he saw the judgments coming to man@~@he saw the Lamb slain@~@a@~@Rev 5:4@~@@
525~@1@~@@~@Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to@~@him as righteousness, and he was called ...@~@@~@the friend of God@~@blessed of man@~@the honorable one@~@the great father@~@a@~@James 2:23@~@@
526~@1@~@@~@Which four books of the Bible are@~@considered the four gospels ?@~@@~@the last 4 books of the New Testament@~@the first 4 books of the Bible@~@the first 4 books of Moses@~@the first 4 books of the New Testament@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
527~@3@~@@~@The tenth day of the seventh month@~@is a holy day unto the Lord.@~@This is the day of ...@~@Passover@~@Pentecost@~@Trumpets@~@Atonement@~@d@~@Leviticus 23:27@~@@
528~@3@~@@~@In the book of Jude, the author quotes an old@~@testament person who lived in the seventh@~@generation from Adam. Who was this man ?@~@Enoch@~@Noah@~@Elisha@~@Seth@~@a@~@Jude 1:14@~@@
529~@3@~@@~@What happened to the great tree in Nebuchadnezzar's@~@second dream ?@~@@~@it fell down@~@it was consumed by fire@~@it was chopped down@~@it was uprooted@~@c@~@Daniel 4:14@~@@
530~@1@~@@~@Finish this verse from the book of James :@~@You adulterous people, don't you know that@~@friendship with the world is ...@~@good for your soul ?@~@evil but necessary ?@~@acceptable in moderation ?@~@hatred toward God ?@~@d@~@James 4:4@~@@
531~@3@~@@~@Where was David anointed as king over all Israel ?@~@@~@@~@Jerusalem@~@Bethlehem@~@Hebron@~@Jericho@~@c@~@2 Samuel 5:3@~@@
532~@2@~@@~@Paul says in the book of Galatians, If anybody is@~@preaching to you a gospel other than what you@~@accepted, let him be ...@~@accursed@~@thrown out of the church@~@stoned@~@forgiven@~@a@~@Galatians 1:9@~@@
533~@2@~@@~@The Lord used King Jehu to destroy all the prophets of@~@Baal and the house of Baal. What was the house of Baal@~@used for after Jehu finished destroying it ?@~@a dog house@~@a horse stable@~@a latrine@~@a memorial@~@c@~@2 Kings 10:27@~@@
534~@3@~@@~@After Joshua and all Israel took the cities of Jericho@~@and Ai, the men of Gibeon made a covenant with Israel.@~@What was Israel's mistake in the matter ?@~@they accepted Gibeon's gold and silver@~@they worshipped one of Gibeon's idols@~@they did not kill the men from Gibeon@~@they did not ask the Lord what to do@~@d@~@Joshua 9:14@~@@
535~@3@~@@~@When Satan began to afflict Job,@~@what happened to Job's sheep ?@~@@~@a flood washed them all away@~@fire from heaven killed them all@~@a plague killed them all@~@they wandered away and were lost@~@b@~@Job 1:16@~@@
536~@2@~@@~@According to 1 John, perfect love drives out ...@~@@~@@~@fear@~@the evil one@~@confusion@~@the ungodly@~@a@~@1 John 4:18@~@@
537~@1@~@@~@The Pharisees said Jesus drove out demons@~@by the prince of demons. What is the name@~@they used for this prince ?@~@Beelzebub@~@Satan@~@Antichrist@~@false prophet@~@a@~@Matt 12:24@~@@
538~@3@~@@~@When King David wanted to show kindness to the house@~@of Saul, he found Jonathan's son was the only one@~@still alive. What was wrong with Jonathan's son ?@~@he was blind@~@he was deaf@~@he was a leper@~@he was crippled@~@d@~@2 Samuel 9:3@~@@
539~@2@~@@~@What relation was Jethro to Moses ?@~@@~@@~@father-in-law@~@uncle@~@brother@~@son@~@a@~@Exodus 18:1@~@@
540~@2@~@@~@What did the faces of the locusts@~@in the tribulation resemble ?@~@@~@human faces@~@scorpion faces@~@demon faces@~@horse faces@~@a@~@Rev 9:7@~@@
541~@3@~@@~@In Philippians, Paul mentions that only one church@~@shared with him in the matter of giving and receiving.@~@What church was it ?@~@the Galatians@~@the Philippians@~@the Ephesians@~@the Corinthians@~@b@~@Philippians 4:15@~@@
542~@1@~@@~@What is the second of the@~@ten commandments ?@~@@~@do not murder@~@do not have any other gods before Me@~@do not make idols@~@remember the Sabbath@~@c@~@Exodus 20:4@~@@
543~@3@~@@~@Where was the apostle Paul born ?@~@@~@@~@Rome@~@Jerusalem@~@Tarsus@~@Corinth@~@c@~@Acts 22:3@~@@
544~@3@~@When the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the@~@half-tribe of Manasseh returned home after the land@~@had been possessed, what did they do before crossing@~@the Jordan that made the rest of Israel angry ?@~@built an altar@~@stole some cattle@~@made an idol to worship@~@made a burnt offering@~@a@~@Joshua 22:10@~@@
545~@2@~@@~@When Elisha was bringing the son of the Shunammite@~@woman back to life, what did the boy do seven times@~@before opening his eyes ?@~@groaned@~@sneezed@~@spit@~@raised his hands@~@b@~@2 Kings 4:35@~@@
546~@1@~@@~@When Elijah was about to be carried away into heaven,@~@what came between him and Elisha and separated them ?@~@@~@a host of angels@~@a pillar of fire@~@a chariot of fire@~@a whirlwind@~@c@~@2 Kings 2:11@~@@
547~@3@~@@~@Leah bore Jacob his first four sons.@~@The fourth son's name means praise.@~@What is his name ?@~@Dan@~@Asher@~@Levi@~@Judah@~@d@~@Gen 29:35@~@@
548~@3@~@Finish this verse in Leviticus ... You will pursue@~@your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before@~@you. Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred@~@of you will chase ...@~@five hundred@~@a thousand@~@five thousand@~@ten thousand@~@d@~@Leviticus 26:8@~@@
549~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John, what is the@~@victory that has overcome the world ?@~@@~@our good works@~@our righteousness@~@our preaching of the word@~@our faith@~@d@~@1 John 5:4@~@@
550~@1@~@@~@What did God form man from ?@~@@~@@~@the waters of the earth@~@the woman@~@one of God's own ribs@~@the dust of the ground@~@d@~@Genesis 2:7@~@@
550~@3@~@After the flood Noah made a vineyard and got drunk.@~@Now Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.@~@Two of his sons covered his shame when he was drunk,@~@but one of his sons exposed him. Who exposed Noah ?@~@Shem@~@Ham@~@Japheth@~@none of the above@~@b@~@Genesis 9:22@~@@
550~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Habakkuk ?@~@@~@@~@Amos@~@Micah@~@Zephaniah@~@Haggai@~@c@~@The Bible@~@@
550~@2@~@@~@Why did David, as a young man,@~@become a servant of Saul ?@~@@~@to cook for Saul@~@to fight for Saul@~@to read poetry to Saul@~@to play the harp for Saul@~@d@~@1 Samuel 16:23@~@@
550~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the sower, Jesus said the thorns@~@choke the word and it becomes unfruitful. Jesus said@~@the thorns represent the worries of this life and ...@~@the lust of the flesh@~@the deceitfulness of riches@~@the pride of this life@~@the heart of unbelief@~@b@~@Matthew 13:22@~@@
550~@2@~@@~@In the Sermon on the Mount,@~@what is promised to those who mourn ?@~@@~@they will see God@~@they will be comforted@~@they will inherit the earth@~@they will obtain mercy@~@b@~@Matthew 5:4@~@@
551~@3@~@@~@In Daniel's vision of the four beasts coming up@~@out of the sea, what was the third beast like ?@~@@~@eagle@~@lion@~@bear@~@leopard@~@d@~@Daniel 7:6@~@@
552~@1@~@During the early days of the church, just after@~@Saul's conversion, how did Saul escape from the@~@chief priests in Damascus who were trying@~@to kill him ?@~@hid in a cart@~@lowered down the wall in a basket@~@crawled through a tunnel@~@floated down the river@~@b@~@Acts 9:25@~@@
553~@1@~@@~@Where were the Jews living in captivity before@~@Cyrus gave them permission to return to Jerusalem ?@~@@~@Rome@~@Egypt@~@Babylon@~@Greece@~@c@~@Ezra 2:1@~@@
554~@1@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Galatians :@~@The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,@~@patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,@~@__________, and self-control.@~@timidity@~@pride@~@perfection@~@gentleness@~@d@~@Galatians 5:23@~@@
554~@2@~@@~@In 1 Corinthians, Paul said he could not@~@talk to the Corinthians as spiritual men.@~@Paul had to talk to them as ...@~@unbelievers@~@young men in Christ@~@children in Christ@~@babes in Christ@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 3:1@~@@
555~@3@~@@~@In the book of Judges, the Lord gave the Midianites@~@into the hand of Gideon and his men. How many@~@swordsmen of Midian were slain in the battle ?@~@12,000@~@30,000@~@50,000@~@120,000@~@d@~@Judges 8:10@~@@
556~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, the elders of the church@~@who work hard at teaching and preaching are worthy@~@of what ?@~@much praise@~@exaltation@~@the highest wages@~@double honor@~@d@~@1 Timothy 5:17@~@@
557~@1@~@@~@In Revelation, which church received a@~@rebuke from God for losing its first love ?@~@@~@Ephesus@~@Sardis@~@Smyrna@~@Thyatira@~@a@~@Rev 2:4@~@@
558~@1@~@@~@According to Isaiah chapter 53,@~@by what are we healed ?@~@@~@His peace@~@His grace@~@His mercy@~@His scourging@~@d@~@Isaiah 53:5@~@@
558~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel 37, when the bones came together,@~@what did they become ?@~@@~@a man@~@an eagle@~@a horse@~@an army@~@d@~@Ezekiel 37:10@~@@
559~@1@~@@~@When Jesus taught, the people were amazed@~@because he ...@~@@~@spoke good Hebrew@~@spoke as one with authority@~@didn't ask for money@~@could talk so long without resting@~@b@~@Matt 7:29@~@@
560~@1@~@@~@In the book of Romans, when Paul is speaking of@~@Israel, he asks if God has rejected His people.@~@What does he reply as the answer to his own question ?@~@yes, because they rejected Him@~@if they don't repent soon He will reject them@~@He never rejects anyone@~@may it never be@~@d@~@Romans 11:1@~@@
561~@1@~@Complete this verse from 1 John :@~@We know that when He appears, we shall be like Him,@~@for we shall see Him as He is. Everyone who has this@~@hope in Him ...@~@can rest because of the rapture@~@purifies himself, just as He is pure@~@fears the day of the Lord@~@enjoys peace and safety till He comes@~@b@~@1 John 3:3@~@@
562~@3@~@@~@When Elisha was going to Bethel, some youths from the@~@city mocked him. Elisha then cursed them. What@~@happened to the youths ?@~@lions ate them@~@fire came down and consumed them@~@bears mauled them@~@the earth swallowed them@~@c@~@2 Kings 2:24@~@@
563~@2@~@@~@How long is the Devil bound and locked@~@away after the return of Christ ?@~@@~@7 years@~@144,000 years@~@1 year@~@1000 years@~@d@~@Rev 20:2@~@@
564~@1@~@@~@When the Apostle Paul asked the Lord to remove@~@the thorn in his flesh, what did the Lord reply ?@~@@~@my grace is sufficient for you@~@first repent of your sin@~@I will do as you ask, be healed@~@He did not reply at all@~@a@~@2 Corinthians 12:9@~@@
565~@3@~@@~@After Joshua and all Israel took the cities of Jericho@~@and Ai, the men of Gibeon made a covenant with Joshua@~@by deception. How did they deceive Joshua ?@~@said they were from far, far away@~@said they were of Abraham's family@~@said they would be slaves of Israel@~@said they would join Israel against the Hittites@~@a@~@Joshua 9:9@~@@
566~@1@~@@~@Who was the governor that Jesus was@~@handed over to for crucifixion ?@~@@~@Caiaphas@~@Herod@~@Pilate@~@Nicodemus@~@c@~@Matt 27:2@~@@
567~@3@~@@~@How did the remnant that returned from Babylon@~@to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem deal with@~@the foreign wives they had married ?@~@they killed them@~@they divorced them@~@they sent them back to Babylon@~@they let them join the Israelites@~@b@~@Ezra 10:11@~@@
568~@1@~@@~@Which tree was forbidden in the Garden of Eden ?@~@@~@@~@Tree of knowledge of good and evil@~@Tree of knowledge of life@~@Tree of knowledge of evil@~@Tree of death@~@a@~@Gen 2:17@~@@
569~@1@~@@~@Where did John the Baptist baptize the@~@people ?@~@@~@Jordan River@~@Sea of Galilee@~@pools of Shiloh@~@Red Sea@~@a@~@Matt 3:6@~@@
570~@2@~@@~@To whom is the book of First Peter addressed ?@~@@~@@~@the apostle Paul@~@the apostle Peter@~@the chosen scattered about@~@Timothy@~@c@~@1 Peter 1:1@~@@
571~@1@~@@~@Jesus said to His disciples, the harvest@~@is plentiful . . .@~@@~@but there are no workers@~@therefore, go and reap it@~@but there is little time@~@but the workers are few@~@d@~@Matt 9:37@~@@
572~@2@~@@~@After Jezebel found out that Elijah had killed all the@~@priests of Baal, she told Elijah that she would kill@~@him in one day. What did Elijah do when he heard this ?@~@ran for his life to Horeb@~@slew Jezebel with a sword@~@exiled Jezebel to Egypt@~@returned to Gilead@~@a@~@1 Kings 19:8@~@@
573~@3@~@@~@How old was Moses when he had his first@~@encounter with Pharaoh in demanding that@~@he let the sons of Israel go ?@~@35@~@55@~@80@~@95@~@c@~@Exodus 7:7@~@@
574~@2@~@@~@After Elijah fled to Horeb, the Lord told him to@~@return to Israel. What did the Lord tell Elijah@~@He had reserved in Israel ?@~@100 prophets of God to kill Jezebel@~@a good man to anoint as king@~@1000 prophets of God to overthrow Baal@~@7000 who had not bowed to Baal@~@d@~@1 Kings 19:18@~@@
575~@3@~@@~@In Daniel's vision of the four beasts which came up@~@out of the sea, what does the horn which came up from@~@among the first ten horns on the fourth beast do ?@~@wages war against the saints@~@wages war against the other ten horns@~@makes a pact with the saints@~@deceives the saints@~@a@~@Daniel 7:21@~@@
576~@1@~@@~@Who called out in the desert "Repent, for@~@the Kingdom of heaven is near" ?@~@@~@Matthew@~@Moses@~@John the Baptist@~@Paul@~@c@~@Matt 3:3@~@@
577~@2@~@@~@Ezekiel 38 is a prophecy against what land ?@~@@~@@~@Babylon@~@Greece@~@Persia@~@Gog@~@d@~@Ezekiel 38:2@~@@
578~@2@~@@~@How long had Goliath stood and defied@~@Israel before David showed up ?@~@@~@3 days@~@12 days@~@20 days@~@40 days@~@d@~@1 Samuel 17:16@~@@
579~@3@~@@~@How old was David when he became king of Israel ?@~@@~@@~@20@~@30@~@40@~@50@~@b@~@2 Samuel 5:4@~@@
580~@3@~@@~@When the Philistines returned the ark of the covenant,@~@why did the Lord strike some of them down ?@~@@~@they touched the ark@~@they cursed the ark@~@they sat it on the ground@~@they looked inside it@~@d@~@1 Samuel 6:19@~@@
581~@2@~@In 1 Timothy chapter 1, Paul lists two things which@~@certain men were teaching. These two things promote@~@controversies rather than God's work. One was the@~@teaching of endless genealogies. What was the other ?@~@the teaching of myths@~@the teaching of sorcery@~@the teaching of the law@~@the teaching of astrology@~@a@~@1 Timothy 1:4@~@@
582~@1@~@@~@Whoever does not receive the kingdom@~@of God like a _____________ shall@~@not enter it at all.@~@Christian@~@Child@~@Soldier@~@Prisoner@~@b@~@Luke 18:17@~@@
583~@1@~@@~@According to Proverbs, a fool who repeats his folly@~@is like a dog that ...@~@@~@bites his master@~@has no master@~@returns to its vomit@~@eats rubbish in the streets@~@c@~@Proverbs 26:11@~@@
584~@3@~@@~@In the prophecy of coming judgment on Jerusalem,@~@what does Ezekiel say the people will do with@~@their silver ?@~@buy food with it@~@melt it into idols@~@throw it into the streets@~@hide it in their homes@~@c@~@Ezekiel 7:19@~@@
585~@3@~@@~@About how many miles is Jerusalem@~@from Bethlehem ?@~@@~@7@~@15@~@30@~@45@~@a@~@Atlas@~@@
586~@2@~@@~@When David was fleeing from Saul, he asked@~@Ahimelech, the priest, for a weapon.@~@What did the priest give David ?@~@a prayer@~@a bow and arrow@~@Goliath's sword@~@nothing@~@c@~@1 Samuel 21:9@~@@
587~@2@~@@~@When Herod died and Jesus was brought@~@back to Israel, what town did they@~@settle in ?@~@Nazareth@~@Jerusalem@~@Bethlehem@~@Hebron@~@a@~@Matt 2:23@~@@
588~@1@~@@~@What struck the feet of the statue in@~@Nebuchadnezzar's vision ?@~@@~@a hammer@~@a club@~@a fist@~@a stone@~@d@~@Daniel 2:34@~@@
589~@1@~@@~@What must we become like in order@~@to enter the kingdom of heaven ?@~@@~@angels@~@disciples@~@children@~@prophets of old@~@c@~@Matt 18:3@~@@
590~@2@~@@~@Why did the queen of Sheba visit King Solomon ?@~@@~@@~@to test his wisdom@~@to bribe him into being her ally@~@to spy out his military strength@~@to ask him to marry her@~@a@~@1 Kings 10:1@~@@
591~@2@~@@~@At the close of Galatians, Paul says, "Let no one@~@cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the ...@~@@~@scars from Jerusalem@~@stripes of Rome@~@chains of Rome@~@marks of Jesus@~@d@~@Galatians 6:17@~@@
592~@2@~@@~@The prophet Isaiah, when speaking of the Gentiles,@~@said, the Lord was found and manifested by those@~@who ...@~@searched for Him@~@sought Him not@~@called for Him@~@leaned on Him@~@b@~@Isaiah 65:1@~@@
593~@2@~@@~@In First Thessalonians, Paul says that the day@~@of the Lord will come upon people when they are@~@saying ...@~@Behold! The end of the world!@~@The day of Lord is at hand!@~@Wars and rumors of wars!@~@Peace and safety!@~@d@~@1 Thessalonians 5:3@~@@
594~@1@~@@~@After Elijah challenged the priests of Baal and the@~@priests of Baal failed the challenge, what did the@~@people say ?@~@kill Elijah!@~@kill the priests of Baal!@~@the Lord is God!@~@kill King Ahab!@~@c@~@1 Kings 18:39@~@@
595~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, how are women to be preserved ?@~@@~@@~@working in the fields@~@fasting@~@childbirth@~@prayer@~@c@~@1 Timothy 2:15@~@@
596~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John,@~@Jesus is the one who came by water and by ...@~@@~@a virgin@~@blood@~@suffering@~@angels@~@b@~@1 John 5:6@~@@
597~@2@~@When the Lord wanted Peter to go to the Gentiles,@~@He showed Peter a vision. In the vision the Gentiles@~@were represented by something that was lowered from@~@the sky in a sheet. What was in the sheet ?@~@graven images@~@unclean animals@~@pagan people@~@unclean fish@~@b@~@Acts 11:6@~@@
598~@1@~@@~@According to Hebrews, without _____ it is impossible@~@to please God.@~@@~@good works@~@sacrifice@~@compassion@~@faith@~@d@~@Hebrews 11:6@~@@
599~@1@~@@~@Why was Daniel thrown into the lion's den ?@~@@~@@~@for being a foreigner@~@he refused to worship an idol@~@he made Darius angry@~@for praying to his God@~@d@~@Daniel 6:10@~@@
600~@1@~@@~@The Lord told Peter that this would@~@happen three times, and then Peter@~@would deny Him .@~@sun would rise@~@he would sin@~@cock would crow@~@sun would set@~@c@~@Luke 22:61@~@@
600~@1@~@@~@Jesus said I am the vine,@~@you are the ...@~@@~@fruit@~@branches@~@leaves@~@ground@~@b@~@John 15:5@~@@
601~@3@~@After the death of King Solomon, Rehoboam was asked@~@to reduce the yoke that Solomon had placed on the@~@people. He replied, "Solomon scourged you with whips,@~@but I will scourge you with ...@~@chains@~@scorpions@~@the sword@~@vipers@~@b@~@1 Kings 12:14@~@@
602~@1@~@@~@How long did Jesus fast before being@~@tempted by the devil ?@~@@~@7 days@~@40 days@~@20 days@~@7 weeks@~@b@~@Matt 4:2@~@@
603~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, if we have just two things@~@we should be content. One of these things is food.@~@What is the other ?@~@money@~@clothing@~@a place to live@~@health insurance@~@b@~@1 Timothy 6:8@~@@
604~@1@~@@~@What was Judas Iscariot paid to@~@betray Jesus ?@~@@~@30 silver coins@~@30 gold coins@~@a plot of land@~@all the gold he could carry@~@a@~@Matt 26:15@~@@
605~@2@~@@~@How many children did Elizabeth have@~@before she finally had John the Baptist ?@~@@~@two daughters@~@six sons@~@none, she was barren@~@six daughters@~@c@~@Luke 1:7@~@@
606~@3@~@@~@After Joshua defeated the city of Ai, what did he@~@do to the king of Ai ?@~@@~@cut his head off with a sword@~@killed him with a javelin@~@stoned him at the city gate@~@hung him on a tree@~@d@~@Joshua 8:29@~@@
607~@3@~@@~@When King Hezekiah became ill, what was the sign@~@that he would be healed ?@~@@~@the dew would not form@~@the shadow went backwards@~@the moon became dark@~@the sun became dark@~@b@~@2 Kings 20:10@~@@
608~@3@~@@~@In the book of Nehemiah, when the Jews resettled@~@in the promised land, what fraction of the people@~@were selected to live in Jerusalem ?@~@one half@~@one third@~@one tenth@~@none of them@~@c@~@Nehemiah 11:1@~@@
609~@1@~@@~@How did the Lord provide the temple@~@tax for Peter and himself ?@~@@~@He took it out of the collections purse@~@He sold His sandals@~@He healed the tax collector@~@He sent Peter fishing@~@d@~@Matt 17:27@~@@
610~@3@~@@~@What was the rider of the black@~@horse holding in his hand in@~@Revelation 6 ?@~@a pair of scales@~@a large sword@~@a bow@~@a black horn@~@a@~@Rev 6:5@~@@
611~@2@~@@~@When Herod was trying to kill Jesus,@~@what age boys did he order killed@~@in Bethlehem ?@~@2 months@~@2 years and under@~@2 year and over@~@1 year and under@~@b@~@Matt 2:16@~@@
612~@3@~@@~@How long did Eli lead Israel ?@~@@~@@~@7 years@~@12 years@~@40 years@~@70 years@~@c@~@1 Samuel 4:18@~@@
613~@1@~@@~@What type of earthly job did@~@Jesus have ?@~@@~@farmer@~@carpenter@~@insurance salesman@~@shepherd@~@b@~@Mark 6:3@~@@
614~@3@~@@~@When the chief priests asked Jesus where He@~@got His authority, He answered by asking@~@them a question about what ?@~@working on the Sabbath@~@John's baptism@~@the kingdom of heaven@~@David's descendents@~@b@~@Matt 21:25@~@@
615~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@what is the wisdom of this world before God ?@~@@~@abominable@~@desirable@~@refreshing@~@foolishness@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 3:19@~@@
616~@3@~@@~@There is a great multitude standing@~@before the throne in Revelation 7.@~@What are they holding in their hands ?@~@scrolls@~@crowns@~@palm branches@~@incense@~@c@~@Rev 7:9@~@@
617~@2@~@@~@According to 1 John,@~@how do we know that this is the last hour ?@~@@~@many antichrists have come@~@there is war@~@there are earthquakes@~@there is famine@~@a@~@1 John 2:18@~@@
618~@2@~@According to the book of Matthew,@~@when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the@~@wilderness, what was the third temptation ?@~@@~@turn stones into bread@~@jump off the pinnacle of the temple@~@worship Satan@~@worship an idol@~@c@~@Matthew 4:9@~@@
618~@3@~@@~@What was Saul looking for when he first@~@met Samuel and asked him for help ?@~@@~@a wife@~@his father@~@some water@~@his donkeys@~@d@~@1 Samuel 9:3@~@@
619~@3@~@@~@In the book of Judges, when Israel was serving Eglon,@~@king of Moab, the Lord raised up Ehud to deliver@~@Israel. How did Ehud kill Eglon, king of Moab ?@~@hung him in Eglon's own bed chamber@~@stabbed him in his fat belly@~@pushed him down the stairs@~@pushed him out of Eglon's window@~@b@~@Judges 3:21@~@@
620~@2@~@@~@According to Romans chapter 13,@~@what is the fulfillment of the law ?@~@@~@grace@~@love@~@righteousness@~@death@~@b@~@Romans 13:10@~@@
620~@3@~@@~@Which apostle's mother-in-law did@~@Jesus heal of a fever ?@~@@~@Andrew@~@James@~@Jonah@~@Simon@~@d@~@Mark 1:31@~@@
621~@2@~@@~@At the close of Ephesians, the apostle Paul asks the@~@saints to pray for him that he may be able to do what ?@~@@~@get out of prison soon@~@visit some of them@~@boldly preach the gospel@~@be delivered from his thorn in the flesh@~@c@~@Ephesians 6:19@~@@
622~@2@~@@~@The woman in Revelation 12 cried@~@out in pain. Why ?@~@@~@she saw the judgment of God@~@she was being tormented by the Antichrist@~@she was pregnant and about to give birth@~@she was being stoned in Jerusalem@~@c@~@Rev 12:2@~@@
623~@3@~@@~@What was the prophet Samuel's occupation as a boy ?@~@@~@@~@carpenter@~@farmer@~@shepherd@~@minister to the Lord@~@d@~@1 Samuel 2:11@~@@
624~@1@~@@~@Jesus taught that a man who builds his house@~@on the rock is a man who hears His word and ...@~@@~@does not believe@~@receives it with joy@~@believes it@~@acts upon it@~@d@~@Matthew 7:24@~@@
624~@2@~@@~@What is the reference for this verse in Romans ?@~@For all have sinned and fall@~@short of the glory of God.@~@Romans 14:12@~@Romans 3:23@~@Romans 4:15@~@Romans 6:23@~@b@~@Romans 3:23@~@@
625~@3@~@@~@In the book of Joel, a trumpet is to be blown to@~@warn the people that the day of the Lord is near.@~@Where was the trumpet to be blown ?@~@Judah@~@Zion@~@Mount of Olives@~@Bethany@~@b@~@Joel 2:1@~@@
625~@3@~@In the early 1950's, Israel airlifted 50,000@~@Jews from a Moslem land and brought them home.@~@This airlift was called "Operation Magic Carpet."@~@What country were the Jews airlifted from ?@~@Libya@~@Iraq@~@Yemen@~@Oman@~@c@~@History@~@@
625~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Ezekiel ?@~@@~@@~@Isaiah@~@Jeremiah@~@Lamentations@~@Daniel@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
625~@2@~@@~@What was the first kind of bird that Noah sent@~@out of the ark to see if the earth was dry ?@~@@~@a dove@~@a raven@~@a sparrow@~@a hawk@~@b@~@Genesis 8:7@~@@
625~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God create@~@the animals that live on the ground ?@~@@~@day three@~@day four@~@day five@~@day six@~@d@~@Genesis 1:24@~@@
626~@2@~@@~@What did Abraham do for Melchizedek from Salem ?@~@@~@@~@gave him a tenth of all he had@~@fed him@~@blessed him@~@gave him half of all he had@~@a@~@Gen 14:20@~@@
627~@3@~@@~@What is the place called where Judas,@~@the traitor, killed himself ?@~@@~@Field of Blood@~@Valley of Sorrows@~@Place of Death@~@Field of Traitors@~@a@~@Matt 27:8@~@@
628~@2@~@@~@When Elisha was going to Bethel, some youths came out@~@of the city and mocked him. What did the youths call@~@Elisha ?@~@a baldhead@~@a girl@~@a false prophet@~@a coward@~@a@~@2 Kings 2:23@~@@
629~@3@~@@~@What extended beyond the veil of the Most Holy Place@~@and could therefore be seen from the Holy Place in@~@Solomon's temple ?@~@the cherubim@~@the ark of the covenant@~@the poles of the ark@~@the golden altar of incense@~@c@~@1 Kings 8:8@~@@
630~@3@~@@~@Who were Hophni and Phinehas ?@~@@~@@~@Eli's evil sons@~@two evil kings of Israel@~@two of David's mighty men@~@two prophets of Baal@~@a@~@1 Samuel 2:34@~@@
631~@2@~@@~@The context of the short book of Philemon@~@deals with a ...@~@@~@division in the church@~@Roman soldier@~@runaway slave@~@divorce in the church@~@c@~@Philemon 1:16@~@@
632~@2@~@@~@Saul's son Jonathan and David were ...@~@@~@@~@bitter enemies@~@cousins@~@best friends@~@not acquainted@~@c@~@1 Samuel 18:1@~@@
633~@2@~@When Philip went to Samaria to@~@preach Christ to the people,@~@he met a man named Simon.@~@What was Simon's occupation ?@~@a governor@~@a tent maker@~@a fisherman@~@a magician@~@d@~@Acts 8:9@~@@
634~@3@~@@~@During the days of Hezekiah, king of Judah, what had@~@the people done with the bronze serpent which Moses@~@had set up in the wilderness ?@~@sold it for food during the famine@~@crushed it in anger to the Lord@~@hid it in a cave@~@burned incense to it@~@d@~@2 Kings 18:4@~@@
635~@3@~@In the book of Amos, the Lord speaks of coming@~@judgment to Israel and says, "Woe to you who long@~@for the day of the Lord ! Why do you long for the@~@day of the Lord ? That day ...@~@will not come soon@~@your eyes will never see@~@will be darkness, not light@~@is the day of your rapture@~@c@~@Amos 5:18@~@@
636~@1@~@@~@Complete this phrase in the book of Galatians :@~@The one who sows to please his sinful nature,@~@from that nature will reap ...@~@pleasure@~@weeds@~@destruction@~@thorns@~@c@~@Galatians 6:8@~@@
637~@1@~@@~@Who was the Governor Jesus was@~@delivered up to for judgment ?@~@@~@Annas@~@Felix@~@Pilate@~@Festus@~@c@~@Matt 27:2@~@@
638~@2@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@if anyone among you is in trouble, let him ...@~@@~@cry for a time@~@suffer the consequences@~@ask the elders for money@~@pray@~@d@~@James 5:13@~@@
639~@3@~@For six days work shall be done, but on the seventh@~@day you shall have a holy day, a sabbath of complete@~@rest to the Lord. What was the penalty for violating@~@this old testament law ?@~@They shall not enter the camp@~@They shall be unclean for seven days@~@They shall be removed from Israel forever@~@They shall be put to death@~@d@~@Exodus 35:2@~@@
640~@2@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the man with a measuring line@~@in his hand, what was he to measure ?@~@@~@Damascus@~@Jerusalem@~@Babylon@~@Ninevah@~@b@~@Zech 2:2@~@@
641~@2@~@@~@Why did the wise men come looking@~@for baby Jesus ?@~@@~@to kill Him@~@to take Him back with them@~@to worship Him@~@to see if their predictions were very accurate@~@c@~@Matt 2:2@~@@
642~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@What has God chosen the foolish@~@things of this world to do ?@~@prove His wisdom@~@shame the wise@~@weaken the proud@~@reveal stumbling blocks@~@b@~@1 Corinthians 1:27@~@@
643~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, the love of what@~@is the root of all kinds of evil ?@~@@~@beautiful women@~@shopping malls@~@money@~@strong wine@~@c@~@1 Timothy 6:10@~@@
644~@3@~@@~@When Nebuchadnezzar was driven from mankind,@~@what did he become like ?@~@@~@an unclean bird@~@a beast of the field@~@a wild man in a cave@~@a serpent on its belly@~@b@~@Daniel 4:16@~@@
645~@3@~@@~@In Joel chapter 2, the great army has the appearance@~@of ...@~@@~@men@~@lions@~@locusts@~@horses@~@d@~@Joel 2:4@~@@
646~@2@~@@~@When King Solomon had finished the House of the Lord,@~@and the ark of the covenant was placed in the Most@~@Holy Place, what filled the house of the Lord ?@~@a cloud@~@a bright light@~@sudden darkness@~@a host of angels@~@a@~@1 Kings 8:10@~@@
647~@1@~@@~@Who wrote First and Second Corinthians ?@~@@~@@~@Paul@~@John@~@Peter@~@Mark@~@a@~@1 Corinthians 1:1@~@@
648~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Peter,@~@where does judgment begin ?@~@@~@with Israel@~@with the unbelievers@~@with the household of God@~@with the Gentiles@~@c@~@1 Peter 4:17@~@@
649~@2@~@@~@What made King Saul different in appearance from others ?@~@@~@@~@he was tall@~@he was strong@~@he was handsome@~@he was bald@~@a@~@1 Samuel 9:2@~@@
650~@2@~@@~@After Adam and Eve were removed from the garden,@~@God placed a flaming sword at the east of the garden.@~@What was the purpose of the flaming sword ?@~@to keep the serpent out of the garden@~@to remind Adam and Eve of their sin@~@to show Adam and Eve where the garden was@~@to guard the way to the tree of life@~@d@~@Genesis 3:24@~@@
650~@2@~@@~@In the short book of Nahum, what is the nature@~@of the prophet's message to the people of Nineveh ?@~@@~@repentance@~@blessing@~@peace@~@judgment@~@d@~@Nahum 2:13@~@@
650~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in Proverbs :@~@A man of many companions may come to ruin,@~@but there is a friend who sticks closer than ...@~@a flea on a dog's back@~@many companions@~@a man's dog@~@a brother@~@d@~@Proverbs 18:24@~@@
650~@3@~@@~@What does Israel mean ?@~@@~@@~@Blessed of God@~@Mighty Warrior@~@Prince of Peace@~@He will rule as God@~@d@~@Hebrew dictionary@~@@
650~@3@~@When Jabin, king of Hazor, heard of the defeat of@~@all who went up against Joshua and the Israelites,@~@he gathered all the kings of northern Canaan to war@~@against Israel. How many men did Hazor gather ?@~@over 100,000@~@over 500,000@~@as many as the stars of heaven@~@as many as the sand on the seashore@~@d@~@Joshua 11:4@~@@
650~@3@~@@~@What happened to King Zedekiah@~@after Jerusalem was captured ?@~@@~@he was killed with the sword@~@he was carried away to Babylon@~@he was hung on the city wall@~@he escaped and hid in Egypt@~@b@~@Jeremiah 39:7@~@@
651~@3@~@@~@What land did Job live in ?@~@@~@@~@Judah@~@Moab@~@Uz@~@Sidon@~@c@~@Job 1:1@~@@
652~@2@~@@~@Why did Saul's son Jonathan@~@make a covenant with David ?@~@@~@so David wouldn't kill him@~@to protect Saul@~@to share in the spoils of war@~@he loved him as himself@~@d@~@1 Samuel 18:3@~@@
653~@2@~@@~@In Ephesians, we are told to put on the whole armor@~@of God. What do we put around our waist (or loins) ?@~@@~@belt of truth@~@belt of righteousness@~@belt of salvation@~@belt of faith@~@a@~@Ephesians 6:14@~@@
654~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the talents,@~@what did the master say to the one@~@who had gained five more talents ?@~@you wicked and lazy slave !@~@why did you invest your talents ?@~@why did you rob others ?@~@well done, good and faithful servant !@~@d@~@Matthew 25:21@~@@
654~@3@~@@~@What was between the gold bells on@~@the hem of the priest's garments ?@~@@~@walnuts@~@apples@~@pomegranates@~@silver bells@~@c@~@Exodus 28:34@~@@
655~@2@~@@~@When Elijah was hiding in the Kerith Ravine,@~@what did the Lord send to Elijah to feed him ?@~@@~@scorpions@~@doves@~@ravens@~@vipers@~@c@~@1 Kings 17:4@~@@
656~@3@~@@~@What was the width of the wilderness tabernacle ?@~@@~@@~@50 cubits@~@70 cubits@~@100 cubits@~@120 cubits@~@a@~@Exodus 27:18@~@@
656~@3@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what was promised@~@to the overcomers in the church of Pergamum ?@~@@~@they would eat of the tree of life@~@they would eat some of the hidden manna@~@they would be made pillars in the temple@~@they would sit with Jesus on the throne@~@b@~@Revelation 2:17@~@@
657~@2@~@In Ephesians chapter 1, Paul prays for something to@~@be enlightened in order for the saints to know the@~@hope to which He has called them. What is Paul praying@~@will be enlightened ?@~@their mind of understanding@~@dark places of their soul@~@stony places of their heart@~@eyes of their heart@~@d@~@Ephesians 1:18@~@@
658~@3@~@@~@When Jesus drove out the money changers and@~@those selling doves from the temple,@~@He said, " My house will be called . . . " ?@~@a house of prayer@~@a house of praise@~@a house of worship@~@a house of holiness@~@a@~@Matt 21:13@~@@
659~@1@~@@~@How did John the Baptist die ?@~@@~@@~@boiled in oil@~@beheaded@~@old age@~@stoned@~@b@~@Matt 14:10@~@@
660~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in Romans : Those He _________,@~@He also called; those He called, He also justified;@~@those He justified, He also glorified.@~@purified@~@predestined@~@set apart@~@made sons@~@b@~@Romans 8:30@~@@
660~@1@~@@~@At the end of Elijah's ministry, when Elijah and@~@Elisha were traveling together, how did they get@~@across the Jordan River ?@~@they were translated across@~@a man from Jericho loaned them his boat@~@angels carried them across@~@the water was divided@~@d@~@2 Kings 2:8@~@@
661~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel 37, what did the dry bones represent ?@~@@~@@~@Persia@~@Greece@~@Israel@~@Babylon@~@c@~@Ezekiel 37:11@~@@
662~@2@~@@~@What happened to the stone which struck the feet@~@of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's vision ?@~@@~@it became a mountain@~@it was swallowed by the earth@~@it was crushed to powder@~@it ascended into heaven@~@a@~@Daniel 2:35@~@@
663~@1@~@@~@In 2 Timothy, Paul says that the time for his@~@departure has come and he is already being@~@poured out as ...@~@steady rain@~@a drink offering@~@sand@~@old wine@~@b@~@2 Timothy 4:6@~@@
664~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, we brought nothing into@~@the world. What can we take out of it ?@~@@~@our debt@~@our savings@~@our credit cards@~@nothing@~@d@~@1 Timothy 6:7@~@@
665~@3@~@@~@What separated the Most Holy Place from@~@the Holy Place in the tabernacle ?@~@@~@an angel@~@a wall overlaid with bronze@~@a wall overlaid with gold@~@a curtain of blue, purple, and scarlet@~@d@~@Exodus 26:31@~@@
666~@1@~@@~@What is the purpose of the apostles, prophets,@~@evangelists, pastors, and teachers as listed@~@in Ephesians chapter 4 ?@~@to do the work of service@~@to maintain the structure@~@to organize to church@~@to equip the saints@~@d@~@Ephesians 4:12@~@@
668~@2@~@@~@To whom is the book of Second John addressed ?@~@@~@@~@the chosen lady@~@the church in Jerusalem@~@the saints in Judea@~@the sanctified ones@~@a@~@2 John 1:1@~@@
669~@1@~@@~@What was the name of the angel who@~@appeared to Zacharias to announce the@~@birth of his son, John the Baptist ?@~@Michael@~@he was not named@~@Gabriel@~@Gideon@~@c@~@Luke 1:19@~@@
670~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians, who does@~@the one who prophesies edify ?@~@@~@God@~@himself@~@the church@~@the angels@~@c@~@1 Corinthians 14:4@~@@
670~@2@~@@~@Who was the first recorded@~@martyr of the church ?@~@@~@Peter@~@John@~@Paul@~@Stephen@~@d@~@Acts 7:59@~@@
671~@1@~@@~@Who hid the two spies that Joshua sent to Jericho ?@~@@~@@~@Deborah@~@Esther@~@Rahab@~@Lydia@~@c@~@Joshua 2:1@~@@
672~@1@~@@~@Daniel's house in Babylon had windows which faced@~@in which direction ?@~@@~@toward the rising sun@~@toward Jerusalem@~@toward the kings palace@~@toward the Euphrates river@~@b@~@Daniel 6:10@~@@
673~@2@~@@~@Zerubbabel's temple was eventually@~@replaced with what structure ?@~@@~@Solomon's temple@~@David's temple@~@Herod's temple@~@a Roman courthouse@~@c@~@History@~@@
674~@2@~@@~@For the law of the spirit of life in@~@Christ Jesus has set you free from ...@~@@~@the law of your flesh@~@the law of Moses@~@the law of sin and death@~@the law of your mind@~@c@~@Romans 8:2@~@@
674~@3@~@In the days of the drought, just after Elijah slew@~@the priests of Baal, Elijah told King Ahab that a@~@heavy rain was coming. How big was the cloud that@~@Elijah's servant saw coming up out of the sea ?@~@as big as the sea@~@as big as a mountain@~@as big as a man's hand@~@as big as a man's house@~@c@~@1 Kings 18:44@~@@
675~@3@~@@~@The church in Ephesus that Paul wrote one@~@letter to was in what present day country ?@~@@~@Turkey@~@Syria@~@Italy@~@Greece@~@a@~@Geography@~@@
675~@1@~@@~@What is done with salt that has lost its saltiness ?@~@@~@@~@it is used in making bread@~@it is used to make wine@~@it is thrown out and trampled by men@~@it is used to heal wounds@~@c@~@Matthew 5:13@~@@
675~@3@~@@~@In the book of Haggai, the remnant who had returned@~@from Babylon to Jerusalem had built nice houses to@~@live in. Why was the Lord not happy with the remnant ?@~@they were making idols to put in their houses@~@they had not removed their foreign wives@~@they spent too much money on their houses@~@they were not rebuilding God's house@~@d@~@Haggai 1:4@~@@
675~@2@~@@~@After Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit,@~@what did God do to the serpent ?@~@@~@bruised his head@~@cast him out of the garden@~@cast him into the abyss@~@cursed him@~@d@~@Genesis 3:14@~@@
675~@3@~@@~@What is the sixth of the ten commandments ?@~@@~@@~@Thou shalt not covet@~@Thou shalt not steal@~@Honor thy father and thy mother@~@Thou shalt not kill@~@d@~@Exodus 20:13@~@@
675~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel's vision of the four wheels,@~@what were the rims of the four wheels full of ?@~@@~@eyes@~@hands@~@ears@~@feet@~@a@~@Ezekiel 1:18@~@@
675~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Hebrews ?@~@@~@@~@First John@~@First Timothy@~@James@~@Philemon@~@c@~@The Bible@~@@
676~@2@~@@~@Jacob went to Succoth and built a place@~@for himself and shelters for his livestock.@~@What does Succoth mean ?@~@cattle@~@shelters@~@pasture@~@rivers@~@b@~@Gen 33:17@~@@
677~@3@~@@~@What did John take and eat from an@~@angel in Revelation that tasted like@~@honey but turned his stomach bitter ?@~@a little scroll@~@a gold idol@~@a silver trumpet@~@7 bowls@~@a@~@Rev 10:10@~@@
678~@1@~@@~@The conclusion of the book of Ecclesiastes is ...@~@@~@@~@fear God@~@work hard@~@all is vanity@~@life is worthless@~@a@~@Ecclesiastes 12:13@~@@
679~@2@~@@~@According to 1 John 2:8,@~@what is happening to the darkness ?@~@@~@it is passing away@~@it is increasing@~@it is consuming the world@~@it is becoming a black cloud@~@a@~@1 John 2:8@~@@
680~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse in 1 John :@~@We know that we live in Him and He in us,@~@because He has given us ...@~@the teachers@~@the prophets@~@of His Spirit@~@each other@~@c@~@1 John 4:13@~@@
681~@2@~@@~@When Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, captured@~@Judah, what did he do with some of the vessels of@~@the house of the Lord ?@~@placed them in the house of his god@~@sold them to the Persians@~@sold them to the Egyptians@~@melted them down@~@a@~@Daniel 1:2@~@@
682~@1@~@@~@What do the seven lampstands@~@represent in Revelation 1 ?@~@@~@seven countries@~@seven churches@~@seven kings@~@seven generations@~@b@~@Rev 1:20@~@@
683~@3@~@@~@In the book of Acts, how did king Herod die ?@~@@~@@~@he was killed in battle@~@he fell and broke his neck@~@he was killed by an assassin@~@he was eaten by worms@~@d@~@Acts 12:23@~@@
684~@3@~@@~@Who was the good king of Judah of whom it was said that@~@after him there was none like him among all the kings@~@of Judah, nor among all those who were before him ?@~@Hezekiah@~@Ahaz@~@Jeroboam@~@Ahab@~@a@~@2 Kings 18:5@~@@
685~@3@~@@~@When the Philistines returned the ark of the covenant@~@to Israel, they sent a guilt offering along with it.@~@What was the guilt offering ?@~@five talents of gold@~@five gold shields and five gold spears@~@five gold tumors and five gold rats@~@five lampstands of gold@~@c@~@1 Samuel 6:4@~@@
686~@2@~@When the kings of the Amorites joined together to fight@~@against Gibeon, Joshua went to the aid of Gibeon.@~@What did the Lord do to aid Israel in slaying the@~@enemy as they ran away ?@~@He sent angels to prevent an escape@~@He caused a flood to cut off the escape@~@He made the sun stand still@~@He gave Israel the strength to run uphill@~@c@~@Joshua 10:13@~@@
687~@2@~@@~@How long are the locusts allowed to@~@torment man in the Tribulation ?@~@@~@1 day@~@7 days@~@1 month@~@5 months@~@d@~@Rev 9:10@~@@
688~@3@~@@~@On the first day of the seventh month,@~@is a day of rest. What feast is this ?@~@@~@Passover@~@Pentecost@~@Trumpets@~@Tabernacles@~@c@~@Leviticus 23:24@~@@
689~@3@~@@~@After the sons of Israel took Jericho, what did Achan,@~@from the tribe of Judah, do that angered the Lord ?@~@@~@he kept some gold and silver from Jericho@~@he took a Jericho woman to his tent@~@he took some Jericho cattle to his flock@~@he took a Jericho man as a slave@~@a@~@Joshua 7:21@~@@
690~@2@~@@~@What had David killed before he met Goliath ?@~@@~@@~@nothing@~@a wild ox and a tiger@~@an Egyptian@~@a lion and a bear@~@d@~@1 Samuel 17:36@~@@
691~@2@~@@~@Finish this verse in Proverbs:@~@Train a child in the way he should go,@~@and when he is old he ...@~@might return to it@~@will not turn from it@~@will return to it@~@will forsake it@~@b@~@Proverbs 22:6@~@@
692~@1@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Romans :@~@For the wages of sin is _________,@~@but the gift of God is eternal life@~@in Christ Jesus our Lord.@~@suffering@~@pleasure@~@death@~@temporary@~@c@~@Romans 6:23@~@@
693~@2@~@@~@Who was exiled on the Island@~@of Patmos ?@~@@~@John@~@Paul@~@Luke@~@Jesus@~@a@~@Rev 1:9@~@@
693~@3@~@When Moses was dedicating Aaron for the priesthood,@~@he killed a ram and touched some of the blood to@~@Aaron's right earlobe, and some to Aaron's right@~@thumb, and some to Aaron's ...@~@big toe on his right foot@~@nose@~@forehead@~@right cheek@~@a@~@Leviticus 8:23@~@@
694~@3@~@During the siege of Samaria by the Arameans, Elisha@~@prophesied to the king's officer that by tomorrow the@~@siege would be over and food would be plentiful. What@~@happened to the officer for not believing Elisha ?@~@he became a leper@~@he was killed by the Arameans@~@he was trampled by the people@~@he was eaten by a lion@~@c@~@2 Kings 7:20@~@@
695~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse in 1 John :@~@For this is the love of God, that we keep His@~@commandments, and His commandments are ...@~@difficult@~@strict@~@not burdensome@~@impossible@~@c@~@1 John 5:3@~@@
696~@2@~@@~@When Jesus returns, what is His@~@robe dipped in ?@~@@~@gold@~@praise of the saints@~@blood@~@righteousness@~@c@~@Rev 19:13@~@@
697~@3@~@@~@Who is recorded to have@~@given the first tithe ?@~@@~@Noah@~@Abraham@~@Jacob@~@Issac@~@b@~@Gen 14:20@~@@
698~@2@~@@~@In the tabernacle, where was the altar@~@of burnt offering located ?@~@@~@Holy of Holies@~@Holy Place@~@the courtyard@~@outside the front gate@~@c@~@Exodus 40:6@~@@
699~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Peter,@~@the devil prowls about seeking someone to devour.@~@What does he prowl about as ?@~@a roaring tiger@~@a roaring bear@~@a roaring lion@~@a poisonous serpent@~@c@~@1 Peter 5:8@~@@
700~@2@~@@~@What colors are on the flag of Israel ?@~@@~@@~@red and white@~@blue and white@~@green and white@~@black and white@~@b@~@History@~@@
700~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Second Samuel ?@~@@~@@~@Third Samuel@~@First Kings@~@First Chronicles@~@Judges@~@b@~@The Bible@~@@
700~@2@~@In A.D. 65, several hundred families escaped the@~@destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans and fled to@~@a highly fortified 1400 foot plateau. What happened@~@to all the people who hid in this fortress ?@~@they were all killed fighting the Romans@~@they surrendered to the Romans@~@they defeated the Romans in battle@~@rather than be captured, they killed themselves@~@d@~@History@~@@
700~@2@~@@~@According to 1 John, how do we know@~@that we have come to know Him ?@~@@~@if we obey His commands@~@if we have no sin@~@if we get to heaven@~@we can't know@~@a@~@1 John 2:3@~@@
700~@2@~@@~@What kind of wood was Noah's ark made of ?@~@@~@@~@acacia@~@oak@~@gopher@~@cedar@~@c@~@Genesis 6:14@~@@
700~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God say,@~@"Let the water under the sky be gathered@~@to one place and let dry ground appear" ?@~@day one@~@day two@~@day three@~@day four@~@c@~@Genesis 1:9@~@@
701~@1@~@@~@What kind of missile did Iraq launch@~@against Israel in early 1991 ?@~@@~@Silkworm missile@~@Scud missile@~@Patriot missile@~@Cruise missile@~@b@~@History@~@@
701~@3@~@@~@When David was hiding in the cave of Adullam, men@~@who were in distress or in debt or discontented@~@joined him. How many men were there ?@~@20@~@200@~@400@~@1000@~@c@~@1 Samuel 22:2@~@@
702~@2@~@@~@As King David was dying, what did he ask his son,@~@Solomon, to do to Joab ?@~@@~@preserve him for his goodness@~@kill him for his murders@~@send him away for his sins@~@bless him for his service@~@b@~@1 Kings 2:6@~@@
703~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@faith without works is ...@~@@~@alive@~@good@~@dead@~@acceptable@~@c@~@James 2:17@~@@
704~@2@~@@~@In Revelation, what color do the@~@robes turn when washed in the@~@blood of the Lamb ?@~@red@~@white@~@gold@~@silver@~@b@~@Rev 7:14@~@@
705~@2@~@@~@In Romans chapter 11, what kind of tree does@~@Paul use to describe the nation of Israel ?@~@@~@an uprooted olive tree@~@a cultivated olive tree@~@a dead olive tree@~@a wild olive tree@~@b@~@Romans 11:17@~@@
705~@2@~@@~@Fill in the blank from this verse in 1 John :@~@I write to you, __________, because you have@~@known Him who is from the beginning.@~@dear children@~@young men@~@fathers@~@mothers@~@c@~@1 John 2:13@~@@
706~@2@~@@~@After the husband of Ruth died, Ruth went to@~@Bethlehem with Naomi. Who did Ruth marry in@~@Bethlehem ?@~@Jesse@~@Perez@~@Elimelech@~@Boaz@~@d@~@Ruth 4:10@~@@
707~@1@~@@~@In the 23rd Psalm, what does@~@God restore ?@~@@~@my faith@~@my life@~@my possessions@~@my soul@~@d@~@Psalm 23:3@~@@
708~@1@~@@~@What carried Elijah away into heaven ?@~@@~@@~@a chariot of fire@~@a whirlwind@~@a host of angels@~@a horse of fire@~@b@~@2 Kings 2:11@~@@
709~@1@~@@~@At the transfiguration, who appeared with Jesus ?@~@@~@@~@Moses and Aaron@~@Moses and Elijah@~@Isaiah and Jeremiah@~@Abraham and Jacob@~@b@~@Matthew 17:3@~@@
709~@2@~@@~@In Ephesians, we are told to put on the whole armor@~@of God. What do we put on our head ?@~@@~@helmet of truth@~@helmet of righteousness@~@helmet of salvation@~@helmet of faith@~@c@~@Ephesians 6:17@~@@
710~@3@~@@~@After the Philistines placed the ark of the covenant@~@next to Dagon, their idol god, what happened ?@~@@~@the roof fell on Dagon@~@Dagon fell over backward@~@Dagon fell face down before the ark@~@the earth opened and swallowed Dagon@~@c@~@1 Samuel 5:3@~@@
711~@2@~@@~@In what direction from Jerusalem is@~@the Mount of Olives ?@~@@~@North@~@South@~@East@~@West@~@c@~@Geography@~@@
712~@3@~@@~@What did Jezebel have done to Naboth in order to@~@gain his possessions ?@~@@~@she had him stoned@~@she had him sold as a slave@~@she had him killed with a sword@~@she had him imprisoned@~@a@~@1 Kings 21:13@~@@
713~@1@~@@~@Because of the census ordered by@~@Caesar Augustus, what city did@~@Joseph and Mary have to go to ?@~@Nazareth@~@Corinth@~@Bethlehem@~@Galilee@~@c@~@Luke 2:4@~@@
713~@1@~@@~@Who is believed to have written@~@the book of Lamentations ?@~@@~@Daniel@~@Isaiah@~@Jeremiah@~@Ezekiel@~@c@~@History@~@@
714~@3@~@@~@What happens in Jerusalem the very@~@hour the two witnesses are raised from@~@the dead near the end of the Tribulation ?@~@a great celebration@~@a great war@~@a great plague@~@a great earthquake@~@d@~@Rev 11:13@~@@
715~@3@~@When David had fled from Saul and was staying with@~@Samuel, Saul sent men three times and finally went@~@himself to capture David.@~@What happened to all of them ?@~@they all prophesied@~@they were captured by David@~@they were struck with blindness@~@they were struck with leprosy@~@a@~@1 Samuel 19:20@~@@
716~@2@~@@~@In the book of Jude, when Michael the Archangel@~@was arguing with the devil about the body of Moses,@~@what did Michael say to the devil ?@~@I rebuke you !@~@get behind me !@~@the Lord rebuke you !@~@in the name of God, I bind you !@~@c@~@Jude 1:9@~@@
717~@2@~@@~@The fear of the Lord is the@~@beginning of ...@~@@~@a long life@~@love@~@wisdom@~@growth@~@c@~@Prov 9:10@~@@
718~@1@~@@~@After Jesus was baptized, how long@~@did the Holy Spirit lead Him@~@about in the wilderness ?@~@6 weeks@~@7 days@~@1 week@~@40 days@~@d@~@Luke 4:2@~@@
719~@1@~@@~@Paul told Timothy to fight the good fight of _____?@~@@~@@~@faith@~@good works@~@the Law@~@sinlessness@~@a@~@1 Timothy 6:12@~@@
720~@2@~@@~@According to the book of 1 Samuel,@~@to obey is better than ...@~@@~@sacrifice and burnt offerings@~@much service@~@sweet wine@~@olive oil@~@a@~@1 Samuel 15:22@~@@
721~@2@~@@~@At the end of the book of Job, what did@~@the Lord do to Job after Job repented ?@~@@~@restored his fortune two fold@~@let him die to end his suffering@~@took him to heaven in the whirlwind@~@restored his fortune as it was before@~@a@~@Job 42:10@~@@
722~@1@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Romans :@~@Therefore having been justified by _______, we@~@have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.@~@@~@perseverance@~@righteousness@~@faith@~@works@~@c@~@Romans 5:1@~@@
723~@2@~@@~@In Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the statue, what@~@are the belly and thighs generally believed to@~@represent ?@~@Babylonian Empire@~@Medes and Persians@~@Alexander the Great@~@Roman Empire@~@c@~@Daniel 2:39@~@@
724~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Peter chapter 1,@~@we love Him even though we have ...@~@@~@not touched Him@~@not seen Him@~@sinned against Him@~@not heard Him@~@b@~@1 Peter 1:8@~@@
725~@2@~@@~@What did the city of Salem become ?@~@@~@@~@Babylon@~@Damascus@~@Bethlehem@~@Jerusalem@~@d@~@Gen 14:18, PS 76:2@~@@
726~@3@~@@~@Jacob blessed Joseph's two sons born to him@~@in Egypt. What did Jacob do that displeased@~@Joseph when he was blessing them ?@~@he didn't bless them with very much@~@he blessed them without placing his hands on them@~@he blessed the younger one with his right hand@~@he didn't bless the younger one@~@c@~@Gen 48:17@~@@
727~@3@~@When Gideon was going to battle with the Midianites,@~@he divided his 300 men into three companies. What@~@did the 300 men have in their left hand when they@~@went to battle ?@~@oxgoads@~@javelins@~@jars@~@tent pegs@~@c@~@Judges 7:20@~@@
728~@2@~@@~@In the tabernacle, where was the@~@laver or basin located ?@~@@~@Holy of Holies@~@Holy Place@~@the courtyard@~@outside the front gate@~@c@~@Exodus 40:7@~@@
729~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of Joshua the high priest,@~@what does the Lord command that Joshua be clothed with ?@~@@~@rags@~@rich garments@~@filthy garments@~@sackcloth@~@b@~@Zech 3:4@~@@
730~@1@~@@~@What was on the fig tree Jesus cursed ?@~@@~@@~@a serpent@~@rotten figs@~@nothing@~@just leaves@~@d@~@Matt 21:19@~@@
731~@3@~@@~@In the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia,@~@a message came to Daniel. What river was@~@Daniel by when the message came ?@~@Tigris@~@Euphrates@~@Jordan@~@Nile@~@a@~@Daniel 10:4@~@@
732~@1@~@@~@How long was Jonah in the belly of the great fish ?@~@@~@@~@one day@~@three days@~@four days@~@seven days@~@b@~@Jonah 1:17@~@@
733~@2@~@@~@How did God expose the great sin@~@of King David and Bathsheba ?@~@@~@God made David confess@~@God made Bathsheba confess@~@the high priest saw it in a dream@~@Nathan the prophet told it to David@~@d@~@2 Samuel 12:7@~@@
734~@3@~@@~@After the Philistines had captured Samson,@~@what did they do with him ?@~@@~@made him pull a plow in the fields@~@made him carry armor for the kings@~@made him a grinder in the prison@~@made him carry water in the city@~@c@~@Judges 16:21@~@@
735~@1@~@@~@What did Jesus say was the second@~@greatest commandment ?@~@@~@do not kill@~@keep the Sabbath@~@love your neighbor as yourself@~@love the Lord your God@~@c@~@Matt 22:39@~@@
736~@2@~@In the book of Galatians, Paul makes mention of@~@the first time that he preached to the Galatian@~@people. He tells the Galatians that they received@~@him the first time as ...@~@an angel of God@~@a stranger@~@a Gentile@~@a Jew@~@a@~@Galatians 4:14@~@@
737~@3@~@Then Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed@~@me by bringing me up?" And Saul answered, I am@~@greatly distressed for the Philistines are waging@~@war against me and ...@~@they are overpowering me@~@God has departed from me@~@David is with them@~@they have taken my son@~@b@~@I Samuel 28:15@~@@
738~@3@~@@~@What did Jacob's sons find in their grain@~@sacks as they returned from their first@~@trip to Egypt ?@~@the bones of their brother, Joseph@~@the silver they bought the grain with@~@mold@~@idols@~@b@~@Gen 42:25@~@@
739~@3@~@@~@At the 6th trumpet in Revelation,@~@200 million troops are released to@~@kill 1/3 of mankind at what great river ?@~@Nile@~@Jordan@~@Euphrates@~@Tigris@~@c@~@Rev 9:14@~@@
740~@3@~@@~@In the book of Judges, what did Abimelech, the son@~@of Gideon, do to all but one of his brothers ?@~@@~@sold them into slavery@~@killed them@~@made them priests to Baal@~@killed their wives@~@b@~@Judges 9:5@~@@
741~@2@~@@~@Who was Jesus talking about when he asked@~@"Who did you go out into the desert to see ?"@~@@~@Moses@~@Jacob@~@angels@~@John the Baptist@~@d@~@Matt 11:7@~@@
742~@1@~@@~@What color was Esau when Rebekah bore him ?@~@@~@@~@white@~@black@~@red@~@yellow@~@c@~@Gen 25:25@~@@
743~@3@~@@~@The wilderness and the desert will be glad,@~@and the Arabia will rejoice and blossom@~@like the ...@~@rose@~@lily@~@fig tree@~@olive tree@~@a@~@Isaiah 35:1@~@@
744~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Peter,@~@we are living stones being built into what ?@~@@~@a spiritual altar of sacrifice@~@a spiritual wall around the city@~@a spiritual house@~@a spiritual well of water@~@c@~@1 Peter 2:5@~@@
745~@3@~@@~@In the book of Hosea, what kind of wife@~@did the Lord tell Hosea to marry ?@~@@~@a faithful wife from Judah@~@a virgin from Samaria@~@an old and wise widow@~@a harlot@~@d@~@Hosea 1:2@~@@
746~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel's vision, when the Lord is returning to@~@His temple, what gate does the Lord approach ?@~@@~@north gate@~@south gate@~@east gate@~@west gate@~@c@~@Ezekiel 43:2@~@@
747~@3@~@@~@In all Israel there was not a man so highly@~@praised as Absalom, the son of David.@~@Why was Absalom so highly praised ?@~@he was tall@~@he was strong@~@he was handsome@~@he was fast@~@c@~@2 Samuel 14:26@~@@
748~@1@~@@~@Jesus taught that out of the overflow of@~@the heart . . .@~@@~@the flesh sins@~@the mind plots evil@~@the mouth speaks@~@the heart is corrupted@~@c@~@Matt 12:34@~@@
749~@1@~@@~@In Revelation, the letter praising their@~@deeds was sent to which church ?@~@@~@Philadelphia@~@Ephesus@~@Sardis@~@Smyrna@~@a@~@Revelation 3:8@~@@
750~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the sower, Jesus said the sun@~@rises on the seed which has no firm root and it is@~@scorched. What does the sun represent ?@~@the worries of this life@~@the pride of this life@~@the deceitfulness of riches@~@persecution@~@d@~@Matthew 13:21@~@@
750~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Haggai ?@~@@~@@~@Nahum@~@Zechariah@~@Zephaniah@~@Malachi@~@b@~@The Bible@~@@
750~@1@~@@~@What did God breath into the nostrils@~@of man to make him a living being ?@~@@~@the spirit of man@~@the air of Eden@~@the breath of life@~@the wind of heaven@~@c@~@Genesis 2:7@~@@
750~@3@~@@~@Of Noah's sons, who became the@~@father of the Canaanites ?@~@@~@Shem@~@Ham@~@Japheth@~@Gomer@~@b@~@Genesis 10:6@~@@
750~@2@~@@~@In the Sermon on the Mount,@~@what is promised to the meek ?@~@@~@they will see God@~@they will be comforted@~@they will inherit the earth@~@they will obtain mercy@~@c@~@Matthew 5:5@~@@
750~@2@~@@~@On Paul's third missionary journey, when he was@~@on his way to Jerusalem, what did the Christians@~@in Tyre say to Paul ?@~@go to Jerusalem@~@go to Rome@~@don't go to Jerusalem@~@stay here with us@~@c@~@Acts 21:4@~@@
751~@2@~@@~@What does Immanuel mean ?@~@@~@@~@anointed one@~@coming one@~@God with us@~@Jesus@~@c@~@Matt 1:23@~@@
752~@3@~@@~@How did Ahab, king of Israel, die ?@~@@~@@~@his wife poisoned him@~@an arrow in battle@~@worms ate him@~@old age@~@b@~@1 Kings 22:34@~@@
753~@1@~@@~@Who stood guard over the tomb that@~@Jesus had been laid in ?@~@@~@angels@~@Roman guard@~@the disciples@~@the chief priests@~@b@~@Matt 27:65@~@@
754~@3@~@@~@After the Lord blinded Saul on the road to Damascus,@~@who laid hands on Saul to restore his sight ?@~@@~@Peter@~@Ananias@~@Simon@~@Barnabas@~@b@~@Acts 9:17@~@@
755~@1@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Galatians :@~@The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,@~@patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,@~@gentleness, and ____________.@~@timidity@~@pride@~@perfection@~@self-control@~@d@~@Galatians 5:23@~@@
755~@3@~@@~@Moses and Aaron and the elders of Israel@~@went up onto Mt. Sinai and saw God. What@~@did they see under His feet ?@~@a river of gold@~@a pavement of sapphire@~@a pool of blood@~@a lake of burning bronze@~@b@~@Exodus 24:10@~@@
756~@1@~@@~@What was the occupation of the woman who hid@~@the two spies that Joshua sent to Jericho ?@~@@~@maker of fine wine@~@seller of fine linen@~@maker of fine linen@~@harlot@~@d@~@Joshua 2:1@~@@
757~@2@~@@~@What was the lawful penalty for King David@~@getting Bathsheba pregnant ?@~@@~@separation from Israel@~@death to David@~@death to Bathsheba@~@death to both David and Bathsheba@~@d@~@Leviticus 20:10@~@@
758~@3@~@@~@During a battle, King Saul put the army under an@~@oath so that they could not eat anything until sundown.@~@What did Jonathan eat while the oath was in effect ?@~@some bread@~@some berries@~@some honey@~@some figs@~@c@~@1 Samuel 14:27@~@@
759~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in Romans :@~@And I was once alive apart from the Law, but when@~@the commandment came, sin became alive and ...@~@I repented@~@I sinned@~@I died@~@I was convicted@~@c@~@Romans 7:9@~@@
759~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the four chariots,@~@what did the four chariots represent ?@~@@~@four armies@~@four spirits of heaven@~@four kingdoms@~@four fallen angels@~@b@~@Zech 6:5@~@@
760~@1@~@@~@Abraham believed God, and it@~@was reckoned to him as __________ ?@~@@~@Salvation@~@Truth@~@Righteousness@~@Faith@~@c@~@Genesis 15:6@~@@
761~@1@~@@~@What was given to the Apostle Paul to keep him@~@from exalting himself after he was given great@~@revelations ?@~@a humble spirit@~@a thorn in the flesh@~@a wife@~@imprisonment in Rome@~@b@~@2 Corinthians 12:7@~@@
762~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John, how do we know that@~@we have passed out of death and into life ?@~@@~@we have bound the devil@~@we love our brothers@~@we have ceased from sin@~@we love ourselves@~@b@~@1 John 3:14@~@@
763~@3@~@@~@When Joshua sent two spies to Jericho, a woman hid@~@them. Where did the woman hide the spies ?@~@@~@on the roof@~@in her closet@~@by the horses@~@in a tunnel@~@a@~@Joshua 2:6@~@@
764~@1@~@@~@In the book of 1 Timothy, Hymenaeus and Alexander@~@had rejected the faith. Who did Paul hand them@~@over to so they would learn not to blaspheme ?@~@the Romans@~@the high priest@~@the elders@~@Satan@~@d@~@1 Timothy 1:20@~@@
765~@3@~@@~@During the plagues of Egypt, with which@~@plague did God make a distinction between@~@His people and the Egyptians ?@~@flies@~@boils@~@gnats@~@hail@~@a@~@Exodus 8:22@~@@
766~@1@~@Complete this verse in the book of James :@~@Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming.@~@Behold, the farmer waits for the precious produce of@~@the soil, being patient about it, until it gets ...@~@the gentle north breeze@~@the early and late rains@~@the hot summer sun@~@eaten by locusts@~@b@~@James 5:7@~@@
767~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the four horns, what did@~@God raise up to destroy the four horns ?@~@@~@four craftsmen@~@four horses@~@four angels@~@four eagles@~@a@~@Zech 1:21@~@@
768~@2@~@@~@What does the eternal gospel during@~@the tribulation preach?@~@@~@don't leave Jerusalem@~@repent of sin@~@follow the woman@~@fear God@~@d@~@Rev 14:7@~@@
769~@1@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, a letter@~@is sent to the church in Philadelphia.@~@What does Philadelphia mean ?@~@unity@~@brotherly love@~@hidden manna@~@freedom@~@b@~@Revelation 3:7@~@@
770~@1@~@@~@Where did the evil spirits, named legion,@~@go when Jesus cast them out of the demon-@~@possessed man at the tombs ?@~@into a nearby town@~@they descended to hell@~@no one knows@~@into a herd of pigs@~@d@~@Mark 5:13@~@@
771~@1@~@When Solomon was king of Israel, two women came to@~@him. The women were fighting over a baby. Each woman@~@claimed the baby was hers. What did Solomon threaten@~@to do to end the dispute ?@~@sell the baby as a slave@~@give the baby away@~@sacrifice the baby@~@cut the baby in two@~@d@~@1 Kings 3:25@~@@
772~@3@~@@~@In the book of 3 John,@~@who received a good testimony from everyone ?@~@@~@Gaius@~@Diotrephes@~@Demetrius@~@Philemon@~@c@~@3 John 1:12@~@@
773~@3@~@@~@When Ahaziah, king of Israel, was sick, he sent@~@three groups of fifty men each to get Elijah. What@~@happened to the first two groups of men ?@~@lions ate them@~@fire consumed them@~@the earth swallowed them@~@Elijah killed them with a sword@~@b@~@2 Kings 1:14@~@@
774~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse in Song of Songs ...@~@He has taken me to the banquet hall and his@~@banner over me is ...@~@peace@~@prosperity@~@love@~@joy@~@c@~@Song of Songs 2:4@~@@
775~@2@~@@~@What was the name of the island that@~@John the apostle had been exiled to ?@~@@~@Achaia@~@Patmos@~@Crete@~@Samos@~@b@~@Revelation 1:9@~@@
776~@2@~@@~@According to Proverbs, it is better to live on a@~@corner of the roof than share a house with a ...@~@@~@drunken husband@~@quarrelsome wife@~@rebellious son@~@disobedient daughter@~@b@~@Proverbs 25:24@~@@
777~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel's prophecy, how long does it take to@~@bury the bones of Gog ?@~@@~@three days@~@seven days@~@three months@~@seven months@~@d@~@Ezekiel 39:12@~@@
778~@3@~@@~@How long did the apostle Paul stay in his own rented@~@quarters while imprisoned in Rome ?@~@@~@one year@~@two years@~@three years@~@four years@~@b@~@Acts 28:30@~@@
779~@3@~@In the book of Judges, when Israel was serving Eglon,@~@king of Moab, the Lord raised up Ehud to deliver Israel.@~@What does the book of Judges say was different about@~@Eglon, king of Moab ?@~@he was a giant@~@he was lame@~@he was blind@~@he was very fat@~@d@~@Judges 3:17@~@@
780~@1@~@@~@What did the statue's head of gold in@~@Nebuchadnezzar's vision represent ?@~@@~@Alexander the Great@~@King Darius@~@Nebuchadnezzar@~@Daniel@~@c@~@Daniel 2:38@~@@
781~@1@~@@~@Who saw the Lord in the burning@~@bush on Mt. Horeb ?@~@@~@Jacob@~@Moses@~@David@~@Isaac@~@b@~@Exodus 3:1@~@@
782~@3@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what was promised@~@to the overcomers in the church of Ephesus ?@~@@~@they would eat of the tree of life@~@they would not be hurt by the second death@~@they would be made pillars in the temple@~@they would sit with Jesus on the throne@~@a@~@Revelation 2:7@~@@
783~@3@~@@~@What is revealed by the opening@~@of the first 4 seals in Revelation ?@~@@~@the four living creatures@~@the seven churches@~@the four horsemen@~@the four trumpets@~@c@~@Rev 6:1-8@~@@
784~@2@~@@~@In the book of Joel, an army destroys the@~@harvest of the field. What kind of army is it ?@~@@~@birds@~@beasts@~@ants@~@locusts@~@d@~@Joel 1:4@~@@
785~@1@~@@~@How did the paralytic man who was healed@~@get into the house to see Jesus ?@~@@~@four men carried him in@~@through the cellar door@~@Jesus invited him in@~@let down through a hole in the roof@~@d@~@Mark 1:44@~@@
786~@1@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the return of the Lord to@~@Jerusalem, where do the Lord's feet stand ?@~@@~@garden of Gethsemane@~@pool of Bethesda@~@at the Beautiful Gate@~@on the Mount of Olives@~@d@~@Zech 14:4@~@@
787~@3@~@When Gideon was going to battle with the Midianites,@~@he divided his 300 men into three companies and went@~@down to the valley for battle. How numerous were the@~@men of Midian ?@~@numerous as locusts@~@numerous as sand on the beach@~@numerous as flies@~@numerous as the stars of heaven@~@a@~@Judges 7:12@~@@
788~@1@~@When Solomon was king of Israel, two women came to@~@him. The women were fighting over a baby. Both women@~@claimed the baby was hers. What does the bible say@~@about the occupation of these two women ?@~@they were harlots@~@they were garment makers@~@they were winemakers@~@they were thieves@~@a@~@1 Kings 3:16@~@@
789~@3@~@In the book of Judges, the Lord raised up Shamgar,@~@son of Anath, to judge Israel. Shamgar struck down@~@six hundred Philistines to save Israel. What kind@~@of weapon did Shamgar use ?@~@an iron chain@~@a javelin@~@an oxgoad@~@a huge club@~@c@~@Judges 3:31@~@@
790~@3@~@@~@What did David do to protect himself from Achish,@~@king of Gath, while he was hiding from Saul ?@~@@~@dressed as a Philistine@~@dressed as a woman@~@pretended to be insane@~@made an oath with Achish@~@c@~@1 Samuel 21:13@~@@
791~@2@~@@~@When Jesus was rebuking the Pharisees,@~@He called them blind guides, and that@~@they strain out a gnat but swallow a ...@~@donkey@~@camel@~@sparrow@~@bowl@~@b@~@Matt 23:24@~@@
792~@3@~@@~@In the book of Judges, Judah fought against the@~@Canaanites and captured their leader, Adoni-bezek.@~@What did the Israelites do to him ?@~@cut off his head@~@cut off his thumbs and big toes@~@hung him on a tree@~@dragged him behind his own chariot@~@b@~@Judges 1:6@~@@
793~@1@~@@~@According to 2 Corinthians,@~@If any man be in Christ ...@~@@~@his problems are over@~@he will never sin again@~@he is a new creature@~@his life will be long@~@c@~@2 Corinthians 5:17@~@@
794~@3@~@@~@How long did it take the Jews to rebuild@~@the walls of Jerusalem under Nehemiah ?@~@@~@7 years@~@3 years@~@1 year@~@52 days@~@d@~@Nehemiah 6:15@~@@
795~@1@~@@~@In Ephesians we are told to put on the whole armor@~@of God that we may be able to stand firm against ...@~@@~@the world@~@each other@~@the schemes of the devil@~@unrighteous men@~@c@~@Ephesians 6:11@~@@
796~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the golden lampstand,@~@what is standing on the left and right of the@~@lampstand ?@~@two fig trees@~@two angels@~@two horses@~@two olive trees@~@d@~@Zech 4:3@~@@
797~@1@~@@~@Who is the book of First Timothy written to ?@~@@~@@~@Paul@~@Timothy@~@the saints in Macedonia@~@the saints scattered abroad@~@b@~@1 Timothy 1:2@~@@
798~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel 37, the Lord takes the prophet to a valley.@~@What is in the valley ?@~@@~@birds of prey@~@dry bones@~@the Babylonian army@~@wild beasts@~@b@~@Ezekiel 37:1@~@@
799~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse from the book of James :@~@Whoever turns a sinner from the error of@~@his way will save him from death and ...@~@cover some sins@~@cover one sin@~@cover a multitude of sins@~@cover a few sins@~@c@~@James 5:20@~@@
800~@3@~@@~@Finish this verse in the book of Joel.@~@Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of ....@~@@~@wrath !@~@death !@~@judgment !@~@decision !@~@d@~@Joel 3:14@~@@
801~@3@~@@~@In the book of Titus, someone said that all@~@people on the island of Crete are liars, evil@~@beasts, and lazy gluttons. Who said this ?@~@the apostle Paul@~@one of Crete's own prophets@~@Titus@~@the sect of the circumcised@~@b@~@Titus 1:12@~@@
802~@3@~@@~@Ezekiel was told by the Lord to inscribe the name@~@of the city Jerusalem on an object and then lay a@~@siege against it. What did he inscribe the name on ?@~@a brick@~@a rock@~@a tree@~@a vessel@~@a@~@Ezekiel 4:1@~@@
803~@2@~@@~@When Eli was 98 years old he could not ...@~@@~@@~@see@~@walk@~@judge Israel@~@hear@~@a@~@1 Samuel 4:15@~@@
804~@2@~@@~@In Revelation 12, a great and wondrous@~@sign appeared in heaven: a woman@~@clothed with ...@~@the sun@~@the moon@~@the saints@~@a purple robe@~@a@~@Rev 12:1@~@@
805~@3@~@@~@What happened to the 185,000 man army of Sennacherib,@~@king of Assyria, when he attacked Jerusalem ?@~@@~@they became blind@~@they slew one another@~@fire came down and killed them@~@an angel of the Lord struck them@~@d@~@2 Kings 19:35@~@@
806~@2@~@@~@In the book of Jude, we are told to have mercy@~@with fear toward some, hating the garment ...@~@@~@polluted by the flesh@~@that looks outwardly good to man@~@that is made from evil@~@that is eaten by moths@~@a@~@Jude 1:23@~@@
807~@2@~@After the Spirit was poured out on the apostles@~@at Pentecost, what appeared and then rested on@~@each of the people who had gathered to pray ?@~@@~@angels@~@olive oil@~@dew@~@tongues of fire@~@d@~@Acts 2:3@~@@
808~@2@~@On Paul's third missionary journey, when he@~@was preparing to go from Asia to Jerusalem,@~@what did the Holy Spirit say awaited Paul@~@in Jerusalem ?@~@bonds and afflictions@~@much missionary work@~@the other disciples@~@many believers@~@a@~@Acts 20:23@~@@
809~@2@~@@~@How does the author of 1 John describe the one@~@who denies that Jesus is the Christ and who@~@denies the Father ?@~@he is deceived@~@he is not saved@~@he is the antichrist@~@he is doomed@~@c@~@1 John 2:22@~@@
810~@2@~@@~@When Daniel was reading Jeremiah's prophecies, he@~@discovered that the time of Jerusalem's desolation@~@was near its end. How many years was this desolation ?@~@10 years@~@40 years@~@70 years@~@100 years@~@c@~@Daniel 9:2@~@@
811~@2@~@@~@What is the third of five ministries mentioned@~@in Ephesians chapter 4 ?@~@@~@pastors@~@prophets@~@apostles@~@evangelists@~@d@~@Ephesians 4:11@~@@
812~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse from the book of James :@~@You too be patient; strengthen your hearts,@~@for the coming of the Lord ...@~@is at hand@~@is still in the distant future@~@will not come soon@~@is a terrible thing@~@a@~@James 5:8@~@@
813~@2@~@@~@When Daniel translated the inscription on the wall@~@to king Belshazzar, to whom was his kingdom to be@~@given over to ?@~@the Romans@~@the Medes and Persians@~@the Greeks@~@the Egyptians@~@b@~@Daniel 5:28@~@@
814~@1@~@@~@According to 1 John, what kind of man says that he@~@knows the Lord but does not do what the Lord commands ?@~@@~@a heathen@~@a worldly man@~@a liar@~@an unsaved man@~@c@~@1 John 2:4@~@@
815~@1@~@@~@When Elijah was about to depart into heaven,@~@what did Elisha ask of him ?@~@@~@a double portion of his spirit@~@the strength to kill Jezebel@~@wisdom to defeat the prophets of Baal@~@favor from God@~@a@~@2 Kings 2:9@~@@
816~@3@~@@~@Who is considered the author@~@of most of the book of Proverbs ?@~@@~@Abraham@~@David@~@Paul@~@Solomon@~@d@~@Intro to Prov@~@@
817~@3@~@@~@When Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord,@~@what did Obadiah, who was over King Ahab's household,@~@do ?@~@told Jezebel where the prophets were@~@hid some of the prophets in caves@~@warned the prophets to flee the country@~@convinced the prophets to worship Baal@~@b@~@1 Kings 18:4@~@@
818~@1@~@@~@Who did King David appoint to become king after him ?@~@@~@@~@Adonijah@~@Solomon@~@Zadok@~@Joab@~@b@~@1 Kings 1:30@~@@
819~@1@~@@~@When Satan was tempting Jesus in the wilderness,@~@what did he promise to give Jesus if Jesus would@~@fall down and worship him ?@~@some bread and water@~@all the kingdoms of the world@~@wisdom and knowledge@~@power and authority in heaven@~@b@~@Matthew 4:8@~@@
819~@1@~@@~@What was Jesus doing as the storm threatened@~@to sink the ship in the Sea of Galilee ?@~@@~@praying@~@sleeping@~@eating@~@teaching@~@b@~@Matt 8:24@~@@
820~@2@~@From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the@~@sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks.@~@Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh@~@Sabbath. Which feast to Lord is this ?@~@Passover@~@Unleavened Bread@~@Weeks or Pentecost@~@Tabernacles@~@c@~@Leviticus 23:15@~@@
821~@1@~@@~@A little leaven leavens how much of a lump of dough ?@~@@~@@~@none of the lump@~@a little bit of the lump@~@some of the lump@~@the whole lump@~@d@~@Galatians 5:9@~@@
821~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel's prophecy, what happens to the flesh@~@of the army of Gog ?@~@@~@it is eaten@~@it rots in the sun@~@it is buried@~@it is burned@~@a@~@Ezekiel 39:17@~@@
822~@1@~@@~@Who was found worthy to open the@~@scroll in Revelation 5 ?@~@@~@the first angel@~@the four living creatures@~@the Lion of the tribe of Judah@~@the redeemed of the Lord@~@c@~@Rev 5:5@~@@
823~@3@~@When the Lord used Ezekiel to show the people of@~@Jerusalem of the coming exile, He had Ezekiel put@~@his baggage on his shoulder and leave the city.@~@How did Ezekiel get out of Jerusalem ?@~@a rope over the wall@~@a ladder over the wall@~@a hole in the wall@~@a tunnel under the wall@~@c@~@Ezekiel 12:5@~@@
824~@2@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what does the Lord tell@~@the church in Laodicea He will do because they are@~@lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold ?@~@remove their name from the book of life@~@take away their crown of life@~@remove their lampstand out of its place@~@spit them out of His mouth@~@d@~@Revelation 3:16@~@@
825~@2@~@@~@Jesus taught that a man who builds his house@~@on the sand is a man who hears His word and ...@~@@~@does not believe it@~@rejects it@~@believes it for awhile@~@does not act upon it@~@d@~@Matthew 7:26@~@@
825~@2@~@@~@What was the second kind of bird that Noah sent@~@out of the ark to see if the earth was dry ?@~@@~@a sparrow@~@a raven@~@a dove@~@a hawk@~@c@~@Genesis 8:8@~@@
825~@3@~@In the early 1950's, Israel airlifted 120,000@~@Jews from Baghdad and brought them home. These@~@were the descendents of the Jews taken captive by@~@Nebuchadnezzar. What was this airlift called ?@~@Operation Magic Carpet@~@Operation Ali Baba@~@Operation Flying Exodus@~@Operation Desert Flight@~@b@~@History@~@@
825~@3@~@@~@At the end of Zechariah's vision, after the Lord has@~@returned to Jerusalem, where is " HOLY TO THE LORD "@~@inscribed ?@~@on the trumpets@~@on the bells of the horses@~@on the people's clothes@~@on the temple doors@~@b@~@Zech 14:20@~@@
825~@3@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Hosea ?@~@@~@@~@Ezekiel@~@Joel@~@Jonah@~@Daniel@~@b@~@The Bible@~@@
825~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God create man ?@~@@~@@~@day four@~@day five@~@day six@~@day seven@~@c@~@Genesis 1:26@~@@
826~@2@~@@~@How long do the two witnesses lie@~@dead in the street before they are@~@resurrected during the tribulation ?@~@1 hour@~@3 1/2 days@~@7 days@~@1260 days@~@b@~@Rev 11:9@~@@
827~@2@~@@~@In Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the statue, what@~@are the breast and arms generally believed to@~@represent ?@~@Babylonian Empire@~@Medes and Persians@~@Alexander the Great@~@Roman Empire@~@b@~@Daniel 2:39@~@@
828~@2@~@@~@What did Saul do after he was critically@~@wounded by an arrow on Mount Gilboa ?@~@@~@he ran and hid in a cave@~@he cursed God and died@~@he fell on his sword and died@~@he had his armor bearer slay him@~@c@~@1 Samuel 31:4@~@@
829~@2@~@@~@How did the Pharaoh of Egypt try to@~@control the Hebrew population ?@~@@~@kill the newborn girls@~@kill the newborn boys@~@kill the women of childbearing age@~@separate the men and women@~@b@~@Exodus 1:22@~@@
830~@1@~@@~@When Lot left Sodom with his family,@~@what happened to his wife when she@~@turned around to look back ?@~@she froze@~@she was raptured@~@she was turned to a pillar of salt@~@it rained fire and brimstone on her@~@c@~@Genesis 19:26@~@@
831~@3@~@@~@After Jonah left Nineveh and sat east of the city,@~@what did God give Jonah for comfort ?@~@@~@a feast@~@a plant@~@a bird@~@a drink@~@b@~@Jonah 4:6@~@@
832~@2@~@@~@What is the sixth book of the Bible ?@~@@~@@~@Deuteronomy@~@Judges@~@Leviticus@~@Joshua@~@d@~@Bible@~@@
833~@2@~@@~@In 1 Corinthians, Paul says the church in Corinth was@~@divided into four groups: Some of Paul, some of@~@Cephas, some of Christ, and some of ...@~@Luke@~@Mark@~@Apollos@~@Timothy@~@c@~@1 Corinthians 1:12@~@@
834~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel's prophecy, what will the people of Israel@~@do with the weapons of Gog ?@~@@~@crush them to dust@~@add them to their own@~@bury them@~@burn them@~@d@~@Ezekiel 39:9@~@@
835~@2@~@@~@In the tabernacle, where was the table@~@with the Bread of the Presence located ?@~@@~@Holy of Holies@~@Holy Place@~@the courtyard@~@outside the front gate@~@b@~@Exodus 40:4@~@@
836~@3@~@In the book of 1 Samuel, there was an intelligent@~@woman named Abigail and her foolish husband named@~@Nabal. Nabal was killed because he wouldn't help@~@David. What happened to Abigail ?@~@she was also killed@~@she became David's wife@~@David let her join his group@~@she became Jonathan's wife@~@b@~@1 Samuel 25:42@~@@
837~@2@~@@~@What is the first of five ministries mentioned@~@in Ephesians chapter 4 ?@~@@~@pastors@~@prophets@~@apostles@~@teachers@~@c@~@Ephesians 4:11@~@@
838~@1@~@@~@In the early days of King Solomon's rule,@~@the kingdom was so rich that this metal@~@was not considered valuable. What metal ?@~@copper@~@bronze@~@gold@~@silver@~@d@~@1 Kings 10:21@~@@
839~@1@~@@~@What happens to the armies of Gog in Ezekiel's@~@prophecy ?@~@@~@they conquer Israel@~@they are destroyed@~@they turn and flee@~@they make peace@~@b@~@Ezekiel 39:4@~@@
840~@1@~@@~@After the apostle Paul had been shipwrecked@~@on an island, what bit him ?@~@@~@a crab@~@a fish@~@a snake@~@a scorpion@~@c@~@Acts 28:3@~@@
841~@2@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the man with a measuring line@~@in his hand, what was the wall around Jerusalem like ?@~@@~@broken down@~@there was no wall@~@a high rebuilt wall@~@a wall of fire@~@d@~@Zech 2:5@~@@
842~@2@~@@~@Who went to Pilate after the death@~@of our Lord to ask for His body ?@~@@~@John the Baptist@~@Apostle Paul@~@Pilate@~@Joseph of Arimathea@~@d@~@Matt 27:57-58@~@@
843~@2@~@@~@After the apostles were baptized in the Holy Spirit@~@at Pentecost, what were they accused of ?@~@@~@being rebels@~@being blasphemers@~@being drunk@~@being traitors@~@c@~@Acts 2:13@~@@
844~@1@~@Fill in the blank in this phrase from Romans :@~@We do not know what we ought to pray for,@~@but ______________ intercedes for us with@~@groans that words cannot express.@~@the Word itself@~@the Spirit Himself@~@our guardian angel@~@our spirit within us@~@b@~@Romans 8:26@~@@
845~@3@~@@~@What did the Lord command Joshua to do just after@~@all Israel crossed the Jordan River and camped at@~@Gilgal ?@~@stone the rebels@~@assemble for war@~@sacrifice the red heifer@~@circumcise the people@~@d@~@Joshua 5:2@~@@
846~@3@~@@~@According to Second Thessalonians, the day of the@~@Lord will not come until what comes first ?@~@@~@the rebellion@~@the rapture@~@the resurrection@~@the church is mature@~@a@~@2 Thessalonians 2:3@~@@
847~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@what does God provide us when@~@we are under temptation ?@~@comfort@~@condemnation@~@judgment@~@a way of escape@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 10:13@~@@
848~@1@~@@~@What was the occupation of the first@~@two disciples Jesus called ?@~@@~@fishermen@~@tax collectors@~@carpenters@~@shepherds@~@a@~@Matt 4:18@~@@
849~@2@~@Just after Pentecost, during the first days@~@of the church, Peter and John went up to the@~@temple. There they performed their first miracle@~@recorded in Acts. What was this miracle ?@~@they healed a blind man@~@they healed a deaf man@~@they healed a lame man@~@they healed a possessed man@~@c@~@Acts 3:7@~@@
850~@3@~@@~@When Satan began to afflict Job,@~@what happened to Job's oxen and donkeys ?@~@@~@they were stolen@~@they wandered away@~@a plague killed them all@~@wild beasts killed them all@~@a@~@Job 1:15@~@@
850~@1@~@@~@What book of the Bible gets its@~@name from a tribe of Israel ?@~@@~@Amos@~@Micah@~@Leviticus@~@Nahum@~@c@~@Leviticus@~@@
850~@3@~@@~@What does Joshua mean ?@~@@~@@~@Prince of Peace@~@Savior@~@Mighty Warrior@~@Blessed of God@~@b@~@Hebrew dictionary@~@@
850~@3@~@@~@Complete this verse from Proverbs :@~@Food obtained by fraud tastes sweet to a man,@~@but he ends up with a mouth full of ...@~@bitterness@~@sores@~@gravel@~@thorns@~@c@~@Proverbs 20:17@~@@
850~@3@~@@~@What did the Babylonians do to King@~@Jedekiah before they took him away ?@~@@~@they cut off his thumbs@~@they put him in an empty well@~@they blinded him@~@they cut off his right hand@~@c@~@Jeremiah 39:7@~@@
850~@3@~@@~@To Adam was born Seth and to Seth was born Enosh.@~@What does the book of Genesis say men began to do@~@after the birth of Enosh ?@~@build walled cities@~@have relations with fallen angels@~@call upon the name of the Lord@~@increase abundantly upon the earth@~@c@~@Genesis 4:26@~@@
851~@3@~@@~@According to 2 Corinthians, Paul was lashed@~@five different times by the Jews. How many@~@lashes did he receive each time ?@~@7@~@21@~@39@~@50@~@c@~@2 Corinthians 11:24@~@@
852~@2@~@@~@Fill in the blank from this verse in 1 John :@~@I write to you, __________, because your sins@~@have been forgiven on account of His name.@~@dear children@~@young men@~@fathers@~@mothers@~@a@~@1 John 2:12@~@@
853~@1@~@@~@Who was the first person born of a woman ?@~@@~@@~@Adam@~@Abel@~@Cain@~@Abraham@~@c@~@Gen 4:1@~@@
854~@2@~@@~@In the book of Jude, the author is speaking of the@~@evil men who have crept into the church. He says@~@these men are those who cause ...@~@money problems@~@marriage problems@~@divisions@~@legalism@~@c@~@Jude 1:19@~@@
855~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the talents,@~@what did the master say to the one who@~@had hidden his talent in the ground ?@~@you wicked and lazy slave !@~@you did well not to waste your talent !@~@why did you cheat others ?@~@well done, good and faithful servant !@~@a@~@Matthew 25:26@~@@
855~@3@~@@~@Which apostle was apparently married ?@~@@~@@~@John@~@James@~@Simon called Peter@~@Luke@~@c@~@Luke 4:38@~@@
856~@1@~@@~@According to Ephesians 3, how is the manifold wisdom@~@of God to be made known to the rulers and authorities@~@in the heavenly realms ?@~@through the Gentiles@~@through the church@~@through the angels@~@through the apostles@~@b@~@Ephesians 3:10@~@@
857~@3@~@@~@The outer covering of the tabernacle in the@~@wilderness was made of what animal skin ?@~@@~@sheep@~@camel@~@goat@~@ram@~@d@~@Exodus 26:14@~@@
857~@2@~@@~@What did David and his men do when they@~@heard that Saul and Jonathan were dead ?@~@@~@they celebrated with a feast@~@they attacked the Philistines@~@they wept and fasted@~@they ran from the Philistines@~@c@~@2 Samuel 1:11@~@@
858~@1@~@@~@According to the book of James,@~@what will happen to the gold and silver that@~@the rich people have stored up for themselves ?@~@it will become rusted@~@it will be stolen@~@it will be consumed by fire@~@it will be changed to clay@~@a@~@James 5:3@~@@
859~@3@~@@~@How long were the martyred saints@~@of Revelation 6 told to wait for@~@the Lord to avenge their blood ?@~@7 days@~@a little longer@~@1000 years@~@3 1/2 years@~@b@~@Rev 6:11@~@@
860~@2@~@@~@What did the people do when Ezra@~@and Nehemiah read the law to everyone ?@~@@~@they wept@~@they rebelled@~@they returned to Babylon@~@they complained@~@a@~@Nehemiah 8:9@~@@
861~@3@~@The book of Romans says the Scripture is speaking to@~@what man when it says, "For this very purpose I raised@~@you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My@~@name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth" ?@~@Jacob@~@Pharaoh@~@Paul@~@Moses@~@b@~@Romans 9:17@~@@
861~@3@~@@~@The angel, who appeared to Mary Magdalene@~@at the tomb of Jesus, told her to inform@~@the disciples to go to what place ?@~@Corinth@~@Thessalonica@~@Galilee@~@Mount of Olives@~@c@~@Matt 28:7@~@@
862~@2@~@@~@Who is the book of James addressed to ?@~@@~@@~@the saints in Jerusalem@~@the saints hiding in Rome@~@the saints in Jamestown@~@the 12 tribes@~@d@~@James 1:1@~@@
863~@3@~@@~@In the last book of the old testament, who does God@~@say He will send to us before the great and dreadful@~@day of the Lord comes ?@~@Zechariah@~@Elijah@~@Moses@~@Isaiah@~@b@~@Malachi 4:5@~@@
864~@3@~@@~@How many sons did Gideon have ?@~@@~@@~@12@~@30@~@70@~@120@~@c@~@Judges 8:30@~@@
865~@1@~@@~@Who walked on the water to Jesus ?@~@@~@@~@John@~@Matthew@~@Peter@~@Luke@~@c@~@Matt 14:29@~@@
866~@1@~@@~@Hager bore Abraham a son and he named him ...@~@@~@@~@Ishmael@~@Isaac@~@David@~@Jacob@~@a@~@Gen 16:15@~@@
867~@2@~@@~@What was the apostle Paul's trade ?@~@@~@@~@fisherman@~@tent maker@~@seller of idols@~@wine maker@~@b@~@Acts 18:3@~@@
868~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel's prophecy against Gog, how does the Lord@~@bring Gog toward Israel ?@~@@~@a rope around their neck@~@a hook in their jaw@~@a chain around their feet@~@a chain around their hands@~@b@~@Ezekiel 38:4@~@@
869~@3@~@@~@Why did the Egyptians begin to treat the@~@Israelites ruthlessly after Joseph's@~@generation had all died ?@~@they refused to work@~@they kept stealing from the Egyptians@~@the Egyptians were jealous of them@~@the Israelites' population grew greatly@~@d@~@Exodus 1:7@~@@
870~@3@~@@~@What did Daniel ask to eat instead of the king's@~@choice food ?@~@@~@his own food@~@only some fruit@~@only some vegetables@~@just water and bread@~@c@~@Daniel 1:12@~@@
871~@2@~@@~@There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of@~@the moon, and another glory of the stars, for star@~@differs from star in glory. So also ...@~@are the gifts of the spirit@~@are the ministries in the church@~@is the resurrection of the dead@~@is the Kingdom of Heaven@~@c@~@1 Corinthians 15:41@~@@
871~@2@~@@~@What is the last verse of 1 John ?@~@@~@@~@Peace be unto you.@~@Greet the friends there by name.@~@Grace and mercy be unto you.@~@Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.@~@d@~@1 John 5:21@~@@
872~@2@~@@~@When Ezekiel ate the scroll which God had given him,@~@it tasted ...@~@@~@salty@~@sweet@~@sour@~@bitter@~@b@~@Ezekiel 3:3@~@@
873~@1@~@@~@Besides Matthew, which other New Testament@~@book contains the genealogy of Christ ?@~@@~@Acts@~@Mark@~@Luke@~@Revelation@~@c@~@Luke 3:23@~@@
874~@3@~@@~@When the apostle Paul was in Ephesus, he was turning@~@many people from idols to the living God. This made@~@a man called Demetrius very angry. Why was he angry ?@~@he was worshiped as an idol@~@he made his living selling idols@~@he loved his many idols@~@he worked in the idol temple@~@b@~@Acts 19:24@~@@
875~@3@~@@~@In Revelation, someone said, "Rise and measure the@~@temple of God, and the altar, and those who worship@~@in it. But leave out and do not measure the ...@~@people with hardness of heart@~@Holy City@~@outer court@~@unrighteous in Israel@~@c@~@Revelation 11:2@~@@
875~@3@~@@~@The church in Corinth that Paul wrote two@~@letters to was in what present day country ?@~@@~@Turkey@~@Syria@~@Italy@~@Greece@~@d@~@Geography@~@@
875~@2@~@Fill in this blank from the book of Romans :@~@For the mind set on the flesh ( or carnally minded )@~@is _________, but the mind set on the spirit (or@~@spiritually minded ) is life and peace.@~@enjoyable for a time@~@sorrowful@~@painful@~@death@~@d@~@Romans 8:6@~@@
875~@1@~@@~@How many chapters are@~@in the book of Psalms ?@~@@~@50@~@150@~@120@~@144@~@b@~@Book of Psalms@~@@
875~@3@~@@~@What is the seventh of the ten commandments ?@~@@~@@~@Thou shalt not covet@~@Thou shalt not steal@~@Thou shalt not commit adultery@~@Thou shalt not kill@~@c@~@Exodus 20:14@~@@
875~@2@~@@~@After Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit,@~@what did God say to Eve ?@~@@~@you shall never come near to Me again@~@in pain you shall bring forth children@~@you are dust and to dust you shall return@~@in toil you shall eat of the ground@~@b@~@Genesis 3:16@~@@
875~@2@~@In the book of Haggai, the remnant of the people who@~@had returned from Babylon to Jerusalem began to rebuild@~@the house of the Lord. What did the Lord say to the@~@remnant when they obeyed the Lord and began to build ?@~@Sell your houses for money to build with !@~@Consider your ways !@~@I am with you !@~@Melt down your idols for gold to build with !@~@c@~@Haggai 1:13@~@@
875~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Second Peter ?@~@@~@@~@Jude@~@Hebrews@~@James@~@First John@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
876~@1@~@@~@Fill in the blank to complete this verse from Zechariah.@~@"Not by power, nor by might, but by ______ ",@~@says the Lord of Hosts.@~@My Spirit@~@your good works@~@much war@~@much tribulation@~@a@~@Zech 4:6@~@@
877~@3@~@@~@In the book of Joel, what does this phrase describe ?@~@... like dawn spreading across the mountains ...@~@@~@a storm@~@a nation@~@an army@~@an angel@~@c@~@Joel 2:2@~@@
878~@1@~@Complete this verse in Romans :@~@that if you confess with your mouth@~@Jesus as Lord, and believe in your@~@heart that God raised Him from the dead ...@~@you will prophesy@~@you will be saved@~@you will be caught up to heaven@~@you will sin no more@~@b@~@Romans 10:9@~@@
879~@2@~@@~@How many years did King David rule Israel ?@~@@~@@~@3@~@7@~@33@~@40@~@d@~@1 Kings 2:11@~@@
880~@3@~@@~@Who went looking in Abraham's home@~@country for a wife for Isaac ?@~@@~@Chief servant@~@Sarah@~@Isaac@~@Abraham@~@a@~@Gen 24:2@~@@
881~@3@~@@~@In the book of 2 Timothy, a man named Onesiphorus@~@is mentioned.@~@What is said about him ?@~@he deserted Paul@~@he often refreshed Paul@~@he abandoned the faith@~@he was imprisoned for the faith@~@b@~@2 Timothy 1:16@~@@
882~@2@~@@~@After Ruth married Boaz they had a son. They@~@named him Obed. Who was Obed the father of ?@~@@~@David@~@Jesse@~@Salmon@~@Perez@~@b@~@Ruth 4:17@~@@
883~@2@~@@~@Who was Jacob's first wife ?@~@@~@@~@Rachel@~@Leah@~@Rebekah@~@Dinah@~@b@~@Gen 29:23@~@@
884~@2@~@@~@A leper named Naaman went to the prophet Elisha to@~@ask for healing. What did Elisha tell Naaman to go@~@do seven times to receive his healing ?@~@wash in the Jordan@~@sacrifice an ox@~@give money to the poor@~@anoint himself with oil@~@a@~@2 Kings 5:10@~@@
885~@3@~@@~@In Daniel's vision of the four beasts coming up@~@out of the sea, what was the first beast like ?@~@@~@eagle@~@lion@~@bear@~@leopard@~@b@~@Daniel 7:4@~@@
886~@3@~@This phrase is recorded in the book of Proverbs:@~@A constant dripping on a day of steady rain is@~@like...@~@What is the dripping like?@~@a foolish man@~@the steadfast wind@~@a hot tempered man@~@a contentious woman@~@d@~@Proverbs 27:15@~@@
887~@2@~@@~@When the Lord first called Samuel while he was@~@lying down in the temple, what did Samuel do ?@~@@~@fell down and worshipped@~@ran to Eli@~@he hid in fear@~@he asked the Lord to speak@~@b@~@1 Samuel 3:4@~@@
888~@2@~@@~@God's covenant with Abraham included circumcision@~@for all males at what age ?@~@@~@8 days@~@at birth@~@1 year old@~@13 years old@~@a@~@Gen 21:4@~@@
889~@2@~@@~@Adam lived to be how old ?@~@@~@@~@450 years@~@930 years@~@875 years@~@730 years@~@b@~@Gen 5:4@~@@
890~@3@~@@~@According to Daniel, the number of days from the time@~@that the regular sacrifice is abolished, and the@~@abomination of desolation is set up, there will be ...@~@120 days@~@1000 days@~@1200 days@~@1290 days@~@d@~@Daniel 12:11@~@@
891~@2@~@Fill in the blank from this verse in 1 John :@~@I write to you, __________, because you are@~@strong, and the word of God lives in you,@~@and you have overcome the evil one.@~@dear children@~@young men@~@fathers@~@mothers@~@b@~@1 John 2:14@~@@
892~@1@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the Lord's return to Jerusalem,@~@what does the Lord say will happen to all those who have@~@gone to war against Jerusalem ?@~@their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet@~@their eyes will rot in their sockets@~@their tongue will rot in their mouth@~@all the above@~@d@~@Zech 14:12@~@@
893~@1@~@@~@He who has ears to hear,@~@let him __________@~@@~@speak@~@seek the answer@~@see@~@hear@~@d@~@Mark 4:9@~@@
894~@3@~@@~@In the book of Numbers, when the sons of Israel were@~@counted, which tribe was the largest ?@~@@~@Reuben@~@Zebulun@~@Judah@~@Dan@~@c@~@Numbers 1:26@~@@
895~@3@~@In the book of Judges, after Israel sinned, they@~@cried to the Lord. The Lord raised up a deliverer@~@called Othniel to deliver them. Who was Othniel ?@~@@~@Joshua's son@~@Aaron's son@~@Caleb's brother@~@Eleazar's brother@~@c@~@Judges 3:9@~@@
896~@3@~@@~@In the book of Joel, where does the Lord enter into@~@judgment against the nations ?@~@@~@valley of Armageddon@~@valley of Jehoshaphat@~@valley of Megiddo@~@valley of death@~@b@~@Joel 3:12@~@@
897~@3@~@One day David protected Nabal in the desert.@~@When David later asked Nabal for some food, he@~@refused to help. Ten days later Nabal was dead.@~@Who killed him ?@~@David's men@~@David@~@the Lord@~@Samuel@~@c@~@1 Samuel 25:38@~@@
898~@1@~@@~@When Peter was thrown into prison by Herod,@~@what did the church do ?@~@@~@tried to break him out@~@collected bail money@~@prayed fervently@~@pleaded with Herod@~@c@~@Acts 12:5@~@@
899~@1@~@@~@Whose bones did Moses and the Israelites@~@carry out of Egypt during the Exodus ?@~@@~@Joseph's@~@Jacob's@~@Isaac's@~@Aaron's@~@a@~@Exodus 13:19@~@@
900~@1@~@@~@At the transfiguration, what did Peter want to do ?@~@@~@@~@run and hide@~@talk to Moses and Elijah@~@build three tabernacles@~@build an altar@~@c@~@Matthew 17:4@~@@
900~@3@~@In 1878, in a barn outside of Paris, France, a Jew@~@named Eliezer Ben Yehouda received what he believed@~@to be a vision from God. In the vision, God commanded@~@Ben Yehouda to go to Palestine and do what ?@~@rebuild the temple in Jerusalem@~@form an army of Jews to liberate Palestine@~@reintroduce the Hebrew language to the Jews@~@create a Jewish government in Jerusalem@~@c@~@History@~@@
900~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Second Chronicles ?@~@@~@@~@First Samuel@~@First Kings@~@Nehemiah@~@Ezra@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
900~@2@~@@~@What was Noah's ark covered with inside and out ?@~@@~@@~@olive oil@~@mortar@~@clay@~@pitch@~@d@~@Genesis 6:14@~@@
900~@2@~@@~@On what day of creation did God say,@~@"Let the land produce vegetation" ?@~@@~@day one@~@day two@~@day three@~@day four@~@c@~@Genesis 1:11@~@@
900~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Timothy, an overseer must@~@be the husband of how many wives ?@~@@~@only one@~@one or two@~@two or three@~@three or four@~@a@~@1 Timothy 3:2@~@@
901~@2@~@@~@The prophet Isaiah, when speaking of Israel, says,@~@all the day long I have stretched out My hands to ...@~@@~@an upright and righteous people@~@my chosen ones@~@a disobedient and obstinate people@~@a humble and faithful people@~@c@~@Isaiah 65:2@~@@
902~@2@~@@~@What kind of missile did the United States@~@use to help protect Israel in early 1991 ?@~@@~@Scud missile@~@Patriot missile@~@Cruise missile@~@Silkworm missile@~@b@~@History@~@@
902~@3@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what was promised@~@to the overcomers in the church of Laodicea ?@~@@~@they would be clothed in white garments@~@they would eat some of the hidden manna@~@they would be made pillars in the temple@~@they would sit with Jesus on the throne@~@d@~@Revelation 3:21@~@@
903~@2@~@@~@How did God punish Zacharias, father of@~@John the Baptist, when he did not believe@~@the good news told him by Gabriel the angel ?@~@he was unable to walk@~@he could not see@~@he could not hear@~@he could not speak@~@d@~@Luke 1:22@~@@
904~@1@~@@~@In Joel, the Lord tells the nations to beat@~@their plowshares into ...@~@@~@spears@~@clubs@~@swords@~@chariots@~@c@~@Joel 3:10@~@@
905~@1@~@@~@Complete this phrase in the book of Galatians :@~@Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means@~@anything; what counts is a ...@~@new creation@~@sinless life@~@strict religion@~@life of obedience@~@a@~@Galatians 6:15@~@@
906~@2@~@@~@In Romans chapter 11, what kind of tree does@~@Paul use to describe the Gentiles ?@~@@~@an uprooted olive tree@~@a cultivated olive tree@~@a wild olive tree@~@a chopped down olive tree@~@c@~@Romans 11:24@~@@
906~@2@~@Who/What did Joseph demand that his@~@brothers bring back to him on their@~@second journey to Egypt to buy food ?@~@@~@gold@~@Jacob@~@Benjamin, their brother@~@his multi-colored robe@~@c@~@Gen 42:34@~@@
907~@3@~@@~@When the apostle Paul was being taken from Jerusalem@~@to Rome, he became shipwrecked. What caused the@~@ship to get into trouble ?@~@a violent storm@~@the ship's captain was drunk@~@an error in navigation@~@the prisoners overran the ship@~@a@~@Acts 27:20@~@@
908~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the four horses and riders,@~@what was the mission of the horses and riders ?@~@@~@patrol the earth@~@judge the earth@~@measure the earth@~@smite the earth@~@a@~@Zech 1:10@~@@
909~@2@~@@~@After the Lord converted Saul on the road to Damascus,@~@what strange thing was wrong with him for three days ?@~@@~@he was dumb@~@he was deaf@~@he was blind@~@he was lame@~@c@~@Acts 9:8@~@@
910~@3@~@@~@According to Leviticus, anyone who curses his father@~@or his mother shall be ...@~@@~@removed from the land@~@unclean for seven days@~@removed from his family@~@put to death@~@d@~@Leviticus 20:9@~@@
911~@3@~@@~@The Lord says in Joel that He will pour out His Spirit@~@on all mankind and your old men will ...@~@@~@prophesy@~@dream dreams@~@see visions@~@sing a new song@~@b@~@Joel 2:28@~@@
912~@1@~@@~@Finish this phrase in Galatians :@~@You foolish Galatians, who has ...@~@@~@bewitched you ?@~@confused you ?@~@misled you ?@~@counseled you ?@~@a@~@Galatians 3:1@~@@
913~@2@~@@~@Who found Moses in a basket floating@~@in the Nile when he was a baby ?@~@@~@Pharaoh@~@Pharaoh's daughter@~@Pharaoh's wife@~@Pharaoh's servants@~@b@~@Exodus 2:5@~@@
914~@2@~@@~@What did Jacob make Joseph promise him@~@just before he died in Egypt ?@~@@~@to punish the Egyptians@~@to take his body back to Canaan@~@to take care of his brothers@~@to kill pharaoh@~@b@~@Gen 47:30@~@@
914~@2@~@@~@What Old Testament prophet is quoted@~@the most in the New Testament ?@~@@~@Ezekiel@~@Jeremiah@~@Isaiah@~@Daniel@~@c@~@The Bible@~@@
915~@3@~@@~@How did Ahaziah, king of Israel after Ahab, die ?@~@@~@@~@in battle@~@fell off his chariot@~@fell through a window@~@suicide@~@c@~@2 Kings 1:2@~@@
916~@2@~@@~@When Jesus sent two of the disciples to@~@get the donkey he rode into Jerusalem,@~@what did he say would be beside the donkey ?@~@a soldier@~@a palm tree@~@the owner of the donkey@~@the donkey's colt@~@d@~@Matt 21:2@~@@
917~@3@~@@~@What does the name Ichabod mean ?@~@@~@@~@the glory has departed@~@cursed are the people@~@death has come@~@distress to my soul@~@a@~@1 Samuel 4:21@~@@
918~@2@~@@~@Who told Pilate not to judge Jesus because@~@of a dream he/she had suffered through that@~@day ?@~@Nicodemus@~@Herod@~@Pilate's wife@~@Pilate's servant@~@c@~@Matt 27:19@~@@
919~@2@~@@~@What was the image that Nebuchadnezzar set up in the@~@plain of Dura in the province of Babylon made of ?@~@@~@gold@~@silver@~@bronze@~@clay@~@a@~@Daniel 3:1@~@@
920~@1@~@@~@In the book of James, what is the author speaking of@~@when he says that great ships driven by strong winds@~@are still directed by a very small rudder ?@~@the demons@~@the soul@~@the tongue@~@the spirit@~@c@~@James 3:4@~@@
921~@2@~@@~@To whom did Jesus say "Get behind me, Satan" ?@~@@~@@~@Herod@~@the Pharisees@~@Peter@~@Judas@~@c@~@Matt 16:23@~@@
922~@3@~@@~@In the book of Amos, how many sins does the Lord@~@refer to over and over again in His prophesies@~@against Israel, Judah, and the surrounding area ?@~@for one sin and for two@~@for two sins and for three@~@for three sins and for four@~@for four sins and for five@~@c@~@Amos 1 and 2@~@@
923~@1@~@@~@According to Romans 10, faith comes from ...@~@@~@@~@seeing@~@feeling@~@hearing@~@speaking@~@c@~@Romans 10:17@~@@
924~@2@~@@~@When the author of Revelation@~@saw Jesus, what did he do ?@~@@~@fell at His feet as if dead@~@praised Him@~@asked questions@~@died@~@a@~@Rev 1:7@~@@
925~@3@~@@~@After Jezebel had Naboth stoned to death, what@~@did Elijah say concerning her ?@~@@~@she will be consumed by worms@~@the dogs shall eat her@~@she will be killed by a lion@~@fire will come down and consume her@~@b@~@1 Kings 21:23@~@@
926~@3@~@@~@What did David show Saul to prove that he could@~@have killed Saul if he had wanted to when Saul@~@was in the cave with David ?@~@a piece of Saul's robe@~@Saul's water jug@~@one of Saul's special arrows@~@Saul's spear@~@a@~@1 Samuel 24:11@~@@
927~@2@~@@~@How did David's best friend, Jonathan, die ?@~@@~@@~@Saul killed him for helping David@~@He was killed with Saul by the Philistines@~@Samuel killed him for staying loyal to Saul@~@He lived long and died of old age@~@b@~@1 Samuel 31:2@~@@
928~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the sower, what@~@did the seeds which fell@~@into the good soil produce ?@~@bushel of wheat@~@field of weeds@~@thirty, sixty and a hundredfold@~@a tree of life@~@c@~@Mark 4:8@~@@
929~@1@~@@~@What weapon did David use against Goliath ?@~@@~@@~@a sling@~@a knife@~@a spear@~@a sword@~@a@~@1 Samuel 17:40@~@@
930~@2@~@@~@What color was Jesus' hair in@~@Revelation 1 ?@~@@~@red@~@gray@~@white@~@gold@~@c@~@Rev 1:14@~@@
931~@3@~@@~@What did Goliath's coat of armor weigh ?@~@@~@@~@75 pounds or 3000 shekels@~@100 pounds or 4000 shekels@~@125 pounds or 5000 shekels@~@150 pounds or 6000 shekels@~@c@~@1 Samuel 17:5@~@@
932~@2@~@@~@What did Jesus warn the leper@~@He healed NOT to do ?@~@@~@leave town@~@tell anyone@~@give Him money@~@keep it a secret@~@b@~@Mark 1:44@~@@
933~@3@~@@~@In Philippians chapter 4, what does Paul say the@~@Philippian saints are in reference to himself ?@~@@~@his joy and crown@~@his deliverance@~@his comfort@~@his disappointment@~@a@~@Philippians 4:1@~@@
934~@3@~@@~@The vision of Jesus in Revelation@~@showed what coming out of his mouth ?@~@@~@fire@~@judgment@~@double-edged sword@~@blessings@~@c@~@Rev 1:6@~@@
935~@2@~@@~@According to James chapter 2, who has God chosen to@~@be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom which He@~@promised to those who love Him ?@~@the poor@~@the rich@~@the worthless@~@the sinners@~@a@~@James 2:5@~@@
936~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@what foundation are we built upon ?@~@@~@The Law@~@Jesus Christ@~@The Apostles@~@The Prophets@~@b@~@1 Corinthians 3:11@~@@
937~@1@~@@~@In Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the great statue,@~@what was the breast and arms made of ?@~@@~@silver@~@gold@~@bronze@~@iron@~@a@~@Daniel 2:32@~@@
938~@3@~@@~@What did Jacob's sons do after Shechem@~@and his males were circumcised so they@~@would be able to marry into Israel ?@~@murdered all of them@~@held a banquet@~@had a wedding@~@exchanged gifts and daughters@~@a@~@Gen 34:25@~@@
939~@2@~@@~@What direction did the front@~@of the tabernacle point ?@~@@~@east@~@west@~@north@~@south@~@a@~@Numbers 3:38@~@@
940~@2@~@@~@When Joshua sent two spies to spy out Jericho,@~@how did they escape out of the city ?@~@@~@by a rope through a window@~@by a secret tunnel under the wall@~@by floating down the river@~@by hiding in a cart full of straw@~@a@~@Joshua 2:15@~@@
941~@3@~@@~@In Revelation, the letter to the church in@~@Thyatira told them to repent for what sin ?@~@@~@idolatry@~@they were lukewarm@~@unbelief@~@immorality@~@d@~@Revelation 2:21@~@@
942~@1@~@@~@In Mark, what was the reason the@~@Pharisees said it was unlawful@~@for the disciples to pick grain ?@~@it wasn't their field@~@it was the Sabbath@~@they were wasting it@~@they didn't bless it first@~@b@~@Mark 2:24@~@@
943~@1@~@@~@According to the book of 2 Peter,@~@with the Lord, a thousand years is as ...@~@@~@one minute@~@one hour@~@one day@~@one year@~@c@~@2 Peter 3:8@~@@
944~@1@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@of faith, hope, and love, which is greatest ?@~@@~@all are equal@~@faith@~@hope@~@love@~@d@~@1 Corinthians 13:13@~@@
945~@1@~@Complete this verse from 1 John :@~@How great is the love the Father has lavished@~@on us, that we should be called ...@~@@~@God's angels@~@the holy ones@~@the righteous@~@children of God@~@d@~@1 John 3:1@~@@
946~@2@~@@~@How did Rachel, Jacob's wife, die ?@~@@~@@~@she was killed by Shechem for revenge@~@old age@~@she as stoned@~@when giving birth@~@d@~@Gen 35:17@~@@
947~@1@~@@~@What animal did God supply as a@~@burnt offering instead of Isaac ?@~@@~@Bull@~@Ram@~@Goat@~@Ox@~@b@~@Gen 22:13@~@@
948~@1@~@@~@According to the book of Jude, what two cities@~@are examples to us of what happens when people@~@are sexually immoral and perverse ?@~@Tyre and Sidon@~@Jericho and Gilgal@~@Sodom and Gomorrah@~@Ashtaroth and Hazor@~@c@~@Jude 1:7@~@@
949~@3@~@@~@In Zechariah's vision of the four horns,@~@what had the four horns done ?@~@@~@poured oil on Jerusalem@~@poured oil on Babylon@~@scattered Jerusalem@~@scattered Babylon@~@c@~@Zech 1:19@~@@
950~@2@~@@~@In the Sermon on the Mount,@~@what is promised to those who hunger@~@and thirst for righteousness' sake ?@~@they will see God@~@they will be called the sons of God@~@they will inherit the earth@~@they will be filled@~@d@~@Matthew 5:6@~@@
950~@2@~@@~@Fill in the blank in this verse from Romans :@~@For we know that the law is ____________, but@~@I am of the flesh, sold into bondage to sin.@~@useless@~@of some use@~@no longer valid@~@spiritual@~@d@~@Romans 7:14@~@@
950~@1@~@@~@In the parable of the talents, how many@~@talents did the man who was given one@~@talent have to give back ?@~@one@~@none@~@five@~@two@~@a@~@Matt 25:25@~@@
950~@3@~@@~@Nimrod, the son of Cush, became a mighty one@~@on the earth. Genesis says he was mighty at@~@doing what ?@~@running@~@fighting@~@fishing@~@hunting@~@d@~@Genesis 10:9@~@@
950~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Second Corinthians ?@~@@~@@~@Romans@~@Ephesians@~@Colossians@~@Galatians@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
950~@2@~@@~@What is the first of the ten commandments ?@~@@~@@~@Thou shalt have no other gods before me@~@Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image@~@Honor thy father and thy mother@~@Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy@~@a@~@Exodus 20:3@~@@
950~@3@~@@~@One of the rivers that flowed from the Garden of Eden@~@was called Pishon. It flowed around the land of@~@Havilah. What was found in the land of Havilah ?@~@cedar trees@~@gold@~@the tree of life@~@silver@~@b@~@Genesis 2:11@~@@
951~@1@~@@~@Where was Jacob wounded when he@~@wrestled with God ?@~@@~@neck@~@hip@~@arm@~@back@~@b@~@Gen 32:25@~@@
952~@3@~@In the book of Judges,@~@after Gideon defeated Midian, what did Gideon ask@~@each of his men to give him from the spoils of the@~@war ?@~@one horse@~@one gold earring@~@one gold neck band from the camels@~@one shekel of gold@~@b@~@Judges 8:24@~@@
953~@1@~@@~@Finish this phrase in Zechariah...@~@... for he who touches you, touches ...@~@@~@the center of the earth@~@the end of the earth@~@the hem of His garment@~@the apple of His eye@~@d@~@Zech 2:8@~@@
954~@2@~@If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;@~@if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing@~@this you will heap something on his head. According@~@to Proverbs, what will you heap on his head ?@~@lice@~@anointing oil@~@ashes@~@burning coals@~@d@~@Proverbs 25:22@~@@
955~@3@~@When a prophet of God came to King Jeroboam, the@~@prophet cried out against the altars which Jeroboam@~@had made. Then King Jeroboam said, "seize him!"@~@What did God do to the evil king ?@~@sent fire from heaven to consume him@~@withered his hand to cripple him@~@opened the earth to swallow him@~@sent a blinding light to blind him@~@b@~@1 Kings 13:4@~@@
956~@2@~@According to 1 Corinthians, God has appointed in the@~@church first apostles, second _____________, third@~@teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing,@~@helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.@~@evangelists@~@pastors@~@prophets@~@elders@~@c@~@1 Corinthians 12:28@~@@
956~@3@~@@~@What filled the seven golden bowls that@~@were given to the seven angels of@~@Revelation 15 ?@~@the wrath of God@~@the blood of the saints@~@the blessing of God@~@glory of God@~@a@~@Rev 15:7@~@@
957~@1@~@@~@When King David was on his death bed, what did his@~@son, Adonijah, do ?@~@@~@tried to kill Zadok@~@tried to kill David@~@tried to become the king@~@tried to become the general@~@c@~@1 Kings 1:5@~@@
958~@2@~@@~@During the transfiguration, what@~@were Moses and Elijah doing ?@~@@~@bowing low before Jesus@~@talking to Jesus@~@worshipping Jesus from a distance@~@standing still facing the disciples@~@b@~@Matt 17:3@~@@
959~@1@~@@~@How many times did Peter deny@~@that he knew Jesus ?@~@@~@three times@~@never@~@only once@~@two times@~@a@~@Luke 22:34@~@@
960~@1@~@In the book of 1 John, there are three things listed@~@that are from the world. Two of the worldly things@~@are as follows: The lust of the eyes. The boastful@~@pride of life. What is the other worldly thing ?@~@wealth@~@strong wine@~@the lust of the flesh@~@gangs@~@c@~@1 John 2:16@~@@
961~@2@~@@~@How did Nehemiah protect those who were@~@rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem ?@~@@~@he hired an army@~@he made them work at night@~@they kept a sword at their side@~@he paid the enemy in gold@~@c@~@Nehemiah 4:18@~@@
962~@1@~@@~@How many times did the Apostle Paul ask@~@God to take away the thorn in his flesh ?@~@@~@none@~@one@~@three@~@seven@~@c@~@2 Corinthians 12:8@~@@
963~@1@~@@~@What special understanding did Daniel have in@~@addition to all of his other gifts of wisdom ?@~@@~@He understood military strategy@~@He understood visions and dreams@~@He understood commerce@~@He understood men's hearts@~@b@~@Daniel 1:17@~@@
964~@3@~@@~@In the book of Judges, after Gideon defeated Midian,@~@what did Gideon make from the gold he took from the@~@Midianites as the spoil of war ?@~@a gold idol@~@a gold shield@~@a gold ephod@~@a gold helmet@~@c@~@Judges 8:27@~@@
965~@3@~@@~@After God spared Nineveh, He told Jonah that the@~@people of Nineveh didn't know the difference@~@between ...@~@their left and right hand@~@good and evil@~@war and peace@~@life and death@~@a@~@Jonah 4:11@~@@
966~@3@~@@~@In the book of 3 John, who was gossiping@~@maliciously about John ?@~@@~@Gaius@~@Diotrephes@~@Demetrius@~@Philemon@~@b@~@3 John 1:9@~@@
967~@1@~@@~@How old was Jesus when he was@~@crucified ?@~@@~@early 20's@~@early 30's@~@late 30's@~@early 40's@~@b@~@History@~@@
968~@2@~@@~@According to 2 Timothy, in a large house there@~@are not only vessels of gold and silver,@~@but also of what ?@~@iron and bronze@~@hay and stubble@~@iron and stone@~@wood and clay@~@d@~@2 Timothy 2:20@~@@
969~@1@~@@~@God changed Jacob's name to ...@~@@~@@~@Laban@~@Joseph@~@Israel@~@Joshua@~@c@~@Gen 32:28@~@@
970~@2@~@@~@When Elijah was hiding by the brook Kerith, the brook@~@dried up because of the drought. To whom did the Lord@~@send Elijah for food and water ?@~@King Ahab@~@Obadiah@~@the priests of Baal@~@a widow@~@d@~@1 Kings 17:9@~@@
971~@2@~@@~@Who stood on Mt. Zion with the@~@144,000 in Revelation 14 ?@~@@~@the great dragon@~@the 2 witnesses@~@the woman@~@the Lamb@~@d@~@Rev. 14:1@~@@
972~@1@~@@~@How did the Lord know which houses the@~@Israelites lived in when He destroyed@~@all of the first-born in Egypt ?@~@blood on the roofs@~@blood on the doors@~@blood on the front steps@~@blood on the door frames@~@d@~@Exodus 12:22@~@@
973~@2@~@@~@How long did the mother of Moses hide@~@him from the Egyptians before she put@~@him in the basket in the Nile ?@~@1 month@~@1 year@~@3 months@~@7 months@~@c@~@Exodus 2:2@~@@
974~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel 37, the prophet is to take two sticks,@~@one for Judah and one for Joseph. What is Ezekiel@~@told to do with these two sticks ?@~@join them into one stick@~@break them into many sticks@~@burn the sticks@~@throw them to the wind@~@a@~@Ezekiel 37:17@~@@
975~@3@~@@~@In the book of Haggai, when the remnant were@~@rebuilding the house of the Lord, the Lord said,@~@"The glory of this latter house will be ...@~@equal to the glory of the former house@~@greater than the glory of the former house@~@less than the glory of the former house@~@insignificant compared to the former house@~@b@~@Haggai 2:9@~@@
975~@2@~@@~@What did John the Baptist eat ?@~@@~@@~@cactus@~@wild goats@~@locusts and wild honey@~@unleavened bread@~@c@~@Matt 3:4@~@@
975~@3@~@@~@What is the eighth of the ten commandments ?@~@@~@@~@Thou shalt not covet@~@Thou shalt not steal@~@Thou shalt not commit adultery@~@Thou shalt not kill@~@b@~@Exodus 20:15@~@@
975~@2@~@@~@After Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit,@~@what did God say to Adam ?@~@@~@you shall never come near to Me again@~@all mankind will suffer on the earth@~@you will fight and struggle on the earth@~@in toil you shall eat of the ground@~@d@~@Genesis 3:17@~@@
975~@2@~@@~@What book of the Bible comes after Second John ?@~@@~@@~@Jude@~@Revelation@~@James@~@Third John@~@d@~@The Bible@~@@
976~@2@~@@~@Complete this verse in Romans chapter 8 :@~@For all who are being led by the Spirit of God are ...@~@@~@servants of God@~@sons of God@~@slaves of God@~@chosen of God@~@b@~@Romans 8:14@~@@
976~@3@~@@~@The Lord says in Joel that He will pour out His Spirit@~@on all mankind and your young men will ...@~@@~@prophesy@~@dream dreams@~@see visions@~@sing a new song@~@c@~@Joel 2:28@~@@
977~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel's vision of the four wheels,@~@the wheels appeared as if ...@~@@~@they were different sizes@~@they were a wheel within a wheel@~@they were motionless@~@they were contrary to one another@~@b@~@Ezekiel 1:16@~@@
978~@2@~@@~@When the Lord called Gideon to deliver Israel from the@~@Midianites, he wanted assurance that the Lord was@~@with him. How did Gideon test the Lord ?@~@he built an altar and sacrificed a bull@~@he put out a fleece@~@he cut down the Asherah idol@~@he cut down the altar of Baal@~@b@~@Judges 6:37@~@@
979~@2@~@@~@Where does Israel get most of its@~@water from ?@~@@~@The Red Sea@~@The Dead Sea@~@The Sea of Galilee@~@The Euphrates River@~@c@~@geography@~@@
980~@3@~@@~@When Ananias, the high priest, ordered the@~@apostle Paul struck in the mouth,@~@what did Paul call him ?@~@a hypocrite@~@a whitewashed wall@~@a son of the devil@~@a heathen dog@~@b@~@Acts 23:3@~@@
981~@1@~@According to the book of James, what is@~@pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive,@~@full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere ?@~@@~@the tongue@~@the spirit of man@~@the wisdom from above@~@the soul of man@~@c@~@James 3:17@~@@
982~@2@~@@~@According to 1 Corinthians,@~@what is the sting of death ?@~@@~@hell@~@sin@~@hopelessness@~@darkness@~@b@~@1 Corinthians 15:56@~@@
982~@2@~@@~@What did the bridegroom say to the@~@foolish virgins after they came late@~@and the door was shut ?@~@it's too late@~@wait until morning@~@I don't know you@~@go buy more oil@~@c@~@Matt 25:12@~@@
983~@3@~@@~@What did David do with the young man that brought@~@him the news of Saul and Jonathan's death ?@~@@~@had him killed@~@gave him a sword@~@made him a captain in the army@~@gave him 100 shekels of silver@~@a@~@2 Samuel 1:15@~@@
984~@1@~@@~@Complete this verse from Ecclesiastes ...@~@Vanity of vanities! Vanity of vanities!@~@All is ...@~@lost@~@wanting@~@vanity@~@worthless@~@c@~@Ecclesiastes 1:2@~@@
985~@2@~@In the book of Judges,@~@when Deborah and Barak defeated the Canaanite army@~@commanded by Sisera, Sisera fled to the tent of Jael@~@to hide. What did Jael do with Sisera ?@~@hid him from Barak@~@disguised him so he could escape@~@gave him a horse so he could escape@~@killed him@~@d@~@Judges 4:21@~@@
986~@3@~@@~@In the book of Revelation, what was promised@~@to the overcomers in the church of Smyrna ?@~@@~@they would eat of the tree of life@~@they would not be hurt by the second death@~@they would be made pillars in the temple@~@they would sit with Jesus on the throne@~@b@~@Revelation 2:11@~@@
987~@2@~@@~@Which Old Testament prophet did Jesus@~@give the Pharisees as a sign ?@~@@~@Jonah@~@Isaiah@~@Moses@~@Joel@~@a@~@Matt 12:39@~@@
988~@2@~@@~@Who raised Esther and was@~@also her cousin ?@~@@~@Hanan@~@Mordecai@~@Ahaz@~@Josiah@~@b@~@Esther 2:5@~@@
989~@3@~@When the kings of the Amorites joined together to fight@~@against Gibeon, Joshua went to the aid of Gibeon. The@~@Lord joined the battle and killed more of the enemy than@~@the Israelites did. How did the Lord kill the enemy ?@~@fire fell from heaven@~@large hailstones fell from heaven@~@the earth opened up and swallowed them@~@the Lord caused them to fight each other@~@b@~@Joshua 10:11@~@@
990~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the talents,@~@the talents were given to each man according to ...@~@@~@lots@~@his own ability@~@his own good works@~@his own investment opportunity@~@b@~@Matthew 25:15@~@@
990~@2@~@When Ezra left Babylon to go to Jerusalem,@~@he had much silver and gold that was donated@~@to the rebuilding of the temple. What did he@~@do for protection for the long journey ?@~@asked the king for soldiers@~@armed his own men as guards@~@proclaimed a fast@~@sent the riches a different way@~@c@~@Ezra 8:21@~@@
991~@1@~@According to the book of James, all kinds of@~@animals, birds, reptiles, and creatures of@~@the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by@~@man, but no man can tame ...@~@the devil@~@the soul@~@the tongue@~@the spirit@~@c@~@James 3:7@~@@
992~@3@~@When the sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest,@~@tried to cast an evil spirit out of someone by@~@saying "I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches",@~@what happened ?@~@the evil spirit leaped on them@~@the evil spirit was cast out@~@the evil spirit ignored them@~@the evil spirit killed them@~@a@~@Acts 19:16@~@@
993~@3@~@@~@About what year did John write@~@the book of Revelation ?@~@@~@50 A.D.@~@70 A.D.@~@95 A.D.@~@115 A.D.@~@c@~@History@~@@
994~@3@~@@~@In Ezekiel, the Lord says that when a false prophet@~@builds a wall, he covers it with ...@~@@~@paint@~@curtains@~@bronze@~@whitewash@~@d@~@Ezekiel 13:10@~@@
995~@3@~@In the book of Judges, when Israel was serving Eglon,@~@king of Moab, the Lord raised up Ehud to deliver Israel.@~@What does the book of Judges say was special about@~@Ehud, from the tribe of Benjamin ?@~@he was left handed@~@he was blind in his left eye@~@he had his left hand cut off in battle@~@he could not hear out of his left ear@~@a@~@Judges 3:15@~@@
996~@2@~@@~@In Ezekiel's prophecy against Gog, where is Gog@~@located with respect to Israel ?@~@@~@remote parts of the south@~@remote parts of the east@~@remote parts of the north@~@remote parts of the west@~@c@~@Ezekiel 38:15@~@@
997~@2@~@@~@In the parable of the workers in the@~@vineyard, how much money did the workers@~@get paid ?@~@one drachma@~@two denarii@~@one denarius@~@100 denarii@~@c@~@Matt 20:2@~@@
998~@3@~@@~@The church in Philippi that Paul wrote one@~@letter to was in what present day country ?@~@@~@Turkey@~@Syria@~@Italy@~@Greece@~@d@~@Geography@~@@
998~@1@~@@~@What is the street in the New Jerusalem made of ?@~@@~@@~@pure water@~@pure gold@~@pure silver@~@precious stones@~@b@~@Rev 21:21@~@@
999~@1@~@@~@Where was the apostle Paul when he wrote Ephesians ?@~@@~@@~@Ephesus@~@Jerusalem@~@Rome@~@Corinth@~@c@~@Church History@~@@
1000~@1@~@@~@According to Galatians,@~@the righteous man shall live by ...@~@@~@good works@~@discipline@~@faith@~@the law@~@c@~@Galatians 3:11@~@@